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1、780个最地道英语口语句子01英语辅导:www.dd-Good morning.早上好!Good evening.晚上好!How are you?你好吗?Fine, thank you.我很好,谢谢。Not so good.不怎么好。Nothing much.老样子。Hows everything?还好吧?How did it go today?今天怎么样?Oh, same as usual.和往常一样。Whats the hurry?急着干什么去呀?There you are!原来你在这儿啊!Whats up?出什么事啦?Youve come just in time.你来的正是时候。How

2、 do you do?你好。Nice to meet you.很高兴见到你。Glad to see you.认识你很高兴。How do you do? My names Lin Qing.你好,我叫林清。Excuse me. I dont think weve met before.你好,我们以前可能见过面。Hello! You must be Mary. Im John.你好,你一定是玛莉,我叫约翰。Its very nice to have a chance to meet you.真高兴能有这个机会认识你。You look familiar.你看上去很面熟。Dont I know you

3、?你不认识我吗?Dont I know you from somewhere?我们是不是在哪儿见过面?I know you, but I forgot your name.我认识你,可是我忘了你叫什么名字。Whats your name again?你叫什么来着?Im not sure. Maybe.我不敢肯定,也许在哪儿见过。Hello. Let me introduce myself.你好,我来自我介绍一下。How do you do? Im Lin Qing.你好,我叫林请。Here is my card.这是我的名片。I think this is the first time wev

4、e met, isnt it?我想这是我们的第一次见面,对吗?Wang often talks about you.王经常谈起你。Im Jack from America.我是从美国来的杰克。Hello, allow me to introduce myself.你好,让我自我介绍一下。Let me introduce myself, by the way.顺便自我介绍一下。Hi! Im John Smith.你好!我是约翰,史密斯。May I introduce myself to you?我可以自我介绍吗?May I take the liberty of introducing myse

5、lf to you?我可以冒昧地自我介绍吗?I would like to meet Mr. Brown.我很想会晤布朗先生。I dont believe Ive had the pleasure.我想我们还不认识。Jane, have you meet Tom?简,你见过汤姆了吗?Jane, do you know Tom?简,你认识汤姆吗?Do you know each other?你们俩认识吗?John, you must meet Tom.约翰,来见见汤姆。Bob, do come and meet John.鲍勃,来见见约翰。May I present Dr.Brown?请允许我介

6、绍一下布朗博士。May I introduce Mr.Wang to you?我可以把王先生介绍给您吗?I have heard so much about you.我己久闻您的大名了。How nice to meet you.久仰,久仰。What a pleasure to meet you.见到你很荣幸。I am pleased to make your acquaintance.能与您相识乃是憋人之幸事。Charmed.幸会,幸会。A pleasure.幸会,幸会。How do you like our weather?你觉得我们这儿的天气怎么样?What about the weath

7、er in California?加州的天气怎样?What was the weather like yesterday?昨天的天气怎样?Hows the weather tomorrow?明天天气怎么样?What does the weather forecast say?天气预报怎么说的?Is it always as hot as this?天气总是这样热吗?Whats the temperature today?今天的气温是多少?Do you get much rain during the summer?你们这儿夏天雨水很多吗?Does it rain very much here?

8、这儿经常下雨吗?Whats it like outside today?今天室外的天气怎么样?Its rather changeable, isnt it?天气功变化无常,不是吗?Is there a lot of snow in this region?这个地区常下雪吗?Whats the weather like in Beijing?北京天气怎样?Its nice today, isnt it?今天天气不错呀。Its rather windy today.今天风真大。Its snowing heavily.雪下得很大。Its bitterly cold today.今天特别冷。Itll

9、clear up tomorrow.明天会晴天。ItlI be a wet day, Im afraid.恐怕会有雨。It will be pouring in a minute.一会儿雨就会下大了。There is a north wind coming.刮起了北风。The wind has gone down.风小了。The weather is changeable here.这域的天气变化无常。It is likely to get cold.天气可能会转凉。Its very chilly today.今天很冷。Its been raining since last night.从昨晚

10、开始一直在下雨。The weather is very upcertain.天气非常不稳定。The temperature is below zero.气温是零摄氏度以下。lts a beautiful day today.今天天气真好。There are many clouds in the sky.天上有许多云。The sky is very dark.天空非常昏暗。The days are getting cooler.日子一天天凉快起来了。Its breezy and pleasant today.今天凉风习习,天气宜人。The snows falling thick and fast

11、.大雪纷飞。Its sunny but quite cold.阳光很好,但却很冷。Its extremely hot and muggy.天气非常炙热闷人。Why do you like summer?你为什么会喜欢夏天呢?Spring is my favorite season.春天是我最喜欢的季节。Im so happy the weather is hot.天气热我很高兴。Can you come over and join us?你能过来参加我们的活动吗?Shall we have a drink at this restaurant?我们在这家餐馆喝一杯好吗?Wont you com

12、e with me?你不跟我一起去吗?You must join us for lunch.你一定要和我们起吃午饭。Are you from an academic family?你出生于知识分子家庭吗?Do you care to join me for lunch?一起进午餐好吗?Ill treat you to a drink.我请你喝一杯。I shall be so glad if you can come.你要是能来,我真是太高兴了。Thank you very much. Yes, l would.非常谢谢你,是的,我愿意。Yes, Id like to very much.是的,

13、我非常喜欢。Its very kind of you to invite me.你真好,能邀请我。Alright ,Im free on Sunday.好吧!我星期天没事。Great! Id like that.太好了,我太喜欢了。Marvelous! Thanks.妙极了!谢谢。Thatd be lovely!真是好极了!How nice of you! Many thanks.你真好!多谢。Thank you. Ill be glad to come.谢谢你,我很高兴来。Thats a good idea.这个主意真好!Id love to. That would be great.那太好

14、了!我很喜欢。Id be glad to go with you.我很乐意和你一块去。How nice! Id like to.太好了,我愿意。How about tomorrow evening then?明晚如何?Would next weekend be OK?下一个周末可以吗?Thanks, but I cant.谢谢,不过我不能去。Isorry, but Ill go to see my parents.对不起,我要去看父母。Id love to, but Ill go on business.我很想去,但我要去出差。Im sorry, but we have to go now.真遗憾,我们得回家了。Im afr


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