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1、word格式八年级上学期英语根据汉语完成句子总结Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation ?1、 你去哪里度假了? 我去青岛海滩。 _ you - ? I to Qing Dao Beach . 2、 詹妮喜欢看书,昨晚好看了一本英语书。Jenny likes . She an English book last night . 3、相当多的学生正在教室忙着做作业。 students their homework in the classroom . 4、你还想去某个有趣的地方吗?Do you want to go ?5、上周末他们没去看望姑姑。They thei

2、r aunt .6、杰克今天早上看上去似乎很焦虑。 It Jack this morning . 7、你感觉那家餐馆食物如何?How did you the food in that restaurant ?8、为什么不为你自己买点东西呢? you for yourself ?9、你家的每个人都和你一起去了吗?Did in your family go with you ?10、去年爸爸给我买了辆新自行车。My father a new bike me last year . 11、因为糟糕的天气,我们没能去公园。 the bad weather , we to the zoo . 12、昨天

3、天气凉爽,所以我们决定去长城。Yesterday the weather , so we to the Great Wall . 13、他没有足够的钱乘计程车,因此他步行回了家。He didnt have money to take a taxi , so he .15、我感觉自己像一只小鸟。I I was a bird . 16、我从香港没带回任何东西。 I from Hong Kong .17、我在餐馆里什么也没吃。I anything in the restaurant . 18、史密斯一家不喜欢在外面吃饭。The Smiths outside .19、 昨天每个人都玩得高兴吗? 是的,

4、一切都很棒。 everyone yesterday ? Yes , excellent . 20、他说汤姆似乎不高兴。He said that Tom unhappy . 21、你在购物中心买什么特别的东西了吗? you in the shopping center ?22、昨天你吃什么食物了? you yesterday ?nit 2 How often do you exercise ?1、汤姆经常使用网络。Tom often . 2、他每周看一次电影。He once a week . 3、你现在学什么种类的舞蹈? are you learning ?4、他每月看四次电视。He watch

5、es Tv . 5、明天你有空吗? you tomorrow ?6、他每天锻炼两次。He twice a day . 7、“走进科学”是我最喜欢的节目。Approaching Science is my .8、她周末通常做什么?What does she do ?9、 你多久上一次网? 一周两次。 do you surf the ? a week . . 10、We often play basketball (在周末) .11、至于英语,我每天早晨都读 English , I read it every morning . 12、他们两天写一篇英文日记。They write a diary

6、in English .13、吉姆很懒,他几乎从不锻炼。Jim is very lazy . He exercises . 14、你多多久帮忙做一次家务?How often do you ?15、他最喜欢的节目是什What is ?16、下周你有空吗? you next week ?17、他们多久熬一How often do they ?18、他至少一周踢两次足球。He plays soccer twice a week . 19、放学后你通常做什么What do you usually do ?20、我弟弟经常很早睡觉。My brother usually 21、我几乎不做体育运动。I do

7、 sports . 22、他一天看两个多小时的电视。He watches TV two hours a day . 23、我几乎每个周末都去看牙医。 _ _ _ every weekend . Unit 3 Im more outgoing than my sister .1、这本书比那本书有趣得多。This book is that one .2、李磊唱歌的的声音比我大多了。Li Lei sings me . 3、我比我们班大多数孩子安静得多。Im most kids in my class . 4、你认为哪本书更有趣?Which book do you thinkis ?5、我篮球没他打得

8、好。I dont play basketball he does . 6、我认为莉莉更受欢迎。I think Lily is . 7谁学习更刻苦蒂娜还是莫莉?Who ,Tina or Molly ?8、我喜欢和你交朋友。I to _ _ you . 9、那个男孩和你一样强壮The boy is strong you . 10、对我来说,一个好朋友应该和我喜欢做同样的事情。For me, a good friend should like to do . 11、我认为交朋友对我来说很容易。I think for me .12、他的头发比我的长。He has .13、她比我聪明得多。 She is

9、 than me . 14、露西唱歌比她姐姐好。Lucy sings her sister . 15、他比他哥哥学习努力。He is than his brother . 16、你爸爸和你妈妈谁更聪明一些Who is , your father your mother17、你和你弟弟学习一样刻苦吗?Do you study your brother ?18、这个问题不如那个问题难。The question that one .19、你认为谁对音乐更有天Who do you think is music ?20、你介意打开电视机吗? you the Tv?21对于他来说,有必要每天打扫房间Its

10、 for him the room every day 22、你想不想和我们待在一起?Would you with us ?23、我的生活方式和你的相似。My lifestyle .24、我的堂弟比我跑得快。My cousin me .25、我喜欢和与我不同的人交朋友。I like to make friends with people who me . Unit 4 Whats the best movie theater ?1、我家离他的学校很近。My home is his school . 2、它有最舒适的座位。It has seats . 3、你可以在那里买到最新鲜的食物。You can buy



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