六年级上册英语教案- Project2 Reuse and recycle Part C

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1、Project 2 Reuse and recycle 第二课时一、教学内容:译林版英语六年级上册Project 2 Reuse and recycle二、教学目标:(一)知识目标:1.复习Unit6,7相关内容,夯实巩固已学知识,学生能熟练使用情态动词。2.学生了解保护地球的途径及方法,并能用英语表达相关建议。(二)能力目标:1. 学生能熟练运用情态动词,并连贯地表述应该与不应该做的内容。2. 适当拓展recycle和reduce,学生能够理解并运用3 re。3. 通过复习巩固,学生能制作一张相关内容的海报。(三) 情感目标:培养学生热爱家园,热爱地球的情感。三、教学重、难点: 1. 句型:

2、We should/ shouldnt do sth. We reuse sth to do sth.2针对相应的环境问题提出相应的解决方案。四、教学准备: 1.教师准备: PPT,板书。2.学生准备: 熟读课文五、教学过程:Step 1 Warming upGreetings What day/ date is it today? Whats the weather like today?Step 2 Revision Review1). T: When is Earth Day? S: Its on the 22nd of April. T: What can we do to prote

3、ct the Earth? S: We can/should2). T: Look at this picture, what do you think of this house? S:Its messy and dirty.T: Is your house like this?S: No, it isnt.T: Do you have any old things in your family?S:Yes.T:What do you usually deal with the old things?(回答问题)T:Most of your family will throw them in

4、to the bin/ sell them/ donate them to others/ or let them go. Today lets share another way to deal with them. (reuse) T:What is “reuse ” ? Lets enjoy some pictures and try to understand what is reuse.3). T: Reuse : use the things again and again . What can you reuse?( 同桌讨论说一说并在88页写下你们想再利用的物品。) S: We

5、 can reuse S: I can reuse to Expansion1). T: Look, here are two rubbish bins. If there was a waster bottle, which bin should I put it in? S:T: Why?(可以用中文说一说)Look at this sign. What does it mean? ( Recycle)T:Guess, what will happen after we put them in the bin?S:展开想象回答问题。T:Lets watch another video an

6、d try to get the answer. The bottles turned into the bench. This is “recycle” It means “use again after processing”2).Lets watch another video and answer :What is the video about?3). Read and sort. Reuse or recycle?Reduce means “make less, save”Conclusion1). T: To protect the Earth, we should know “

7、3 re”, what are they? : reuse, reduce, recycle2). Lets make a poster.(以四人一小组,制作海报。并让3-4组学生上台展示)4. What should we do? What should we not do?(介绍每一个节日,并让学生说一说应该做些什么和不应该做些什么。)Step 3 SummarizeProtect the environment, Protect ourselves.Protect the Earth, Protect our home. We have only one Earth.Step 4 Homework1. Read Unit 6 and Unit 7.2. Finish your poster. 板书设计: Project 2 Reuse and recycleReuse RecycleReduce


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