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1、The Beauty of Writing Why is writing so tough? Input Output 高考作文高分卷的特点 n外在美:第一印象很重要!书写清 楚,字母匀称,词、行间距适当, 卷面整洁。 n结构美:有合理的段落层次,多为 3段式,条理清晰;每段有每段的 主题。 n词汇美:词汇反映你知识贮存量的多少 ,也是衡量英语水平的一个重要标志。 likebe fond of,be addicted to/ helpdo sb a favor n句式美:运用得当的高级句式结构可以 给文章增色不少,从而使整篇文章因此 而生辉 。 n衔接美:使用恰当的连接词,对写一篇 有“英语味

2、”的文章很重要,能使文章上 下衔接自然、条理清晰。 你校英语社团部要组织一次英语赛 , 就“是否应该缩短中学生在校时间为8小 时”这一论题进行辩论,请你作为正方代表 ,写一份发言稿,内容要点如下:1.保证充 足睡眠 2. 提高学习效率 3. 增加自主学习时 间 注意: 1.词数100左右2.可以适当增加细 节,以使行文连贯 3. 辩论稿的开头已为你 写好(不计入总词数)。 As a senior high student, I strongly recommend that 语法篇 这第一句写的 I strongly recommend that This is right we as a s

3、enior high student. I strongly recommend that should shorten school time into eight hours. 你再看这开头 I strongly recommend that the time students devoted to studying in school should be reduced to eight hours a day. The main reasons accounting for it are as follows. 这动词错的 Short students time in school c

4、an have a good effect on study, it can important for students study xiaolu, and increase students own time. 原来改书面表达就是 改错 In my opinion, we must have enough time to study, but we also should keep enough time to relax and sleep, either of them are important. Because of we have time to relax, we can st

5、udy energetic. Reduce study time also can improve the quality of our school life. 这词汇 你再看这词汇 欣赏一下这篇文 章的句式结构 If equal amount of work have to be accomplished with a declined school time, study efficiently is expected to be enhanced. Moreover, extra- curricular time will make up more of the students sc

6、hedule. That is to say, chances are we can make a better use of our time. 卷面篇 养眼的 当批到下午两点看 到了它们 太挤了 太乱了 太空了 太潦草了 太花了 太没谱了 太没脸了 老师最恨的作文 大锅,标点呢?段呢 ? 姐,你长发及腰的字体 难掩你每句都错的事实 啊! 神,你别抄阅读理解行不 ?俺们也会看试卷的! 老师最喜欢的作文 Great minds think alike! 一点提示 好练的字 笔 笔 过长 答题不可越界 作文五档:( 从教师阅卷印象角度划分 ) n漂漂亮亮 (2125分) n有模有样 (1620分

7、) n马马虎虎 (1115分) n稀里糊涂 (610分) n一塌糊涂 (05分) Three Rules: n1.You learn to write by writing. n2. There is no good writing; only good rewriting. n3. When in dout, refer to Rule No. 1 and 2. Five Steps: nAnalyze the writing task. nOrganize it. nDraft. nRevise. nEdit. 高考英语写作中怎样使用复杂结构 1.适当的语态 2.使用不定式 3.使用过去分

8、词 4.使用V.+ing形式 5.使用名词性从句 6.使用定语从句 7.使用虚拟语气 8.使用倒装句,感叹句 怎样运用复杂结构: 怎样运用复杂结构: 1.主动转被动 People suggest that the conference be put off. (一般) that the conference be put off. (高 级) The advisor is expected to work 4 hours a week . We expect the advisor to work 4 hours a week . It is suggested 2. 使用不定式 3. 使用过

9、去分词 In order to earn money by myself and broaden my horizons She walked out of the room and many students followed her. (一般) , she walked out of the room . (高级) ,I intend to look for a part-time job as a salesman. (为了独立赚钱和拓宽视野) Followed by many students 4. 使用v-ing形式 2) , Ill visit some famous scenic

10、 spots such as Mount Tai during the vacation.(天气允许的话) 1)Now our school has three teachers. They teach 48 pupils. (一般) Now our School has three teachers, Weather permitting teaching 48 pupils. 伴随状语 What is the most important is that 5. 使用名词性从句 2. I can help children improve their English.(最为重 要的是) 1.

11、I am sorry. I didnt reply without delay. I am sorry that I didnt reply without delay. 6. 使用定语从句 1)The girl is spoken highly of. Her composition was well written. (一般) The girl was highly spoken of. (高级) 2)maybe I will work as a volunteer for a school as a teaching assistant_.(这将丰富我 的生活) which is abl

12、e to enrich my life. which will make my life colorful. whose composition was well written enriching my life 7. 使用虚拟语气 我相信如果你是我,你也会做出同样的 选择。 I believe that if you were me, you would make the same choice. 8. 使用倒装句、感叹句 earn money by myself, but also it will broaden my horizons. (我不仅能独立赚钱) 1. I would re

13、ad and reply your email as soon as I received it. (我多么希望) 2. not only but also引起的倒装 How I wish Not only can I 高考英语写作中要学会使用恰当的关联词 III.常用的连接词 1. 表示递进;在同一话题上补充内容 另外,还有:whats more; besides; also; moreover; in addition 2. 表示转折关系 但是, 然而, 相反:but; however; yet; instead; on the other hand; on the contrary. 3

14、. 表示因果关系 因为,因此,所以: since; as; because (of ); so; thus; therefore; as a result; 4. 表示条件关系 如果,只要: if ;on condition ( that ); as long as 除非: unless 否则: or else 5. 表示时间关系 当 的时候 : when ; while 在之后: after 在之前: before 直到: until 直到才: notuntil 一就 : as soon as 后来, 然后: later; afterwards 不久: soon 近来: lately; recently 自从 :since 从那时起: from then on 6. 表示特定的顺序关系 首先:firstly 最主要的: above all 其次: secondly 然后: then; next 最后: finally; in the end 7. 换一种方法表述 换句话说: in other words;


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