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1、湖南广播电视大学2012年7月期末考试英语听力(4)模拟试题注 意 事 项一、将你的准考证号、学生证号、姓名及分校(工作站)的名称填写在答题纸的规定栏内。考试结束后,把试卷和答题纸放在桌上。试卷和答题纸均不得带出考场;二、考试时间大约为50分钟,请抓紧时间读题、做题和检查;三、仔细读懂题目的说明,并按题目的要求答题。答案一定要写在答题纸的指定位置上,写在试卷上的答案无效;四、用蓝、黑圆珠笔或钢笔答题,使用铅笔无效。Section One Directions: In this section, you will hear A. a short passage; B. a short dialo

2、gue. Fill in the blank as you listen to the recording. You will hear the recording only once. (20 points) A. The United States has signed a treaty that aims to prevent (1) _ warming. All other major industrial nations have already (2) _ the treaty. The agreement is aimed at reducing the production o

3、f gases known as (3) _gases. They are blamed for the (4) _ temperature on earth. The US Senate (5) _ has to approve the agreement. Some Senators have expressed opposition to the (6) _. They say it is too (7) _ and it doesnt affect developing countries. B. M:I hear youre going to open a restaurant. I

4、s that right? F:Mm. Thats right. M:With your (8) _? F:Yes. Its something weve (9) _ wanted to do. M:Well, good luck. I (10) _ like to do it. F:Why not? M:If you (11) _ a restaurant, you have to work very long hours. F:You work late. Its (12) _, but you dont have to get up in the morning. M:And anoth

5、er thing. You have to work in the (13) _ and on weekends, when everyone (14) _ is enjoying themselves. F:Well, I like (15) _ and entertaining, so thats a11 right. In the shop, there was no (16) _. If you have a restaurant,you dont have to do the same thing every day. Every day is (17) _. M:I think y

6、oure taking quite a (18) _. F:Well, well see. I want to be my own (19) _. Then you dont have to work for someone else. And I hated the uniform in the shop!M:Ill be your first (20) _. Section Two Directions: In this section, you will hear A. a news story; B. a conversation. Decide whether the followi

7、ng statements are T (True) or F (False). You will hear the recording twice. (30 points) A. 21.( ) This Winter Olympics will last 17 days. 22.( ) The 20th Winter Olympics Games was held in Japan. 23.( ) Vancouver is one of the most livable places in the world. 24.( ) People are encouraged to drive ca

8、rs to see the Olympic events. 25.( ) The organizers tried hard not to cut down old trees. 26.( ) There is a lack of snow because of the warm weather this year.27.( ) The Chinese Winter Olympics team is going to get more medals than in the Summer Games. B. 28.( ) Hurricanes or earthquakes are actuall

9、y man-made disasters.29.( ) The flood in Bangladesh is caused by the cutting down of trees in Nepal and India. 30.( ) The roots of trees can hold rainfall and reduce flooding. 31.( ) Sudan has never had flooding. 32.( ) Governments should think about what wi1l happen in a long run. 33.( ) One countr

10、y alone can achieve this goal. 34.( ) There is no need for population control. 35.( ) Its important to make people aware of their environment. Section ThreeDirections: In this section, you will hear A. a conversation and B. a news story. Choose the best answer to each of the following statements. Yo

11、u will hear the recording only once. (20 points) 37.One of the choices the girl has is _. A. starting to work B. teaching at schools C. taking a sandwich course 38.If she goes to university, _ after graduation. A. she will surely get a good job B. she will be rich C. she may still need to find a goo

12、d job 39.A sandwich course means _. A. studying before starting to work B. studying while working C. studying after working for a few years 40.For a sandwich course, she can get _. A. qualifications, full salary and experiences B. qualifications, experiences and part of the salary C. training, exper

13、iences and full salary B. 41._ is NOT true about Christine. A. She is hard-working B. She is a small woman C. She wants to lose weight 42.The death of her aunt caused her to _. A. learn the danger of losing too much weight B. want to join the fund-raising Hope Cut C. think of problems of her own 43.

14、Christine raised dollars for the Hope Cut. A. 2, 500 B. 25, 000 C. 5, 000 44.The aim of her plan of losing weight is _. A. to got more money for her hair salon B. both good for herself and Hope Cut C. just to lose 20 pounds 45.By the day of Hope Cut, she lost _ pounds. A. 20 B. 37 C. 27 Section Four

15、 Directions: In this section, you are going to hear a market survey on fast food. Complete the following chart as you listen始the recording. You will hear the recording twice. (20 points) 1. Do you ever eat food? Yes () No ( )2. What kind of fast food do you eat?(46) _, sandwiches, sometimes a (47) _, or Kebabs. 3. How often do you eat fa


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