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1、高等学校英语应用能力级考试 考前讲座 高等学校英语应用能力考试方式 考试方式为笔试,测试语言知识和读听译 写四种技能. 考试按百分制计分,满分为100分 60分及60分以上为及格 85分及85分以上为优秀 考试合格者发给 “高等学校英语应用能 力考试”相应级别的合格证书 高等学校英语应用能力考试大纲 一 考试对象 本大纲实用于修完基本要求所规定的的全 部内容的高等职业教育 普通高等专课教 育和成人高等教育和本科办二级技术学院 各非英语专业的学生. 二 考试性质 本考试的目的是考核学生的语言知识 语 言技能和使用英语处理 有关一般业务和 涉外交际的基本能力,其性质是教学- 水平考试. 三 考试内

2、容 考试方式为笔试,包括五个部分: 第一部分:听力理解 (Listening Comprehension) 第二部分:语法结构 (Structure) 第三部分:阅读理解 (Reading Comprehension) 第四部分:翻译英译汉 (TranslationEnglish to Chinese) 第五部分:写作/汉译英 (Writing/Translation Chinese to English ) 高等学校英语应用能力考试题号、项目、内容、 题型、百分比、及时间分配表 听力理解 阅读理解 英译汉 写作/英译汉 15% 35% 20% 15% 25分钟 15分钟 40分钟 25分钟

3、15分钟语法结构 1-15 16-35 36-40 61-65 66 题号项目内容 对话 会话 短文 句子结构 词法 词形变形 一般性文字 应用性文字 句子 段落 应用文 信函通知便条履历表申请表 题型 选择 填空 简答 百分比时间分配 15% 选择填空 简答匹配 选择 填空 改错 选择 段落翻译 套写书写 填写翻译 第一部分 听力理解-Listening Comprehension 听力理解部分的目的: 1)测试学生获取口头信息的能力 2)理解主旨大意的能力 3)理解重要的事实细节的能力 4)理解隐含的意义的能力 5)理解谈话人的观点态度的能力 听力材料: 1) 日常生活内容为主 2) 实用

4、交际内容为主 听力语速: 为每分钟120词左右, 能够掌握中心大意, 抓住要点. 听力分值比例: 15% 听力时间: 15分钟 Section A: Dialogue 1. 题型介绍 本题为5组简短对话,通常是一男一女各读 一句,每个对话提出一个问题,依据所提问 内容,从四个选项中选出正确的选项. 个选择题 录音只放一遍 答题时间约为13秒/题 Section A: Dialogue 2.命题规律 所涉及对话种类共9类,具体比 例如下: 推断 24% 工作 18.7% 游玩 13.3% 学业 12% 购物 10.7% 地点时间 6.7% 戒烟 5.3% 吃住 5.3% 态度 4% 从选择的角度

5、来看,具体比例 如下: 动词型选项 44% 无明确词性型选项 21.3% 名词型选项 10.7% 地点型选项 10.7% 时间数字型选项 9.3% 形容词型选项 4% Section B: Conversation 1. 题型介绍 本题共有两组对话,每组对话长约120-150 词. 录音放两遍 2-3个选择题 Section B: Conversation 2.命题规律 所涉及对话种类共6类, 具体比例如下: 商务类 8个 33.3% 旅游类 3个 26.7% 社交类 7个 23.3% 问路类 2个 6.7% 租房类 2个 6.7% 故事类 1个 3.3% 从选择的角度来看,具体 比例如下:

6、细节题 30个 40% 地点题 21个 21.3% 动作题 11个 14.7% 原因题 9个 12% 时间题 9个 12% Section C: Passage 1. 题型介绍 本题是一篇120-150词左右的短文.信息量 比较大,题材较广泛, 句子长度和复杂性比 对话要大. 录音两遍 短问后有5个问题,每个问题的答案均以未 完成的形式出现在答题纸上,要求根据所 听内容用不超过3个词或短语来完成答案. 2.命题规律 所涉及段落种类共5 类,具体比例如下: 社交类 6个 40% 专业类 4个 26.7% 商业类 2个 13.3% 故事类 2个 13.3% 体育类 1个 6.7% 从问题考察的角度

7、来 看,具体比例如下: 名词题 23个 30.7% 词组题 20个 26.7% 形容词题 15个 20% 数字题 11个 14.7% 动词题 6个 8% 对话题型及应试技巧 1.事实细节题 She read it selectively She went over it chapter by chapter She read it slowly She finished it at a stretch A M: Have you finished reading the book you bought last month? W: Oh, I didnt read it straight th

8、rough the way you read a novel . I just covered a few chapters that interested me most . Q: How did the woman read the book ? 2.观点态度题 The tickets are more expensive than expected The tickets are sold in advance at half price Its difficult to buy the tickets on the spot Its better to buy the tickets

9、beforehand D M: Do we have to get the opera opera tickets in advance ? W: Certainly . Tickets at the door are usually sold at a higher price. Q: What does the woman imply ? 3. 虚拟语气题 He is not very enthusiastic about his English lessons He has made great progress in his English He is a student of the

10、 Music Department He is not very interested in English songs . A W: Mr. Jones, your student Bill shows great enthusiasm for musical instruments. M: I only wish he showed half as much for his English lessons. Q: What do we learn from the conversation about Bill? 4.语义推断题 He is going to give a talk on

11、fishing He is eager to meet Susans parents He has the same hobby as Susans father He thinks finishing is a good way to kill time . C W: Hey, Dan. I hear youre meeting Susans parents for the first time. M: Yeah, next weekend . Fortunately , her father loves to fish , so we will have something to talk

12、 about . Q: What can be inferred about Dan? 5.行为打算题 Go to the library Meet the woman See professor Smith Have a drink in the bar C M: Professor Smith asked me to go to his office after class .So it is impossible for me to make it to the bar at ten. W: Then it seems that well have to meet an hour lat

13、er at the library . Q: What will the man do first after class ? 6. 谈话主旨题 Mystery story The hiring of a shop assistant The search for a reliable witness An unsolved case of robbery D M: you were seen hanging about the store on the night when it was robbed , werent you? W: Me? You must have made a mis

14、take. I was at home that night . Q: What are they talking about ? 7. 地点场景题 At an office In a Hong Kong hotel On a busy street At an airport D W: can I help you sir ? M: Yes, can you show me the way to Gate 9 for Flight 901 to Hong Kong ? I am quite confused here . Q: Where does the conversation most

15、 probably take place ? 8. 身份关系题 Teacher and student Doctor and patient Manager and office worker Travel agent and customer C W: Mr. Watson , I wonder whether its possible for me to take a vacation early next month. M: Did you fill out a request form? Q: What is the probable relationship between the two speakers? 9. 数字计算题 5:15 5:10 4:30 5:00 C M: I wonder if Sue will be here by five oclock . W: Her husband


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