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1、2017年初中英语复习交流,书面表达,一、学生写作时的常见问题,1.审题不清,文体不对 2.要点不全,条理不清楚 3. 离题细节过多,文章冗长 4.语法错误(名词单复数,动词时态语态,代词、介词的使用,主谓一致,中式英语现象) 5.单词拼写错误 6. 书写不规范,卷面不整洁,满分率低,普遍学生得分率较低,怎么办?,一、日常教学中自己写作教学的感悟与尝试,三、书面表达的复习建议,二、近年书面表达的简要分析,四、高频话题写作指导,日常教学中自己写作教学的感悟与尝试,英语课程标准规定:初中毕业生英语写作技能要达到能够运用所学语言知识与技能进行信息沟通、再现生活经历、描述周围事物、发表意见和观点的能力

2、。,一、英语课程标准对英语写作技能的要求,(一)、活用教材的素材,培养学生创造性思维。 (二)、增加积累,要求学生收集在平时的阅读 中摘录好词好句。 (三)、 加大课外阅读量。,二、写作教学的感悟与尝试,(一).活用教材的素材,培养学生创造性思维,1在听“Listening”的过程中提高写作能力,听是语言的输入,写是语言的输出。新教材每单元都有大量的听力材料,这为语言的输出做好了铺垫。在听力教学中,可以让学生复述听力材料,同时还让他们写在作文本上,也可以自己设计写作任务,请学生根据听力内容进行写作(编对话、作报告等方式)。,“以听促写”,例如:Unit6 Im going to study c

3、omputer science(八年级 上 Section A 1b)),Girl: What do you want to be when you grow up? Cheng Han : I want to be a teacher. Girl: Are you going to move to Beijing? Cheng Han: No, Im going to move to Shang Hai. Girl: And how are you going to become a teacher? Cheng Han: Well, Im going to learn how to tea

4、ch children. Girl: When are you going to do start? Cheng Han: Im going to finish high school and college first.,例如:Unit6 Im going to study computer science(八年级 上 Section A 1b)),Why,在听完听力后,老师可设计简单的任务: My dream,I am going to be a teacher when I grow up. Because I love children very much, I believe I c

5、an get on with them. I will teach them how to read carefully and how to play happily. I think its very happy to stay with children. How am I going to be a teacher? First :I must study hard and do well in all my lessons at school. Second: when I finish high school and college ,I am going to learn how

6、 to teach children. Shanghai is a beautiful city, I am going to move to Shanghai. I am looking forward to achieving my beautiful dream.,2在说“Speaking”的过程中提高写作能力,学生口语句型结构和表达方法是他们学习写作的基础。在对话的教学中,除了听录音、对话、表演和编写相似的对话外,还可以要求学生把对话改写成一段短文,这样就要求学生在变成短文的过程中,注意时态、语态、人称和前后的逻辑关系,从而为写作打下基础.,“以说促写”,例如:八年级上Unit1( S

7、ection A 2d对话), Lisa告诉Mandy自己玩了长时间电脑感到不适,然后Mandy给出建议,在对此对话的认真学习之后, 教师应有意识地设计小作文: 你的朋友Jack由于长时间玩电脑游戏,现在头痛、眼睛不舒服、腰背酸痛,并且睡不好觉。写一篇短文介绍一下他的情况,并给出你对他的建议。,Jack is my friend. He likes playing computer games very much. He often sits in the same way for too long without moving. Now he has a headache, sore eye

8、s and a sore back. He doesnt sleep well at night, so he feels tired every day. I think he should take breaks away from the computer. He shouldnt use the computer for a long time. He should do eye exercises to relax his eyes .And he should go to bed early at night. I think if he has a good rest, he w

9、ill feel well soon.,3在读“Reading”的过程中提高写作能力,“以读促写”,(1)仿写,(2)续写,方法一:精复习,巧仿写,方法二:重复述,巧仿写,写“读后感”,迁移新话题,阅读中提高写作能力,T:When did the story happen ? S:At 9:00 am. T:Where did the story happen? S:On Zhuanghua Road T:Who was in the story? S: The bus driver, passenger, an old man , a woman T:What happened to the

10、 old men? S: The old man had a heart problem and should go to the hospital. T: What did the bus driver do ? S: The bus driver saw an old man lying on the side of the road, he stopped without thinking twice. He expected the passengers to get offThe passenger agreed to go with him. Some passengers hel

11、ped him to move the man onto the bus T:How was the result? S:With the help of the bus driver and the passengers. the old man was saved on time by the doctor.,首先,结合教材设计了revision环节,将本节写作课所涉及的“5W,1H”句式和写作所需素材进行了高强度快节奏的问答操练,让学生尽可能地获取下阶段写作教学中所需的信息,完成“输出”前的“输入” 。,(1)仿写,方法一:精复习,巧仿写,例如八年级下册Section A 3a谈论一名司

12、机及时救一位老人的故事。,其次,带着学生一起对刚才的revision环节进行梳理总结,与学生一起将刚才凌乱的字词、句子串起来形成了如下材料 : At 9:00 am yesterday,the bus driver saw an old man lying on the side of the road when he went along Zhuanghua Road.,最后,引导学生变换人称,进行整体感知,反复朗读。 My father is a bus driver. His name is Wang ping. He is a kind man, He always likes hel

13、ping others. At 9:00 am yesterday ,he saw an old man lying on the road when he was going along.He stopped.got off and askedhe knewtoldexpectedagreed with,方法二:重复述,巧仿写,教师可以要求学生开展“复述接力”活动,通过这一系列活动,学生理解并掌握了文章中的重点单词、词组和句法的用法。 “复述接力”: At 9:00 a.m yesterday,the bus driver saw an old man lying on the side o

14、f the road when he went along Zhuanghua Road. 让学生根据要求对原文从不同角度、不同人称、不同活动形式进行再创造, 这是培养学生写作能力的一条有效途径。 My father is a bus driver. His name is Wang ping. He is a kind man, he always likes helping others. At 9:00 am yesterday ,he saw an old man lying on the road when he was going along.He stopped.got off

15、and askedhe knewtoldexpectedagreed with,在阅读教学中, 可以让学生记录下复述课文的内容、 写 “读后感” 等,通过本单元的话题讨论来提升,深化学生的写作能力。 From the story , I was deeply moved .,(2)续写,迁移新的话题 Helping others makes me happy,Should we help them when people need help?,选自学生作业,Should we help them when people need help?,选自学生作业,4.利用图片“picture”培养学生

16、发散思维能力 (讨论-分组写作-小组间的互改-展示 ) 本教材图文并茂, 材料丰富, 借助于每个单元相关话题中的图片来激发了学生用口、笔来表达思想的欲望。教师可以让学生先看课本上的图片进行分组讨论,然后进行完整的复述,最后,让每个人写出相应的作文。,A:You dont look well. Your face looks a bit red. B: Yeah, and my head feels very hot. What should I do? A: Maybe you have a fever. You should take your temperature. B: Yes, youre right.,should 应该 情态动词,后接动 词原形,Conversation 1,友谊类:A friend is easier lost than found. A friend in need is a fr



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