五年级上册英语教案-Unit1 Goldilocks and the three bears Story time |译林版(三起) (1)

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五年级上册英语教案-Unit1 Goldilocks and the three bears Story time |译林版(三起) (1)_第1页
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1、课题:Unit1 Goldilocks and the three bears 第 1 课时【教学目标】(知识与技能、过程与方法、情感态度与价值观三类目标)1.能够听懂、会说、会读故事中出现的词汇Goldilocks, bear, forest, house, soup, hard, soft, afraid, just right, in front of 2. 能够听懂、会说、会读句型There is There are 并理解句型的意思3. 能够听懂、会说、会读日常用语:What a beautiful! This is too4. 学生能够阅读并理解故事5.学生能够在理解的基础上表演出

2、故事6.学生能够改编故事并试着表演出来。7.让学生体会到阅读故事的乐趣,培养学生阅读的兴趣。【教学重点、难点】重点:1.能够从整体上阅读故事并理解故事2.能够语音语调正确地朗读故事、复述故事。难点:能够根据课文内容创编剧本并表演。【教学准备】1.教师准备:PPT,三副碗勺,熊掌道具,词汇卡和图片,板书2.学生准备:听5遍Story time 录音【教学过程】Step 1 Warm up (Pre-reading)1. Free talk1) GreetingsT: Good morning, boys and girlsWelcome back to school.Ss: Thank you.

3、 T: How are you? S1:Im fine,thank you. And you? T: Im fine, too. T: Are you hot,S2? S2: Yes, I am. 2) T: We had a wonderful summer holiday, yes or no? Ss: Yes. T: So, where did you go in summer? T示范: I went to Beijing and Beidaihe.(呈现旅游图片) What about you? Ss: I went to T: We can go traveling like” D

4、ad, where are we going?”Do you know where they went in this episode(这一集) ?呈现都江堰原始森林图片- Dujiangyan Irrigation System And this is the virgin forest(原始森林)2. Guess and say1) T: 呈现森林图片 This is a forest.Teach: forest (用for + rest以旧引新学习单词)2) T: Is the forest beautiful? Ss: Yes, it is. T: What can you see i

5、n the forest?S1: I can see a S2: I can see some T用There is/ are .来进行转述学生的话。eg. There are many trees in the forest.全班跟读2遍。呈现句型结构T: There is in the forest.There are in the forest. 3) Look and sayWhats in this forest? 让学生模仿例句说说There is/ are 引出Goldilocks以及 houseStep 2 Presentation ( While-reading)1. Wat

6、ch and answerT: Wow, there is a girl in the forest. 学生跟读句子2遍。Who is this girl? -Her name is Goldilocks. Teach: Goldilocks (G-old/ cold+ i)clock 以旧引新来学习新单词 Oh, its so surprising. Goldilocks is in the forest. What else ?Ss: There is a house. Teach: house mouse-houseT:How is the house? Lets listen. (音频

7、:What a beautiful house!)-Its beautiful.T: Now, read it together. (指导朗读)2. T: Whose house is it? S1: Maybe its s house.学生猜一猜。学生看视频然后回答。 Whose house is it?T: OK. Answer my question:Whose house is it? Ss: Its the three bears .学习bear (pear)How do you know?找出关键句-There are three beds in the room. There a

8、re three bears in front of her.学习in front of her 并用事例呈现in front of 的意思:T: Im here.(然后喊一个学生上台)T: S1 is in front of me. (然后再喊一个学生上台)T: S2 is in front of S1. 让学生自己说一说谁在自己的前面。T: Today well read this story Goldilocks and the three bears .(揭题,全班读题目2遍)What will happen ?3. Read and answer1)T: Now please ope

9、n your books and turn to page6, read the story by yourselves. 让学生自读故事回答问题。Picture1:完成填空Goldilocks is in the . There is a .Picture2: Q1:Where is Goldilocks in this picture? -Shes in the house. Q2: How is she? -She is hungry and thirsty. T: Why is she hungry and thirsty? 让学生通过自己发现图片中的钟,回答时间Its twelve

10、. Its time for lunch.-T: Whats in the house then?提示学生用There is / are 回答。There is some soup (on the table).Teach: soup 提示学生注意soup是不可数,some soupHow are they? (PPT显示三碗汤)Lets listen to her. 听录音,然后学生逐一回答。eg. This soup is too cold. 指导学生模仿跟读2遍,重点重复too cold.T: And whats wrong with this soup? (同法读too hot). A

11、nd how about this soup? (Teach: just right)Just在以前小诗里学过(Hello, Mr Fuller/ Is this your ruler?/Its on the floor/ just beside the door)指导学生3句话连在一起读1遍。Can you act out the feelings?Do you want to be Goldilocks and have a try here? 请2-3位学生分别上台模仿表演。Picture3 T:Is Goldilocks hungry and thirsty now? Ss: No.

12、Q: How is Goldilocks now? 看动画回答-She is tired.(贴板书)Q: Whats in this room ?There are three beds( in the room). S1: There are three beds in the room. 指导读2遍。T: Look at the three beds. Are they the same?Ss: No, they arent.T: How is this bed? Listen. 教师敲击讲台。Oh, its very hard. (Teach: hard) park are bar fa

13、rm car What about the second bed? Listen. 播放音频音效。Oh, it is soft. (Teach: soft) 教师拿出道具How is it? 让学生捏一捏试一试并形容:Its soft.T: OK. Look at the picture, if you were Goldilocks, What would you say? S1: This bed is too 学生个别说完,全班跟读三句话。T: And what about the last one?Ss自己说出This bed is just right.T: Then Goldilo

14、cks sleeps in this bed and has a sweet dream. Is she happy? Why?Ss 各抒己见T: She is happy now. But she will not happy next.3) T: What happened?出音效“Help! Help!” The bears come back. They are the owner of the house.Q1: How is she now? -学习Shes afraid. (again)-T: Because there are three bears in front of her. If there is a tiger or a lion in front of you, you must be afraid.Its dangerous. You may shout “Help! Help!” 解释意思。4) T: What did the bears say? Ss: Who are you?让男生和女生分角色读一读最后一幅图,教师指导afraid情绪。4. Look and


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