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1、昆 明 学 院2012 届毕业论文论文题目(英文)Analysis of Long Sentence in English-Chinese Translation Techniques论文题目(中文)浅析英汉中长句翻译技巧 姓 名 学 号 2 所属院/系 外国语学院 专业年级 2010级英语专业 指导教师 2012年 5 月学士学位论文诚信声明本人郑重声明:所呈交的学位论文,是本人在导师的指导下,独立进行研究工作所取得的成果。除文中已经注明引用的内容外,本论文不含任何其他个人或集体已发表或撰写过的作品成果。对本文的研究做出重要贡献的个人和集体,均已在文中以明确方式标明。本人完全了解本声明的法律

2、结果将由本人承担。学士论文作者签名: 日 期: 年 月 日摘 要 英汉翻译除了基本原则之外,尚有许多技巧性问题直接影响到译文的正确性及质量的高低。一般来说,英文长句的汉译应优先考虑短分译出,然后在根据汉语的表达习惯重新组合。在译文风格选择方面,为了达到译文准确这一基本目标,宁“原汁原味”,勿“天马行空”。在语态方面,汉语译文则应在英语中的被动语态变换为汉语的主动语态,采用符合汉语习惯的主动语态。本文就翻译中常见的一些技巧做了一些分析与总结。关键词:翻译; 技巧; 长句; 语态 AbstractIn addition to the basic principles of English-Chin

3、ese translation practices, there are more some problems of techniques which could affect the translation correctness and quality. Generally, the long English sentences should give the priority of translating with a short branch, and then reorganize in accordance with the Chinese expression. In order

4、 to make the translated version precise, we would rather translate the long sentences literally than do this freely according to the fundamental principles. With the aspect of voice, the English passive voice should be translated into the Chinese active voice in accordance with Chinese habits. There

5、fore, with the view of some common techniques in the translation, this thesis will have some analyses and conclusions.Key Words: translation; technique; long sentence; voiceTable of ContentsIntroduction1Chapter1 Shortening in Long Sentence Translation Skill.11.1 The Differences and Reasons of Englis

6、h-Chinese Language in the Structure of Sentence11.2 Priority to Consideration of Shortening Long sentence into Short Sentence.21.3 Analysis of Long Sentence.31.4. Restructuring.4Chapter2 The Methods of Long Translations.52.1. From the Surface to the Deep Method52.2. The Method of Coherent Translatio

7、n62.3. The Method of Division.72.4. The Method of Inversion.8Chapter3 The Voice in Long Sentences93.1. Passive Voice.93.2. Using Static Skill in the English Long Sentence and Dynamic Skill in the Chinese Long Sentence10Conclusion.11References.13中文参考文献.13Acknowledgements.14Introduction The Chinese an

8、d English translation is the necessary part of the process in the exchange of two cultures. As for the principles of the Chinese and English translation, Early Modern famous scholar Yen Fu had the view of “faithfulness, expressiveness and elegance” on translation, and then has the view of “faithfuln

9、ess and fluency” on it. Totally, the requirements of translation have been reached a consensus on the process of its practice, namely, faithful to the original context, the fluency of language, but if we want reach this purpose, its not so easy to get it. Most people have this feeling which is that

10、after reading the original context, they seems understand its meaning, but while translating it, they do not how to do that. The main reason is that they can not deal with the Chinese and English translation with an appropriate way. Therefore, this thesis will have an analysis of these basic problem

11、s, especially in the long sentence in English-Chinese translation techniques.Chapter 1 Shortening in Long Sentence Translation Skill1.1. The Differences and Reasons of English-Chinese Language in the Structure of Sentence.In order to translate English sentence more precise, we should understand the

12、differences and reasons of English-Chinese language in the structure of sentence. Language is the production of the thought and culture, as well as the carrier of the thought and culture, so that the differences among culture certainly result in the differences of the languages psychology and language. Such as, the focus of grammar principles in the India-European language syst



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