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1、PART I Challenges 3 Winning as a Team 團隊致勝 Winning as a Team If complexity and variability are what make supply chain management a hard game to master, then the best tactics are those that lead to simplicity and stability. Indeed, most of the innovations in supply chain management over the past 20 y

2、ears have attempted to both simplify and stabilize the flow of demand, supply, and cash. These innovations include the extension of just-in- time manufacturing techniques out to the supply chain, plus a variety of specialized programs for managing the replenishment of retail inventories. Unfortunate

3、ly, the gains produced by these programs have often come at the expense of other links in the chain, and that doesnt improve the competitiveness of the chain as a whole. A brief look at game theory reveals why these programs are falling short and points the way to the winning strategy: integrating t

4、he members of the supply chain into a smoothly functioning team by making sure that every members win contributes to the success of all the others. 倘若供應鏈管理不易精通是因為其複雜性(complexity)與變異性 (variability),那麼最好的戰術就是設法讓系統變得單純(simplicity)與穩定 (stability)。的確,在過去20年間,大部分的供應鏈管理創新,都在企圖讓 需求(demand)、供應(supply)與帳款(cas

5、h)的流程可以簡單,而且穩定地進 行。這些創新的方法包括延伸及時制(JIT)生產技術於供應鏈上,以及數種 管理零售存貨補充的推動方案(programs)。不幸的是,這些推動方案所帶 來的收益常造成供應鏈其他連結(links)費用的增加,而無法提升整體供應 鏈的競爭力。本章簡單以賽局理論(game theory)探討,可以發現這些 推動方案有所不足之原因,並指出致勝策略之道:整合供應鏈成員成為一 個運作順暢的團隊,確保每位成員的獲勝會帶給其他成員的成功。 JIT Supply Programs(及時制供應方案) JIT has transformed manufacturing Of the m

6、any efforts to improve the flow of raw materials into production facilities, most have involved extending the reach of the just-in-time (JIT) manufacturing method upstream toward suppliers. One of the key elements of the JIT approach is eliminating excess inventory throughout the production process

7、by timing the movement of materials to each workstation to arrive just at the moment they are needed for the next operation. This practice minimizes inventories throughout the production process, helping manufacturing companies reduce holding costs, minimize obsolescence, and improve their return on

8、 assets. These benefits have led to the widespread adoption of JIT throughout industries that use repetitive production techniques. 及時制改變了製造方式 在改善物料到生產設施間流程的許多努力中,常見的做法是 將及時制生產方法(just-in-time(JIT)manufacturing)向上延伸至供應 商端。及時制(JIT)方法的關鍵要素之一是,藉由排定投料到各 工作站地時間,讓物料根據下一個作業(next operation)所需適時地 送達,以減少生產過程中多

9、餘的存貨。這樣的做法可以讓製程中的 物料存貨降到最低,讓生產工廠降低存貨持有成本,減少老舊存 貨,並且改善資產報酬率。由於有這些優點,使得及時制生產方法 廣泛地被應用於重複性生產技術的產業中(repetitive production techniques) 。 JIT Supply Programs(及時制供應方案) Frequent shipments reduce total inventory Of the three inventories held in production facilities, the work-in-Process (WIP) inventory is mo

10、st easily reduced using JIT. But WIP is usually the smallest and least expensive of the inventories, and tackling the other two requires changing the way suppliers deliver raw materials and customers receive finished goods. In order to bring down the inventory of raw materials, JIT producers work wi

11、th their suppliers to switch over from large shipments of materials that go to central receiving facilities to small, frequent shipments that go directly from trucks to the factory floor (Figure 3.1). The change is a dramatic one, often taking a company from monthly orders and shipments to multiple

12、shipments a day with precisely timed arrivals. Most JIT producers have a similar program on the outbound side, using small, frequent deliveries to minimize their inventory of finished goods. 頻率高的貨件運送可以降低總存貨 在生產設施所持有的三種存貨類型中,在製品(WIP)最容易運用及時制方 法來降低存貨水準。然而,在製品存貨通常是其中占最小比率也花費最少 的部分,不過解決另外兩種存貨(原物料、製成品)問題

13、必須改變供應商交 運原物料與交付顧客製成品的方式。為了降低原物料存貨,及時制生產工 廠與他們的供應商合作,將物料由大批量送到工廠中央物料倉庫的方式, 改為小批量高頻度直接由卡車送到生產線上(factory floor)的方式(見圖 3.1)。這是個相當巨大的改變,通常會將公司的月訂單月交貨模式改變 為嚴格到貨時間要求之1日數次配送模式。大部分及時制生產工廠對於外 向物流(outbound logistics)也有類似做法,即採用小批量高頻度的配送以降 低製成品存貨水準。 JIT Supply Programs(及時制供應方案) Just-in-Time Supply JIT Supply Pr

14、ograms(及時制供應方案) JIT requires close partnerships with suppliers As soon as manufacturers begin to make these kinds of changes. JIT quickly expands from a production initiative to a much broader program that requires systematic changes in supply chain management. Toyota, the company that pioneered the

15、 JIT method in the 1970s, was keenly aware of this aspect of its program, and it worked closely with its suppliers to convert their operations to JIT as well, precisely coordinating the flow of goods from suppliers to production plants. In order to support the close relationship required by this new

16、 kind of production, Toyota used a uniquely Japanese form of joint partnership, called a keiretsu, with its key suppliers. In Toyotas case, the keiretsu involved taking a 20 to 50 equity position in each supplier and replacing 20 of its key executives with Toyota personnel. 及時制要求緊密的供應商夥伴關係 在製造廠陸續進行這些改變後,及時制很快地由生產推動方案擴展到更大 範圍的推動方案,要求供應鏈管理的系統性變革。豐田公司(Toyota),在 1970年代發展出及時制,很清楚及時制的特性,並緊密地與其上游供應商 合作,將供應商作業也轉變成及時制,精準地調節從供應商到生產線的物 料流程。為了支援新生產方案所需的緊



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