人教PEP三年级上册英语Unit2 colours课件

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《人教PEP三年级上册英语Unit2 colours课件》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《人教PEP三年级上册英语Unit2 colours课件(28页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、,2017,第3讲:Unit 2 Colours (A),02 Conversation,01 Vocabulary,03 Writing,Presentation:,01,Vocabulary,red,We Are Going To Learn,01,02,03,04,green,yellow,blue,What colour is the apple?,What color is the dinosaur?,What is yellow?,What colour is the vase?,Practice: Matching,Practice: Completing,u,o,e,e,e,o

2、w; e; ee; u; e,w,e,Practice:Judging,Free talk,green,red,blue,yellow,02,Conversation,Youre going to learn a conversation. Warming-up: Whats this?,Lets talk,While- reading,While- reading,Summary,this is,Miss White: Mr. Johns, _Miss Green. Mr. Johns: Good morning, Miss Green. Miss Green: _.,Good mornin

3、g,03,Writing,Warming-up: Who is that?,Sarah,Useful Sentences,Useful Sentences,This is Linda.,Helen,Tom,Chen Jie,Model Writing,Tom, _ Mr. White. Good morning. Mr. White. _. Tom.,this is,Good morning,Writing Practice,Linda, this is. Good afternoon Good afternoon.,Consolidation-Vocabulary:,red,green,yellow,blue,Consolidation-Conversation:,A: Tom,this is B: Good morning / afternoon / evening,Consolidation-Writing:,This / That is I have a red / green / yellow / blue .,2017,See you!,


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