人教版高一英语必修二 Unit 1 Cultural relicewriting 课件

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1、,Unit 2 Culrural relics - Writing,Step 1 Dictation Ask three students to write down the words or phrases on the blackboard while others write them on note. 文化遗产 贵重的,有价值的 寻找 属于 而不是,与其 故意 毫无疑问 尽力做 作为回报 高度评价,cultural relics,valuable,in search of search for,belong to,rather than,on purpose by design,the

2、re is no doubt that,.try ones best to do . make an effort to do spare no effort to do,in return,think highly of,Step 2 lead-in,Show some pictures about places of interest and let the students describe them using some adjectives.,rare valuable grand beautiful remarkable,Group 1 The Pyramids in Egypt,

3、Group 2 The Great Wall/China,Forbidden City,Potala Palace, Lhasa,Longmen Grottoes (2000),Jiuzhaigou Valley Scenic and Historic Interest Area (1992),Reasons for their importance,Symbols of their countries,A concrete annotation of their cultures,Have a memorable significance,Bring in money from touris

4、m,Step 3 Writing practice,【高考链接】作文评分标准解读 (一)如何理解“覆盖所有内容要点”要求学生在写作时要认真审题,确保要点“全而不漏”,要点全面时作文的高分的必要条件。 (二)如何理解“应用了较多词汇”指词汇使用的多样性,如词性的多样性,高级词汇的使用,同义词与反义词的使用,短语的使用等。 (三)如何理解“应用了较多的语法结构”指句式的多样性。灵活多变的句式可以使行文丰富多彩,生动,自然,流畅。 (四)如何理解“上下文的连贯性”此处所说的连贯性是指段与段,句与句之间以一种明晰的,合乎逻辑的顺序组织与安排,做到在文意与结构上层次分明,调理清新,连贯流畅。,【词汇热身

5、】 1.文化遗产 cultural relics 2.属于 belong to 3.而不是 rather than instead of 4.人类 human beings 5.寻找 search for in search of 6.尽力做 try ones best to do . do all in ones power to do make an effort to do spare no effort to do,【句式温习】 1.众说周知 As we all know As is well-known As everyone knows It is well-known that

6、2.为了寻找它们 in order to search for in search of 3.我们每个人应该尽最大努力 We should try our best to avoid damaging them. We should make a great effort to avoid damaging them. 4.毫无疑问保护好文化遗产是我们的责任 There is no doubt that it is our duty to protect cultural relics well . There is no doubt that protecting cultural reli

7、cs well is our duty .,【连句成篇】 It is well-known that cultural relics belong to the human beings rather than individuals.A lot of people try their best to search for them. Some of them have been damaged while only a few survive. So in order to avoid damaging them, we should make the greatest efforts, for there is no doubt that it is our duty to protect them well.,Thanks for your listening!,


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