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1、word格式高中英语导学案范例 高一英语导学案必修二 Unit4 Wildlife protectionPeriod1 Reading (How Daisy Learned To Help Wildlife)Learning aims: 1. To improve the ability of reading2. To learn about some endangered animalsLearning important points: To analyze the whole text and know about structure and the main idea of the t

2、extLearning difficult points: To grasp the two reading techniques:1. 略读或浏览阅读;2. 扫描式阅读Learning guide: Read , copy and reciteLearning procedures and ways:Step1: Try to remember the new words as quickly as possible (温馨提示:说一千,道一万 记住单词是关键!)1. Read and recite new words and phrases from wildlife to bite th

3、ree times. (方法导引:按音标正确读,背单词和短语) (A级)2.Copy the new words and phrases from wildlife to bite three times in your exercise books(方法引导:汉语只需抄一遍;抄写后应会默写这些单词和短语) (A级)3. 根据所给词首字母及中文释义写出各单词的完整形式(方法引导: 默写单词, 然后核对答案, 用红色笔写出正确答案并在再加以巩固)(A级)1) w_ (n.野生动植物) 2) i_ (n. 收入)3) z_ (n.地域;地带) 4) s_ ( adj.安全的;可靠的)5) r _

4、(vi. 回答;响应 ) 6) d_ (adj.远处的)7) f _ (n.毛皮;毛 ) 8) r_ (n.减轻或解除 )9) l _ (n.笑;笑声) 10) m_( n. 仁慈;怜悯)11) c_ (adj. 确定的;某一;一定) 12)i_ (n. 重要性)13)r_ (vt 摩擦 ) 14)m_( n. 蚊子)15)i_ ( n.昆虫 ) 16)e_ (vt. 雇佣;利用)17)c_ (vt.包含;容纳 ) 18)p_(adj. 强大的;有力的)19)a_ (n. 关注 ) 20)a_( vt. 感激 )21)p_ ( n.保护 ) 22)w_ (a的;野的)23)d_ (vi . v

5、t. 减少) 24)l_(n. 损失)25)r_ (n.保护区 ) 26)h_ (vt.猎取;搜寻)27)c_ (n.地毯 )28)s_ (vi. 成功 ) 29)h_ 损害;危害 30) b _ ( vt.咬;叮)31)a_( vt. 影响 感动)32). 结果_33)处于危险中_34)在地球上_ 35)关注_36) 对有影响_37 )灭绝 _ 38)保护免受_39) 保护 区_ 40)平静地 _Step2:Look through the text HOW DAISY LEARNED TO HELP WILDLIFE and get the main idea of it. (方法引导:略

6、读或浏览阅读,忽略不懂的句子和生词,快速阅读课文。目的只是为了了解阅读材料的内容大意,不求甚解。题目的作用不可忽略。)思考问题:Whats the main idea of the text?学习反思:Can you get the main idea by yourself? Have you learned how to get the main idea of this kind of passage?Step3:Skim the reading passage and then fill in the following chart.(方法引导:采用扫描式阅读进行有目的的阅读)(B级)

7、Type of writing and summary of the ideaHOW DAISY LEARNED TO HELP WILDLIFEType of writingIdea of 1st paragraphIdea of 2nd and 3rd paragraphsIdea of 4th paragraphStep4:疑难破解:(方法引导:结构复杂的句子是影响阅读理解的主要因素之一。 弄懂复杂句的关键是先找到句子主干, 然后理清其余句子结构。 尝试分析下面复杂句的结构并译成汉语.)(B级)1.Please take me to a distant land where I can

8、find the animal that gave fur to make this sweater.2.There Daisy saw an antelope looking sad.3.I wonder what is being done to help you.4.The flying carpet travelled so fast that next minute they were Zimbabwe.5.It contains a powerful drug which affects mosquitoes.6.You should pay more attention to t

9、he rainforest where I live and appreciate how the animals live together.7.No rainforest, no animals, no drugs.Step4: Try to solve any other problems you may have by discussing with your classmates or consulting your teacher. Make sure you understand everything in the text.Step5: Listen to the tape a

10、nd read the text aloud, paying attention to your pronunciation and intonation. (方法引导:多听磁带,提高语音语调)Step6:Retell the text (B级)One day, Daisy _ a strange dream. She flew in a wonderful _ to _ with an _ in Tibet. The antelope told her they were hunted because of their_ which can be used to make _ like he

11、rs. In three years they may all be _ . Later, she _ to Zimbabwe where she talked with an _ and got to know the farmers there no longer _ them. Thats because the _ decided to help and the farmers finally made a lot of _ . At last she _ at the thick rain _ where a monkey told her “ No rain forest, no

12、_ and no _.” Although finally everything was _, she had _ soStep7:Deal with the language points appearing in the text ) (方法引导:看会并记住语言点的用法)1. protect vt. sth. from/against保护避免Hes wearing the sunglasses to protect his eyes from/against the strong sunshine.2 as a result 结果 A句.As a result, B句.I got up l

13、ate this morning. As a result, I could catch the first bus.as a result of= because of 为介词词组,不能引导句子。He was late as a result of getting up late.3. die out灭亡;逐渐消失4.peace n. peaceful adj. peacefully=in peace adv.The Chinese live in peace after liberation.5 in danger- out of danger6.The little girl is in danger because she has fallen into the river. However, she is out of danger now with the help of the army.7.contain vt.包含 This book contains information that you need.容纳 This room can



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