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1、宜春昌黎实验学校 动词的时态和语态真题练习1._ you have a book?A. DoB. AreC. IsD. Have2.They _ on a farm.A. workingB. is workC. workD. is worked3.Does Peter like to watch TV? _.A. Yes, he likeB. No, he doesntC. Yes, hed likeD. No, he likes4.She doesnt _ her homework in the afternoon.A. doingB. to doC. doesD. do5.How _ Mr

2、. Brown _ to America?A. do,goB. is,goC. does,goD. does,goes6.Wheres my camera? I_ it.A. am not findingB. am not seeingC. cant findD. cant look at7.-How _ he go to work? -He _ to work by bike.A. does ;goB. do;goesC. do ;goD. does;goes8.-_ you usually late for school? -No, _.Do ; I amB. Does ;notC. Ar

3、e ; Im notD. Are ; I arent9._ she _ home at six every day?Is , leaveB. Does , leaveC. Is , leavesD. Does , left10.Mr. Yang _ English this term.teaches ourB. teaches usC. teachs usD. teach our11.I will tell him the good news as soon as he_ back.(2013西城试验分班)A. comeB. comesC. cameD. will come12.The stu

4、dents will go to the Summer Palace if it _ tomorrow.A. dont rainB. doesnt rainC. wont rain13.Dont smoke until the plane _ off.A. takesB. tookC. was taken D. is take14.There _ an English film next week.A. will haveB. is going to haveC. is going to beD. was going to be15.He _ very busy this week, he _

5、 free next week.will be; isB. is; isC. will be; will beD. is; will be16.If they come, we _ a meeting.A. haveB. will haveC. hadD. would have17.He _ in three days.A. coming backB. came backC. will come backD. is going to coming back18.They _ the office at nine yesterday morning.A. reached toB. arrived

6、C. wentD. get to19.The train _ at 11.A. going to arriveB. will be arriveC. is going toD. is arriving20.He went into his room, _ the light and began to work.A. has turned onB. will turn onC. turns onD. turned on21.My sister has worked as an engineer since she _ back from the United States.A. cameB. h

7、ad comeC. comesD. has come22.What did you do after school yesterday?I _ basketball with my friends.A. playB. am playingC. will playD. played23.They_ her to the party, so she was very happy. (2012.三帆中学)A. inviteB. invitedC. will inviteD. are inviting24.There_ a restaurant here.A. used toB. used to be

8、C. used to haveD. is used to be真题练习1. Whats that terrible noise upstairs? The neighbors_a party now.A. haveB. hadC. will haveD. are having2.Dont turn on the radio. Grandpa_ now.A. sleepsB. is sleepingC. has sleptD. slept3.Where is Mr.Green? He_Jane with her English in the teachers office.A. has help

9、edB. is helpingC. helpsD. will help4.Mr.Green_ to the manager now. Youd better call him later.(2011.北京101)A. talkB. talkedC. is talkingD. was talking5.Hello! This is Tom Hanks. May I speak to your boss?(2013四中)Im sorry.He_a meeting now. Can I take a message?A. hasB. hadC. is havingD. will have6.Wher

10、e is Bob?(2013师达)He_in the library.A. readsB. is readingC. readD. was reading7.Jane_TV with me at about eight yesterday evening.A. is watchingB. was watchingC. has watchedD. had watched8.Mr.Black_atelephonemeetingwhenIgottohisofficeyesterdayafternoon.A. hasB. hadC. is havingD. was having9.My uncle_t

11、he golf club for two years.A. has joinedB. has been inC. has gone toD. has been to10.I_TV when my mother came back yesterday.A. watchB. was watchingC. am watchingD. have watched11.Whats wrong, Mary? You look sad. Oh, nothing much. In fact, I _of my English test.A. thinkB. was thinkingC. will thinkD.

12、 would think12.Were you at home at 7oclock last night? Yes, I_TV at that time.A. watchB. was watchingC. watchedD. am watching真题练习1.I_many new friends since I came here.A. makeB. madeC. have madeD. will make2.Is Dad at home? No. He_to the hotel to meet his friend.A. goesB. is goingC. has goneD. was g

13、oing3.Where is my brother, Mum? I havent seen him this morning.He_to the library. He will come back soon.A. goesB. is goingC. has goneD. will go1. Do you want to see the film “Harry Potter”? I_it already. Its really wonderful.A. sawB. seeC. have seenD. will see2. Have you ever seen the cartoon Tom a

14、nd Jerry? Yes, I_it many times.A. seeB. sawC. will seeD. have seen6._ you _the file Avatar? Not yet. Im going to see it tonight.A. Will; seeB. Have; seenC. Do; seeD. did; see7.Wheres Miss Lin? Shes not here. She_ to the airport to meet her uncle.A. will goB. was goingC. has goneD. goes8.She _as an animal trainer since 2003.A. has wo


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