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1、- - . - 20172018学年八年级英语上册第一月考测试 时间:100分钟 总分:100分 得分:一、 单项选择:(20分,每小题1分)1. Whatareyougoingtogiveyourmotherforherbirthday? Imnotsure.ButIllbuyher _.A.somethingspecial B.anythingspecial C.specialsomething D.specialanything 2. -Do you have _to say for yourself? -No, I have _to say. A. something; everyth

2、ing B. nothing; something C. everything; anything D. anything; nothing3. There is _ wrong with his eyes. He cant see things clearly. A. something B. anything C. nothing D. everything4. -_ was your vacation? - It _ exciting. A. How; were B.What; were C. How; was D. What; was 5. I dont want to go to t

3、he museum, its too_. A. relaxing B. boring C. bored D. beautiful 6. I didnt go to the mountains _the bad weather. A. so B. because of C. because D. but7. Do you enjoy _ photos? A. to take B. take C. taking D. takes8. Yesterday afternoon, we _to the park. A. went B. go C. goes D. goed9. Its cold, so

4、we decided _at home. A. stay B. to stay C. staying D. stayed10. She didnt _ me about it. A. told B. tell C. telling D. tells11. Although he is very old, _ he works very hard.A. so B. but C. and D. /12. Xiao Zhang _ watches TV. He likes going online.A. hard ever B. hardly ever C. doesnt hard ever D.

5、doesnt hardly ever13. Here _ the results _ the students activity survey.A. is; with B. are; of C. is; of D. are; with 14. My parents are in good _. They are pretty _. A. health; health B. healthy; healthy C. health; healthy D. healthy; health15. Its good _ your health _.A. for; to drink milk B. for;

6、 drink milk C. of; drink milk D. of; to drink milk16. I usually go to the movies _ a month.A. twice B. twice time C. two times D. twice times17. _do they play football? Sometimes.A. How soon B. How much C. How many D. How often18. His mother wants him _ at home today.A. stays C. stayed C. to stay D.

7、 staying19. My grandfather _ ten years ago.A. dead B. die C. death D. died20. Eighty percent of the teachers _ women teachers in our school.A. is B. are C. be D. was二、完形填空: (10分,每小题1分)Molly spent her summer vacation in China with her parents last year. They visited a lot of famous _21_, such as Beij

8、ing, Guangzhou and Shanghai. She _22_ Beijing for a week. She _23_ the Palace Museum, the Great Wall, Tianan Men Square _24_ the Summer Palace. They _25_ went to the zoos and the parks._26_ was cloudy, but not rainy, so it _27_ not too hot. They _28_ great fun playing in the zoos and the parks. Moll

9、y learnt a lot _29_ Chinese history. She said, “It is interesting to visit China. I _30_ China very much.”21. A. parks B. gardens C. cities D. countries22. A. stayed B. stayed in C. lived D. lived at23. A. made B. cried C. felt D. visited24. A. and B.Or C. But D. until25. A. too B. either C. so D. a

10、lso26. A. It B. This C. That D. They27. A. is B. are C. were D. was28. A. have B. did C. had D. do29. A. about B. at C. for D. in30. A. hope B. visit C. like D. decide三、阅读理解:(30分,每小题2分)ALiu Xiang is a famous runner in the world. He was the winner(获胜者) of the Athens Olympics(雅典奥运会) . The Chinese peop

11、le are proud (自豪) of him. He is a hard-working young man. He is still strong and healthy. Why is he in good health? He usually gets up early in the morning and exercises every day. He likes listening to music and he sings well. He has good eating habits. He never eats junk food and hardly ever smokes and drinks. He goes to bed early and sleeps 8 hours every night. He often says, “It is important(重要) for health to have a good lifestyle.” 根据短文,判断对错。对的写T,错的写F. 31. Liu Xiang is a singer. ( ) 32. He never wins the Olympics. ( )33. He doesnt have a health



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