人教新课标高二英语选修6Unit 5 基础知识测试含答案

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1、人教新课标高二英语选修6 Unit 5 基础知识测试一、根据所给提示,用单词的适当形式填空。1. The teacher drew a(n) _ (示意图) showing how the blood flows through the heart.2. All her hopes and dreams had turned to _ (灰烬).3. It is possible to see the path of a(n) _ (飓风) in the satellite pictures. 4. Visitors to the country have been asked to fill

2、 in a detailed _ (调查问卷).5. On hot days we often go _ (洗澡) in the river.6. I got into a _ (惊慌) when I found the door was locked.7. He studied the German market to find the _ (可能性) there for investment.8. Only certain types of volcanic _ (erupt) will have an effect upon the climate.9. The money will b

3、uy a new piece of _ (equip) for the laboratory.10. You must be _ (absolute) silent or the birds wont appear.11. Some students are easy to lose their temper because of _ (anxious) and study burden.12. He was _ (appoint) as one of the committee members last year.13. _ (actual), Id rather you didnt smo

4、ke.14. The key to success as a romantic _ (novel) is absolute belief in your story.15. Maggie was hit on the head by a stone and knocked _ (conscious).二、根据括号内的汉语提示,用句末括号内的单词完成句子。1. He _ (匆匆看一眼) the list and chose one immediately. (glance)2. With these words, the speaker _ (前往) towards the exit of th

5、e hall. (make)3. He _(刚要离开)when the telephone rang. (be)4. The whole city _(完全烧毁). (burn)5. The height of the building _(情况不一)10 meters to 30 meters. (vary) 三、语法填空Ms. Mary was over eighty, but she still drove her old car like half her age. She loved driving very fast, and boasted of (炫耀)the fact 1.

6、she had never, in her thirty-five years of driving, been punished 2. a driving mistake. Then one day, she nearly lost her record. A police car followed her, and the policemen in it saw her pass a red light without 3. (stop).When Ms. Mary came before the judge, he said that she was too old 4._(drive)

7、 a car, and that the reason 5. she had not stopped at red light was most probably that her eyes had become weak with old age, so that she had 6._ (simple) not seen it. When the judge had finished what he was saying, Ms. Mary opened her handbag and took out her sewing. Without saying a word, she 7. _

8、 (choose) a needle(针) with a small eye, and threaded it at the first time.When she had 8. (success) done this, she took the thread(线) out of the needle again and handed 9. the needle and thread to the judge, 10. (say), “Now it is your turn. I suppose you can drive a car well, and you have no doubts

9、about your eyesight.” The judge took the needle and tried to thread it. After half a dozen times, he had still not succeeded. The case against Ms. Mary was dismissed, and her record remained unbroken.1._ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._ 6._ 7._ 8._ 9._ 10._四、单句改错。阅读下列句子,修改句子中的错误。每个句子中有1处错误,每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺

10、词处加一个漏字符号(),并在句子右边的横线上写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在句子右边的横线上写出修改后的词。1. He was about to leave the room while the telephone rang. _2. The thief was brought in, with his hands being tied back. _3. He worked late into the night, prepared a long speech. _4. The girl told us the whole thing in an

11、exciting voice. _5. A few days ago I go to my old English teachers office and asked if she could help me with my pronunciation. _6. Worked hard, you will be admitted to a key university. _7. I got boring by his long speech. _8. In spite the heavy rain, the boy remained stood outside. _9. The heavy r

12、ain lasted a week, caused great damage to the crops. _10. He was so sleepy and tired that he couldnt work effective. _参考答案一、1. diagram2. ashes 3. hurricane4. questionnaire 5. bathing 6. panic 7. potential 8. eruption9. equipment10. absolutely 11. anxiety 12. appointed 13. Actually 14. novelist 15. u

13、nconscious二、1. glanced through2. made his way 3. was about to leave4. was burnt to the ground/was burnt down 5. varies from 三、1. that 2.for 3.stopping. 4.to drive 5.why 6.simply 7.chose 8.successfully 9.both 10.saying四、1.whilewhen 2.去掉being 3.preparedpreparing 4.excitingexcited 5.gowent 6.WorkedWorking 7.boringbored 8.spite 后加of 9.causedcausing 10.effectiveeffectively3


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