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1、. . . . .六年级英语下册 小学毕业考试卷班级 姓名 分数 听力部分(30分)一、 听录音,选出你所听到的内容,将序号填在题前的括号内。(10分)( )1. A. walk B. work C. worker ( ) 2 .A 7:45 B. 6:45 C. 7:15 ( )3 .A .pear B. bear C. hair ( ) 4 .A. rains B. race C. rice ( ) 5. A.glue B. blue C. grow ( ) 6 .A .white B. what C. write ( ) 7 .A .shirt B. short C. skirt ( )

2、 8 .A .slow B. snow C. low ( ) 9 .A .stops B. sports C. study ( ) 10 .A.letter B. little C. litter 二、听录音,选择正确的应答,将序号填在题前的括号里。(5分)( )1.A .Its the eighth of March. B.Its Sunday. C. Its on the eighth of March . ( )2. A. Im going to play volleyball. B.Im watering flowers. C.I watched a volleyball game.

3、( ) 3.A. Im five . B. Im fine . C. Im stronger than you. ( ) 4.A.My favourite food is fish. B. Childrens Day.C. My favourite subject is Chinese. ( ) 5.A Yes,I do. B. Yes, I,was. C.Yes ,I did.三、 听对话,判断下列句子与对话所表达的意思是否一致,相符的打“”,否则打“。(5分)( ) 1.Mrs Brown is thirty minutes younger than Mrs Li .( ) 2.There

4、 is a concert in the school tomorrow .( ) 3.Because the days get shorter and the nights get longer in autumn.( ) 4.The boy in green is older than the boy in blue .( ) 5.Its Wednesday . Helens not at school .四、听录音,完成下列对话。(10分)A: Excuse me , is there a near here ?B: Yes .It is about three kilometres a

5、way .Youd better take a bus .A: Which bus shall I take ?B: Bus _ 12 . Itll take you right there .A: How _ _ are there ?B: Only four .A: _ _ the bus stop ?B: Its _ _ .Theres a bus _ _ minutes .A:Thank you very much .笔试部分(70分)五、英汉互译(10分)1.在周六上午_ 2. my e -mail address _3.寻求笔友_ 4.Sounds great !_5.关于天气 _

6、 6.most of the time _7.去野餐_ 8. run out of the shop_9.一位英国女孩_ 10.singing contest_六、选择正确的答案,将序号填在题前的括号内。(16分)( )1._ often go shopping at the weekends. A . Mum and I B. I and Mum C. Me and Mum. D. Mum and me . ( ) 2. The film was so _ .We all liked it . A .excite B.excited C. exciting D. an exciting (

7、) 3. My birthday is _the 2nd of June .Nancys birthday is _June ,too. A. on,on B. in, on C. on, in D. in,in ( ) 4 .Are the sweaters yours? _Yes , _. A. Its hers B. Theyre theirs C. Its ours. D. theyre ours . ( ) 5. I am 150cm ,Tom is 152cm .So Tom is _ than me . A. taller B. younger C.shorter D. lowe

8、r ( ) 6 .They know a lot about animals ,but they want to know _about them . A. many B. much C.more D. some ( ) 7 Every morning Bens grandfather _ for a walk around the lake. A .go B.goes C. went D. is going ( ) 8 Walk into your bedroom _ because your father is sleeping . A. quiet B. quietly C. loud

9、D. loudly ( ) 9 Can I have _ writing paper ? A .a B. an C. some D. any ( ) 10 There are _ days .The _ day is Saturday .A. seven ; seven B. seventh;seventh C. seven; seventh D. seven; sixth ( ) 11 My mother can _ delicious food . A. cooks B.cook C. cooked D.cooking ( ) 12 Let me _ , please . A. go ho

10、me B. to go home C. to go to home D. to home ( ) 13 The pair of socks _ very nice . A. look B. looks C. is looking D. are looking ( ) 14 Where _ you a moment ago ? A. are B. is C. were D. was ( ) 15 .The days get _ and the nights get _ in winter . A. shorter ;longer B.longer; shorter C. short; long

11、D.long; short ( ) 16 在下列这组单词中,划线部分读音与其他单词不同的单词是: A. blouse B. house C. cousin D. mouth七、用所给单词的设当形式填空(8分)1. He likes _ (listen) to music .Me ,too.2. My English teacher often _ (go) _(jog) after school .3. Your classroom is on the _ (four) floor (层) .4. My mother can _(make) delicious food .She _(make) some for us now .5. Yesterday my mum _(come) to our school .6. _(be) there any water in the bottle now ?



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