五年级上册英语课件-Unit4 Hobbies(第四课时)|译林版(三起) (共17张PPT)

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1、Unit 4 Hobbies (Period 4),2,学习目标,Do you like .?,My hobbies,I like cooking and shopping.,Lets sing,Who is wearing today?,yellow,Name: Lily,Toy:,?,?,快速提问!,?,Animal:,?,Food:,Colour:,Try to ask,A: What . does Lily like? B: She likes .,Sound time,Yellow ? Yellow? Yes! I have yellow shoes, a yellow hat. A

2、nd a yellow dress!,Do you like wearing yellow?,Lets read,oung,y,ou,es,y,y,y,ellow,y,ear,Tip: 发音规则 y在单词最前面发/j/,yo-yo,yogurt,yeah,读一读单词:,yard,你能说出更多类似的单词吗?,你能用找到的词组成一个句子说一说吗?,e.g. Yeah! Lilys yak is playing with a yo-yo.,Lets say,(院子),(溜溜球),(酸奶),yak,yam,(牦牛),(山药),2,能读准三个或三个以上新词的得 能读准书上全部单词和句子的得 能读准书上两

3、个单词的得,Hobby:,?,What words, phrases and sentences can help us talk about hobbies?,Lets think,(词组),(句子),Play a game,当你看到关于爱好的图片,请大声说出爱好名称; 如果看到 ,请说 Yummy! Yummy!,Well done!,Work in groups,活动方案: 学生4人一个小组活动,No.1介绍自己的兴趣爱好,No.2介绍No.1的兴趣爱好,然后再介绍自己的爱好,以此类推,接龙表达。,My hobbies I like_. I like_too. My friends ho

4、bbies _likes_. _likes_and_. _and_like_.,Think, write and say,Tip:黑板上的句子可以帮助你很好的进行表达噢!,2,I can talk about hobbies.,评价标准: 能正确、流利地谈论爱好的得 在老师或同学的提示下完成的得 有一些小错或不太流利的得,Write a passage: My familys hobbies 在作业纸上写一写你和你的家庭成员的爱好。,Lets write,My familys hobbies,My,My father,He likes He is good at He often ,She doesnt like She likes She can ,I,I am not good at I like I well .,How to write?,My mother,Show your hobbies boldly! 大胆展示你的爱好吧!,Hobbies make our life colorful. 爱好使我们的生活多姿多彩。,Happy is the man who is living by his hobby. 醉心于某种爱好的人是幸福的。,Thank you!,



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