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1、青少版新概念1A测试题Name姓名_ Scores得分_一、找出下列词的反义词并连线。(每题分,共分)1、fat short 6、hot old2、tall thin 7、young no3、big stupid 8、white cold4、happy small 9、long black5、clever sad 10、yes short 二、单项选择(每题分,共分)( )1、Whats your name?_name is Robert. A. His B. My C. Your( )2、Whats this? _ a silver key.A. Its B. Hes C. Shes( )3

2、、Is Robert happy or _ A. happy B. clever C. sad( )4、Thank you._ A. Youre welcome B. Ok C. Yes.( )5、Who is that girl _the red bicycle. A. in B. on C. at( )6、Where are you from?_ A. Im from America. B. Im ok. C. Im Chinese.( )7、What color is it? _ A. It is green. B. It is sunny day. C. Fine, thanks.(

3、)8、_pen is it? Its Lucys. A. Which B. Whose C. What( )9、Robert isnt very well._A. Thank you. B. Im sorry. C. OK. ( )10、_that young man. A. Look at B. Look on C. Look in三、根据汉语提示从方框中选词完成句子:(每空1分,共10分) green meet name silver in wife favorite busy famous torch1)My _(名字)is William Jenkins.2)Karen is my _

4、(妻子).3)Nice to _(遇见)you.4)Its a _(绿色)hat.5)Its a _(银色)key.6)The boy _(在里) the white car.7)Its my _(最喜爱的)pen.8)The doctor is very _(忙碌的).9)Give me the _(手电筒),please.10)Her mother is a_(著名的)photographer.四、短语/句子英汉互译:(每小题2分,共20分)1)你的钢笔是什么颜色?What color is your _?2)一辆银色的自行车 A _ bicycle.3)Be careful!_4)你是做

5、什么工作的?What _ you _?5)这是什么?Whats _?6)Better safe than sorry._7)Its a wheel. _8)This is my nephew. _9)Whose is this pen? _10)No harm done._五、根据已学课文阅读下面的对话,选择合适的词填空(每小题1分,共10分)Part 1(From Unit6 Lesson 11)Annie: 1_ (Whos/Whats)that girl,Polly?Polly: 2_ (Which boy/Which girl), Annie?Annie: 3_ (A/The)girl

6、 over there.4_ (This short/That tall)girl 5 _(with/on)the Jenkins family.Polly: Oh,thats Claire, our new6_ (girl/neighbour). Shes7_ (a/an)art student.Annie: 8_ (Hes/Shes)a very pretty girl.Polly: Yes,shes9_ (clever/handsome),too. Shes a nice10_ (girl/woman).六、阅读理解,判断对(T)错(F)。(10分)This is my bedroom.

7、I have a small bed.I have nice dream(梦)on it every night(每晚). That is yellow dog.It is under the bed.i have a big desk.I study on it. I read many books. They are on the desk. That is my bag.It is blue and red. Its on the desk,too.Do you like my room?( )1.I have a good dream every night. ( )2.I have a small desk.( )3.The dog is under the desk.( )4.The bag and books are on the desk.( )5.I like football and books.


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