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2、试、逻辑推理能力测试、外语运用能力测试。考试时间为3个小时,所以每部分平均为45分钟,但具体时间分配可以自行调整。(2)历年GCT英语试卷分析历年总结与趋势分析03年的题目非常严谨科学,严格参考样题,难度不是很高;04年语文,逻辑,英语的难度较03年有所增加;05-09年 英语难度和04年大体持平。从历年情况看,10年的考试应当难度不会增加过多,大体上维持09年的水平题型分析备考技巧l 早早动手,循序渐进时间保障l 考前强化训练做题,考试技巧l 语法没必要扣得太细l 背单词慎重分配时间l 阅读理解一定找GCT英语阅读理解进行训练考试技巧l 胜在时间和反应速度解题技巧l 阅读理解拿80%分60%

3、:原文重现,同义词替换(全拿)40%:换表达方式,理解原文原意,中心思想(拿20%)l CLOZE切忌断章取义l 对话千万不要用汉语的表达方式去套l 确定解题顺序l 涂卡技巧第二部分:词汇语法(1)四种命题方式 近形词题:考单词辨认、近形词辨认的能力; 例1. The problem is caused C by a lack of money.A. prominently 显著地 B. profoundly 衷心地C. primarily 主要地 D. proportionally 适当地例2. The new director of the television station wants

4、 to _C _ its program.A.divide 分割 B. decide 决定C. diversify 多样化D. divert 转移近义词题:词义相近、用法不同;例1. Generally B , that city is less crowded than the others in the same state.A. talking B. speaking C. saying D. telling例2. In the big flood, only 20 % of the people in that village D .A. remained B. stayed C. l

5、ived D. survived 幸存语境词汇题:根据单词所处的具体语言环境,确定正确选项;例1.In 400 A.D. Chinese children played with a fan-like toy that span upwards and fell back to earth as A ceased.A. rotation 旋转B. suspension 吊,悬浮C. emission 散发D. motivation 动机例2. As a good photographer, you must develop an awareness of the world around yo

6、u and the people who B it. A. innovate 改革B. inhabit 居住C. integrate 结合D. inherit 继承固定搭配:动词与介词或副词的搭配,形容词与名词的搭配例1. Not all persons arrested and D with a crime are guilty, and the main function of criminal courts is to determine who is guilty under the law.A. sentenced 宣判B. accused 被告C persecuted 迫害D ch

7、arged 指控 be charged with例2. If you are a member of a club, you must to the rules of that club.A. conform 遵守B. appeal 呼吁C. refer 提及 D. access 访问(2)主要考点 动词 名词 形容词 副词 名词的数和名词的所有格 时态 语态 情态动词 虚拟语气 倒装 主谓一致 复合句 强调句 语法疑难点(3)模拟题解析1. Some old people dont like pop songs because they cant _ so much noise.A. res

8、ist B. experienceC. tolerateD. sustain2. Mary is as vain as peacock and always wants to be the _ _ of attention.A. sight B. emphasisC. focus D. object3. A long time ago, at a national conference on biology, he cautiously _ _ his new theory on life.A. advanced B. relievedC. produced D. thrust4. He ke

9、pt a _ _ hold on her hand as he helped her over the fence.A. solid B. stiffC. firm D. rigid5. In the effort to fire a Civil Service employee, his or her manger may have to spend up $100,000 of tax money to do so.A. till B. to C. for D. about 6. When we arrived at the airport, we were told our flight

10、 .A. had been cancelledB. had cancelledC. has been cancelledD. cancelled7. The old man is in the habit of going for a walk along the river every morning except _ _ it rains.A. whenB. forC. thatD. /8. Williamsburg has now been restored so that it looks as it _ _ during the 18th century.A. could B. wo

11、uldC. was D. did9. _ _ , follow the directions on the bottle carefully.A. When taken drugs B. When drugs are takenC. When takes drugs D. When taking drugs10. He liked the paining very much, which cost him $1,000. However, he would gladly have paid _ for it.A. as much twiceB. much as twiceC. twice as

12、 muchD. as twice much解答:1. C语境词汇题。A抵抗;B经历;C忍受;D支撑。2. C近义词。Mary象孔雀一样虚荣,总想成为众人关注的焦点。“焦点”focus。3. A语境词汇题。A提出;B减轻,解除;C产生;D戳。4. C固定搭配。Keep a firm hold in ones hand 紧紧抓住某人的手。5. B固定搭配。up to 多达。6. A语法。过去的过去,过去完成时被动语态。7. A语法。except前后关联的是两个时间概念:“每天早晨”和“下雨的时候”,所以只能用when连接,使后面部分成为时间状语才能符合题意。8. D语法。本题空格处需要一个能替代前

13、面谓语动词look的词,只有D可以,其他三个都不能替代实义谓语动词。9. D语法。选项部分没有出现主语,这样它的逻辑主语应是后面句子的主语,而后面句子是第二人称祈使句,其主语是you,因此答案应该是表示主动的分词。10. C语法。twice asas(for) 表示2倍。第二部分:阅读理解(1)阅读理解要求(2)命题方式:回答问题;完成句子。(3)命题原则:选材原则:普及性内容,难度和长度适度;一对一原则:首先选择句子,再根据文中的一个或一组句子编一道题;正确选项特征:与该题的依据句在意思上基本一致,大部分情况下两处的用词有相似之处,而且一般说法符合常理;错误选项(迷惑项)特征:错误信息(与依

14、据句信息有误差),无关信息(不属于依据句的信息或文章没有提及该信息),不符合常理的说法(一般比较绝对,有说不通的地方)。 (4)文章类型:3篇说明性文章,1篇应用文(5)阅读理解难度设计:简单题80% :正确选项的用词与题干里依据句的用词有相似的地方。困难题20% :依据句的用词和正确选项的用词不一样,意思完全一样。 (6)总答题策略(7)常见考题类型:大意理解题:关键找主题句1)The best title for passage is 2)The topic/main idea of this article is3)The passage is mainly about (concerned with)4)The title that best express


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