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1、深化金砖伙伴关系 开辟更加光明未来Stronger BRICS Partnership for a Brighter Future尊敬的祖马总统,Your Excellency President Jacob Zuma,尊敬的特梅尔总统,Your Excellency President Jacob Zuma,尊敬的普京总统,Your Excellency President Vladimir Putin,尊敬的莫迪总理,Your Excellency Prime Minister Narendra Modi,女士们、先生们、朋友们:Ladies and Gentlemen,Dear Frie

2、nds,很高兴同各位同事再次相聚。首先,我谨代表中国政府和中国人民,对大家出席金砖国家领导人厦门会晤表示热烈的欢迎。我期待着同各位同事一道,围绕“深化金砖伙伴关系,开辟更加光明未来”的会晤主题,回顾总结金砖合作,勾画未来发展蓝图,开启合作新航程。I am delighted to meet with my colleagues again. I wish to begin by extending, on behalf of the Chinese government and people, a warm welcome to you all. Welcome to the BRICS Xi

3、amen Summit. With the focus on the theme of the summit: “Stronger Partnership for a Brighter Future”, I look forward to working with you to take stock of BRICS cooperation, map out a blueprint for its future development and set sail on a new journey of cooperation.金砖合作已经走过10年光辉历程,我们五国虽然山海相隔,但怀着合作共赢的

4、共同目标走到了一起。BRICS cooperation has traversed a glorious journey of one decade. Though separated by mountains and oceans, our five countries have been closely bound by a shared commitment to win-win cooperation.中国古人说:“交得其道,千里同好,固于胶漆,坚于金石。”金砖合作之所以得到快速发展,关键在于找准了合作之道。As an ancient Chinese saying goes, “A p

5、artnership forged with the right approach defies geographical distance; it is thicker than glue and stronger than metal and stone.” We owe the rapid development of BRICS cooperation to our adoption of a right approach. 这就是互尊互助,携手走适合本国国情的发展道路;秉持开放包容、合作共赢的精神,持之以恒推进经济、政治、人文合作;倡导国际公平正义,同其他新兴市场国家和发展中国家和衷

6、共济,共同营造良好外部环境。Guided by this approach, we have respected and supported each other in following the path of development suited to our respective national conditions; we have pushed forward economic, political and people-to-people cooperation in an open, inclusive and win-win spirit; and we have worke

7、d in unison with other emerging market and developing countries to uphold international justice and equity and foster a sound external environment.事实证明,金砖合作契合我们五国发展共同需要,顺应历史大势。尽管我们五国国情不同,但我们对伙伴关系、繁荣发展的追求是共同的,这使我们能够超越差异和分歧,努力实现互利共赢。Past progress shows that BRICS cooperation has met our common need fo

8、r development and is in keeping with the trend of history. Though we have different national conditions, we share the commitment to pursuing development and prosperity through partnership. This has enabled us to rise above differences and seek win-win results.当前,世界格局发生了许多深刻复杂变化。在这一背景下,金砖合作显得更加重要。五国人

9、民希望我们携手促进发展,提高人民福祉。国际社会期待我们维护世界和平,推动共同发展。我们应该再接再厉,全面深化金砖伙伴关系,开启金砖合作第二个“金色十年”。As the world undergoes profound and complex changes, BRICS cooperation has become more important. Our people expect us to jointly boost development and improve their well-being. The international community expects us to mak

10、e contribution to world peace and common development. We must redouble our efforts to comprehensively deepen BRICS partnership and usher in the second “Golden Decade” of BRICS cooperation.第一,致力于推进经济务实合作。务实合作是金砖合作的根基,在这方面我们成绩斐然。同时,我们也要看到,现在,金砖合作潜力还没有充分释放出来。据统计,2016年金砖国家对外投资1970亿美元,只有5.7%发生在我们五国之间。这说明

11、,我们五国还有广阔合作空间。First, we need to seek practical results in our economic cooperation. Results-oriented cooperation is the foundation of BRICS cooperation, and significant progress has been made in this regard. However, we have yet to fully tap the potential of BRICS cooperation. Statistics show that o

12、f the 197 billion US dollars outbound investment we made in 2016, only 5.7% took place among our five countries. This means BRICS cooperation still has broad space.我们应该紧紧围绕经济务实合作这条主线,在贸易投资、货币金融、互联互通、可持续发展、创新和产业合作等领域拓展利益汇聚点。We need to stay focused on promoting results-oriented economic cooperation, a

13、nd expand converging interests in trade and investment, currency and finance, connectivity, sustainable development, innovation and industrial cooperation. 今年,我们制定了金砖国家服务贸易合作路线图、金砖国家投资便利化纲要、金砖国家电子商务合作倡议、金砖国家创新合作行动计划、金砖国家深化工业领域合作行动计划,成立了新开发银行非洲区域中心,决定建立金砖国家示范电子口岸网络,在税收、电子商务、本币债券、政府和社会资本合作、金融机构和服务网络化布

14、局等方面达成积极共识,各领域务实合作不断机制化、实心化,含金量不断提升。This year, we have formulated the BRICS Trade in Services Cooperation Roadmap, the Outlines for BRICS Investment Facilitation, the BRICS E-Commerce Cooperation Initiative, the BRICS Action Plan for Innovation Cooperation and the Action Plan for Deepening Industria

15、l Cooperation Among BRICS Countries. We have launched the African Regional Center of the New Development Bank (NDB), decided to set up the BRICS Model E-Port Network and reached extensive agreement on taxation, e-commerce, local currency bond, public-private partnership, and the network of financial

16、 institutions and services. Our practical cooperation has become more institutionalized and substantive, and delivered more tangible results.我愿借此机会宣布,中方将设立首期5亿元人民币金砖国家经济技术合作交流计划,用于加强经贸等领域政策交流和务实合作。向新开发银行项目准备基金出资400万美元,支持银行业务运营和长远发展。I wish to announce here that China will launch the Economic and Technical Cooperation Plan for BRICS Countries with 500 million yuan for the first term to facilitate



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