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1、Employment雇用,职业Look for full time employment寻求全职Lose a stable employment丢掉稳定的工作Offer large scale employment提供大规模就业Employment opportunities就业机会Employment market就业市场Employment figures就业指数Contract of employment就业合同Career事业,生涯Pursue medical career从事医学生涯Begin a political career开始政治生涯Give up ones teaching

2、 career放弃教学职业Cut short his military career终止他的军旅生涯Career advice职业咨询Career information 职业信息Career development职业发展During her acting career在她的演艺生涯中The peak of ones career 事业的顶峰Occupation职业,占有Choose a professional occupation选择专业性的职业Resume a dangerous occupation重新干危险的职业Service occupation服务业Skilled occupa

3、tion有技艺的职业Technical occupation技术职业Female occupation女性职业Give up military occupation放弃军人职业Ready for occupation为工作做好准备Unfit for occupation不适合本专业Profession职业,专业Practice teaching profession从事教师职业Enter the legal profession进入法律专业Join the medical profession加入到医学专业A choice of profession 职业选择Inquire 询问,查究Inqu

4、ire where to go 问往哪里走Inquire what to do 问该干什么Inquire at the information desk 在问讯处打听事情Inquire a persons name 问一个人的姓名Inquire about the flights 打听有关航班的情况Inquire after ones health 问候某人的健康情况Inquire into something调查某事Consult 商量,请教Consult a doctor 找医生治病Consult ones lawyer 请教自己的律师Consult a reference book 翻阅

5、参考书Consult a dictionary 查辞典Consult widely about the matter 广泛商量此事Consult adequately with sb. 与某人充分商议Consult for sb.为某人做咨询工作The consulting room 候诊室Register 记录,登记Register at a hotel 在旅店登记Register with the police 在警察局注册Register ones car 注册汽车Register the birth of a child 登记孩子的出生Register a patent 注册专利Reg

6、ister as a student at a university 在大学报到注册Register with the embassy 在大使馆登记Profess Profess medicine 从医Profess the violin 以拉小提琴为生Profess islam 信仰伊斯兰教Profess total ignorance 假装完全不知道Profess oneself ready to do sth.表示愿意做某事Put forward 放出,拿出Put forward a plan 提出建议Put sb. forward as a candidate 推举某认为候选人Put

7、the meeting forward by one hour 把会议提前一小时Put up 抬起,建造Put up ones hand 举手Put up a notice 出个通知Put up a tent 支个帐篷Put up an umbrella 打雨伞Put up a sign 亮出一个标记Put up a fight 进行战斗Put out 伸出,生产Put out a fire 扑灭火Put out the light 关掉电灯Put out the gas 关掉煤气Put ones hand out 伸出手Put out great effort 做出巨大努力Put aside

8、 储存。备用Put aside ones book and picked up a magazine 放下书拿起了杂志Put a tiny sum aside for his retirement 准备一小笔钱为退休后使用Put aside grain as collective reserves 留集体储备粮Put aside their difference 不同意见先放一放Tear 撕破,折磨Tear a piece of paper撕纸Tear ones shirt on the nail 衬衫被扯在钉子上Tear a parcel open 把包裹撕开The explosion to

9、re a hole in the wall 爆炸把墙炸开了一个洞Tear a notice down from the board 把通知从广告牌上撕下来Tear sth . up 把某物撕碎Wasted 浪费,消耗Cant afford to waste time 不敢浪费时间They didnt want to waster water 他们不想浪费水Youre just wasting your breath ,he never listens 白费口舌他不会听的Waste money on the hotel room 住旅馆瞎浪费钱Hurry up . theres no time

10、to waste. 快点,没时间了。Exhausted 耗尽,使筋疲力尽The long journey exhausted her长途跋涉累坏了她He exhausted himself in the attempt 尝试过程中他筋疲力。Exhaust ones patience 耗尽了某人的耐心Exhaust ones strength 筋疲力尽Consumed 消耗消费Consume natural resources 消耗自然资源Be consumed with hatred 怒火中烧Be consumed with envy 特别嫉妒Justify 证明是正当的Justify one

11、self for ones conduct 证明某人的行为是正当的It is amply justify by the result 事实充分证明了这一点The end justifies the means 目的正确作什么手段都行Evaluate 评价估价Evaluate ones ability 对某人能力作出评价Indicate 指出显示Indicate the direction 指明方向Expense does not necessarily indicate worth 钱的多少并不一定能表明价值Sth. Indicate to sb that 某事向某人表明Reckon 计算估计

12、Reckon up the debts 估算欠的账Slender 苗条的微薄的A slender figure 细长的身材Light 轻的明亮的As light as a feather 轻如鸿毛In the light of these facts 根据这些事实Give off obscure light 发出暗淡的光Faint 虚弱的软弱的He is speaking in a faint voice 他说话没气力Minor 较小的次要的A minor part in a play 剧中的配角Coordinate 调整整理Coordinate their activities carefu

13、lly 仔细地协调他们的活动Cooperate 合作,协作Closely cooperate with sb. 密切与人合作Refuse to cooperate with sb. 拒绝与人合作Accompany 陪伴,伴奏Shall I accompany you to the hospital ?要不要我陪你去医院Big winds accompanied by heavy rain 狂风暴雨Associate 使发生联系,使联合Great wall is usually associate with china 长城经常使人联想到中国Associate oneself with sb.

14、与某人联系Associate professor 副教授Realistic 现实主义的Keep ones ambition realistic 把理想变得现实一点Be realistic about sth.对某事现实一些Conscious 有意识的Make conscious efforts to do sth. 努力自觉地干某事Be conscious of sth. 意识到某事Fashion-conscious 很有时尚意识的Registered 已登记的A registered letter 挂号信A registered trademark 注册商标Registered a pate

15、nt 注册专利Resolved 有决心的Be resolved to go 决心去Be fully resolved to do sth. 有充分的决心做某事Resolve an argument 解决争论Resolve a difficulty 解决困难Simple 简单的朴素的Simple and pure 简单又单纯Slight 轻微的微小的Slight improvement 小小的进步Least 最小的最少的The last but not the least 最后的但不是最不重要的He may be slow, but at least he is honest 他做事可能慢一点,但起码他是诚实的Utmost 极度的,极远的To the utmost limits 到了最大极限Do ones utmost to do sth. 尽最大努力做某事Do sth. To the utmost 尽量做某事Kindness 仁慈,亲切Show sb. gre


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