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1、 Fruitsapple苹果 apple core苹果核 apple juice苹果汁 apple skin苹果皮apricot杏子 apricot flesh杏肉 apricot pit杏核 areca nut槟榔子banana香蕉 banana skin香蕉皮 bargain price廉价 beechnut山毛榉坚果Beijing flowering crab海棠果 bitter苦的 bitterness苦味 ripe成熟的 rotten fruit烂果 water chestnut荸荠 watermelon西瓜blackberry黑莓 canned fruit罐头水果 carambol

2、a杨桃 cherry樱桃cherry pit樱桃核 cherry pulp樱桃肉 hawthorn山楂 hazel榛子chestnut栗子 Chinese chestnut板栗 Chinese date枣 date pit枣核Chinese gooseberry猕猴桃 Chinese walnut山核桃coconut椰子 coconut milk椰奶 coconut water椰子汁 cold storage冷藏cold store冷藏库 crisp脆的 cumquat金桔damson plum西洋李子downy pitch毛桃 dry fruit干果 pomegranate石榴 pomelo

3、柚子,文旦 red bayberry杨梅early-maturing早熟的 fig无花果 filbert榛子first class一等地,甲等的 flat peach蟠桃 flavour味道flesh果肉 flesh fruit肉质果 fresh新鲜的 fresh litchi鲜荔枝fruit in bags袋装水果 fruit knife水果刀fruits of the season应时水果 g Hami melon哈密瓜gingko白果,银杏 give full weigh分量准足 give short weight短斤缺两grape葡萄 grape juice葡萄汁 grape skin

4、葡萄皮 grape stone葡萄核haw山楂果 honey peach水蜜桃juicy peach水蜜桃 in season应时的juicy多汁的 jujube枣 kernel仁 kumquat金桔 late-maturing晚熟的 lemon柠檬litchi荔枝 litchi rind荔枝皮 longan桂圆,龙眼 longan pulp桂圆肉,龙眼肉loguat枇杷 mango芒果 mature成熟的 almond杏仁 seasonable应时的 seedless orange无核桔 special-grade特级的muskmelon香瓜,甜瓜 navel orange脐橙 nut坚果

5、perishable易腐烂的 pineapple菠萝 plum李子 plum cot李杏 sultana无核小葡萄 superfine特级的 tangerine柑桔 tart酸的 tender嫩的 orange柑桔 orange peel柑桔皮 papaya木瓜 peach桃子 peartinned fruit罐头水果 unripe未成熟的 walnut胡桃,核桃 walnut kernel核桃仁nut meat坚果仁 nut shell坚果壳 olive橄榄 reduced price处理价 strawberry草莓蔬菜及豆类 卷心菜cabbage椰菜/西兰花broccoli甘蓝Chines

6、e broccol/gai larn花菜cauliflower白菜/青菜pak choi/bok choi/Chinese white cabbage菜心flowering cabbage空心菜water spinach塌棵菜Chinese flat cabbage芥菜mustard韭菜Chinese chive/leek韭黄leek shoot莴苣/生菜lettuce甜菜beet菠菜spinach芹菜celery茄子eggplant/aubergine香菜caraway胡萝卜carrot小红萝卜radish萝卜turnip芋艿taro西红柿tomato土豆potato小土豆charlotte

7、黄瓜cucumber丝瓜fuzzy melon/towel gourd芦笋asparagus茭白wild rice shoots洋葱onion山芋sweet potato山药yam青椒green pepper红辣椒chilli豌豆pea扁豆haricot小扁豆lentil毛豆green soy bean黄豆/大豆soybean蚕豆fava bean豇豆cowpea绿豆mung bean豆芽bean sprout番瓜pumpkin冬瓜white gourd苦瓜bitter gourd大蒜garlic蒜苗garlic stem竹笋bamboo shoot蘑菇mushroom草菇straw mush

8、room藕lotus root秋葵gumbo茨菇arrowhead科目类:语文 Chinese 数学 Math、Mathematies 英语 English 物理 pgysics 化学 chemistry 生物 biology 历史 history 地理 geography 政治politics 音乐 music 美术 painting 体育 physical education(PE) 代数 algebra 算术 arithmetic 几何 geometry 电脑 computer水果类:水果商 fruiterer 罐头水果 canned fruit 水果刀fruit knife 应时水果

9、fruit of the season 干果 dry fruit 早熟的early-maturing 晚熟的 late-maturing 分量准足 give full weight 缺斤短两 give short weight 苹果 apple 苹果汁 apple juice 苹果核 apple core 苹果皮 apple skin 梨 pear 南美梨 avocado 香蕉 banana 香蕉皮 banana skin 葡萄 grape 葡萄汁 grape juice 葡萄核 grape stone 葡萄皮 grape skin 李子 plum 杏子 apricot 杏肉 apricot

10、flesh 杏核 apricot pit 无花果 fig 海棠果 Beijing flowering crab 枣 Chinese date 山楂 hawthorn 猕猴桃 Chinese gooseberry 橙子 orange 脐橙 navel orange 芒果 mango 橘子tangerine 无核桔 seedless orange 凤梨 pineapple 西瓜 waterelon 香瓜 muskmelon 哈密瓜honeydew、honey melon 木瓜 papaya 桃子 peach 蟠桃 flat peach 水蜜桃honey peach 油桃 nectarine 樱桃c

11、herry 樱桃核cherry pit 樱桃肉 cherry pulp 水蜜桃juice peach 杨桃carambola 草莓 strawberry 黑莓 black berry 杨梅 red bayberry 橄榄 olive 槟榔betelnut 桂圆、龙眼 longan 桂圆肉 longan pulp 枇杷 loguat 荔枝 litchi 荔枝皮 litchi rind 栗子chestnut 榛子filbert、hazel 核桃、胡桃walnut 柠檬 lemon 石榴pomegranate 柿子 persimmon 甘蔗 sugar-cane 柚子、文旦shaddock 椰子 c

12、oconut 椰奶 coconut milk 椰子汁 coconut water肉类及海鲜猪肉pork猪排chop五花肉 streaky pork/marbled beef肥肉fatty meat瘦肉lean meat前腿fore leg后腿hind leg猪蹄pettitoes脚爪hock & foot蹄筋sinew软骨gristle牛肉beef roast小牛肉veal碎牛肉ground beef牛排steak牛腿肉silverside牛腰肉sirloin羊肉mutton鹿肉venison羊排lamb chop羊腿gigot鸡腿drumstick鸭翅膀duck wing腊肉preserve

13、d ham香肠sausage鱼圆fishball虾皮dried small shrimps海蜇jelly fish蚝oyster三文鱼/鲑鱼salmon鲈鱼weever鳝eel金枪鱼tuna带鱼hairtail海参sea cucumber明虾prawn虾仁peeled prawns龙虾lobster小龙虾crawfish扇贝/鲜贝scallop鲍鱼abalone海带kelp蛤clam蛏子razor clam虾子shrimps egg鱼子roe凤尾鱼anchovy鳕鱼cod鲳鱼pomfret青鱼herring鲭mackerel淡菜moule 旗鱼swordfish沙丁鱼pilchard/sard

14、ine海螺whelk海蜇jellyfish蚌mussel海扇cockle比目鱼plaice海鳗eel墨鱼cuttlefish豆制品豆腐tou-fu/bean curd 豆腐衣bean sheets 粉丝bean starch noodles粉皮bean starch sheets 豆腐干丝bean curd strips 腐乳pickled bean curd 油面筋fried gluten puff油豆腐fried bean curd puff豆豉fermented black bean 豆酱fermented soybean百叶beancurd sheets 豆腐干dried beancurd干果桂圆dried longan当归angelica胡桃walnut 木耳agaric银耳white fungus金针菜lily bud 榛子hazelnut松子pine seed葡萄干raisin 无核葡萄干currant发菜black moss银杏ginkgo 人参ginseng栗子chestnut澳洲坚果macadamia/queensland nut点心及小吃中式:中式点心dim sum(饮茶Yum Cha)油条twisted cruller豆浆bean milk豆腐花beancurd jelly包子bum豆


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