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1、. . . . 无锡荣鑫金属涂装有限公司Wuxi Rongxin metal coating Co., Ltd.文件名称Procedure Name:设备管理程序Equipment Management Procedure文件编号Document ID:RX-QP-16文件版本Document Version:A/0发放号Issue No:编 制:Prepared by颜伟光日期Date:2014-4-28审 核:Reviewed by日期Date:批 准:Approved by日期Date:发布日期:Issue date:实施日期:Implement date会签栏Countersignat

2、ure Row部门Department人事部HR生产部Production质量部Quality采购部Purchasing签核人Countersign部门Department物流部Logistic财务部Finance工程部Engineering业务部Business签核人Countersignword格式编辑. . . .1、 目的1. Purpose 确保各生产单元设备安全、稳定、连续运行,以满足加工设备对产品质量技术特性的需求。 It aims to ensure safety, stability and continuous running of the production equip

3、ments so as to meet the requirement of the processing equipments for product quality technical features.2、 适用范围2. Scope 适用于各类动力设备及辅助生产设备的维修和日常维护保养,包括设备技术和备品备件的管理。It applies to repairing and routine maintenance of all kinds of power equipments and auxiliary production equipments, including equipment

4、technique and spare parts management. 3、定义3. Definition 3.1关键设备:喷粉线为公司的主要装置,而装置是由各设备组成,装置中的任何一台设备发生故障,都将对整体生产产生重大的影响。所以公司用于生产的任何设备都属于关键设备。3.1 Key equipments: Powder coating is the main devices of the company; the device is made up of equipments and equipment failure in the device will impose great i

5、nfluence on production, so any equipment used for production belongs to key equipment. 4. 职责4. Responsibilities 为对设备维修和保养进行科学的管理,首先应明确设备使用部门和设备维修部门的职责,然后细分其职责并落实到每个使用和维修管理人员身上。For scientific management of equipment maintenance, define the responsibilities of the departments using and maintaining the

6、 equipment at first, and then define the responsibilities in details and devolve out into individual administrative staff using and maintaining the equipment. 4.1生产部负责设备的统筹管理,其包括设备的配置、验收、建档、检修、维护、巡检、报废。4.1 The production department shall be responsible for overall management of the equipments, inclu

7、ding layout, inspection and acceptance, filing, overhaul, maintenance, in-process check and scrapping. 4.2生产部门负责设备的运行操作和日常设备维护保养。4.2 The production department shall be responsible for running and operation and routine maintenance of the equipments. 5、程序5. Procedure 5.1设备的申购和验证5.1 Equipment purchase

8、application and verification 在生产设备和辅助设备采购过程中,设备的申购和验证环节是决定设备投资成败的关键,必须引起重视。In the purchasing process of the production and auxiliary equipments, equipment purchasing application and verification makes all the difference between success and failure, so it needs to attach importance to it. 5.1.1申购5.1.

9、1 Purchase application 新设备的添置是根据公司实际业务的发展和产品质量以及技术更新的需求而提出的。设备的购置先由需求部门提出申购,然后由工程部汇同各相关部门对申购设备进行可行性的综合分析,如:设备加工能力、精度、尺寸、价格和生产加工工艺要求等。Propose to buy new equipments according to actual business development of the company and the requirement for product quality and technological updating. The departmen

10、t of demand shall apply to buy the equipment at first, and then the engineering department jointly with relevant departments shall perform comprehensive analysis of the feasibility of the equipment applied to be bought, such as the equipment working capacity, precision, dimension, price and producti

11、on and processing technological requirements. 5.1.2验证5.1.2 Verification 购置后的任何设备,必须由生产部按新设备验收程序进行验收,验收合格方能投入使用。申购设备的具体验收程序为:Any equipment purchased shall be inspected and accepted by the production department according to the new equipment inspection and acceptance procedure; it can be using after p

12、roven to be qualified through inspection. The specific inspection and acceptance procedure of the equipment purchased is: a. 设备运抵公司后,先开箱对设备的外观和数量进行检验。a. After the equipment is transported to the company, open the box the check the appearance and quantity of the equipment at first. b. 设备在安装期间由生产部专人负责

13、监理,发现问题及时与设备安装施工单位沟通并解决。 b. The specially-assigned person of the production department shall supervise installation of the equipment, communicate with the unit in charge of equipment installation and solve it timely if a problem is found. c. 设备安装调试后,监理要对设备试运行过程中出现的问题和情况进行跟踪,以便在最终验收时无遗漏项。c. After the

14、 equipment is installed and debugged, the supervisor shall trace the problems and conditions occur in the trial operation process so as to ensure that there are no missing items during final acceptance. d. 最终验收是根据设备的具体情况由负责机械,电器或程序的工程师分别实施验收确认,当三方验收都合格时,设备方能移交使用。d. As to final acceptance, engineers

15、responsible for machinery, electrical equipments or programs shall confirm acceptance according to specific condition of the equipment; if it is proven to be qualified after inspection and acceptance of the three parties, the equipment can be transferred to the user. e. 验收合格后按要求填写“设备验收单”备档。e. After acceptance, fill out the “equipment acceptance certificate” according to requirement. 5.2设备建档 5.2 Equ



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