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1、The feature of spoken language Made by Anna The feature of spoken English 1 Phonetics(语音) 2 Vocabulary(词汇) 3 Syntax(句法) 一、Phonetic 英语是拼音文字,语音包括音素、音节、节奏、重读、 弱读、连读、停顿、语调等。因为句子重读和语调的不同都 影响到说话人所要表达的情感态度和意图. 1.1语调 eg:(1)Tom caught a big fish in the river yesterday. 如果重读Tom,则强调了是谁捉到了鱼,表现出赞美;如重 读a big fish

2、,则是突出一条大鱼,表现出喜悦;如重读river ,则是强调地点,表现出惊讶。 (2)Please be quiet. 用降调,表说话人可能有些生气,但 努力保持礼节;用声调,则表有礼貌的请求。 一、 连读 连读有两种规则 1 以辅音结尾的单词+元音开头的单词: 如:Id like another bowl of rice. 读 2、以辅音结尾的单词 + h开头的单词 h不发音 what wil(l he) wilido? Lea(ve him) vim. 二、 音的同化 1、 辅音d与j相邻时,同化d:Would you.? 2、 辅音t与j相邻时,同化为t: Cant you? 3、 辅音

3、s与j相邻时, 同化为: Miss you 三、 失音 音爆破音或摩擦音后面跟的是爆破音、破擦音和摩擦等, 前面的辅音要失去爆破。: Sit down: Good night 四、 浊化 1、S 后面的清辅音要浊化 Discussion: k 浊化成 g Stand: t 浊化成d 2、美音中:t 在单词的中间被浊化成d 如: writer rider letterladder 五、 弱读 一般来说: 实词重读,如动词、名词、副词等; 虚词弱读,如介词、代词等 弱读的规则一般是:元音音节弱化成 E 比如:for/to/some/does/of 二、词汇方面的特点 2.1在可以选择时它用浅易而简

4、短的词: get (obtain) try (attempt) real (genuine) Help (assistance) lucky (fortune) glad (content) 2.2喜欢用口头禅 Adorable 可爱极了 Bravo 棒极了 Gorgeous 美极了 Rats 差劲 Stingy 小气鬼 Sucks 恶心 Amazing 令人惊异的 call a spade a spade(直言不讳) fit as a fiddle (非常健康) beat about the bush(转弯抹角) safe and sound(安全无恙) odds and ends (零星东

5、西) out and out (彻头彻尾的) 2.3短语结构的使用 2.4英式英语和美式英语 美式 英式 Apartment flat Cab taxi Can tin Candy sweet Chips crisps Corn maize Cookie biscuit 美式 英式 Garbage rubbish fries chips line queue Gasoline petrol pants trousers movie film side walk pavement 词汇方面的不同 三、句法方面的特点 3.1.句子短,多为简单句。 一般倾向于用简单的结构,即多用简单句和并列,较少用

6、 主从复合句;时态变化很不严格,以一般现在时和一般过 去时为主;多用主动语态,少用被动语态。 例如:Well,we were getting dressed to go out one night and we were just leaving,just walking out of the door and all of a sudden the doorbell rings and Larry says,“Theres somebody here for you. ”I walk in the living room and shes there with both kids. 这段口头

7、叙述 ,不仅句子简短,而且时态不拘一格,在all of a sudden 后,转换成与前面不一致的一般现在时,说明了一突然情 况的发生,使叙述生动,但并不使人感到别扭。 3.2广泛使用省略句 Let them go if they want to (go). (I am) Havent seen you for ages. Any questions? (Do you)Mind if I close the window? 省略的前提是面对面的交谈中有许多帮助理解的语境因素 ,如谈话的背景、手势和 表情,以及双方的身份地位、 熟知程度等 3.3语气词的使用 (1)引起对方注意 Hey,I sm

8、ell something,Mary! Right,lets begin. (2)引入新话题 Now,tell me about your school life Well,you can start it now. (3)转换话题。 Ok now,Im going to take a roll ca (4)更正谈话内容。 There are twenty people in the hall. Well,twenty-two in it. 1.介词短语用作插入语 : Above all, you must follow your teachers advice. 2.副词用作插入语 : 如U

9、nfortunately, I was caught in the rain. 3.不定式作插入语 有: 如:To tell you the truth, I didnt want to go with you. 4.V-ing 分词短语作插入语 。 如:Judging from your accent , you must be from England. 3.4英语口语中插入语 5.分句作插入语 常作插入语的分句有: 如:You see, they didnt trust me . 6. 常见的作插入语的形容词或其短语 1.Strange to say (或True),I was just

10、 thinking that myself. 。 7. 过去分词短语作插入语 Painted white, we like the house better. 8. 用标点符号引导插入语 如:He was (strange as it seems)an excellent sportsman. 他(尽管还显得令人不解)是个出色的运动 员。 He was to me at least, if not to youa figure that was worth having pity on.至少我觉得如此,即使 你不这样认为,他是一个值得同情的人。 I wasnt born yesterday.(

11、我又不是三岁小孩) I have a sweet tooth. (我喜欢吃甜食) It slipped my mind.(我忘了。) Are you pulling my leg你在开我玩笑吗? Neck and neck.(不分上下)。 If I were in your shoes(如果我是你的话) I wont buy your story.(我不信你那一套) I will play it by ear(我会见机行事的;到时候再说。) 3.5 俚语的使用 1.这个价格对我挺合适的。 误:The price is very suitable for me 。 正:The price is

12、right。 2.你是做什么工作的呢? 误:Whats your job? 正:Are you working at the moment? 3.用英语怎么说? 误:How to say? 正:How do you say this in English? 4.明天我有事情要做。 误:I have something to do tomorrow 。 正:I am tied up all day tomorrow。 5.现在几点钟了? 误:What time is it now? 正:What time is it, please? The differences between Chingl

13、ish and English 6.我的英语很糟糕。 误:My English is poor。 正:I am not 100% fluent, but at least I am improving。 7.你愿意参加我们的晚会吗? 误:Would you like to join our party on Friday? 正:Would you like to come to our party on Friday night? 8.我没有经验。 误:I have no experience。 正:I dont know much about that。 9.我的舞也跳得不好。 误:I do

14、nt dance well too 正:I am not a very good dancer either。 1. You have matches 最近我有一次机会登上一艘豪华游轮观光。一次 ,我在酒吧台拿了两杯鸡尾酒回房间享受,途中 遇到一位女士,她看看我后笑着说:You have matches?我一愣,回答说:很抱歉,我十五年 前就戒烟了,所以没有火柴。她立刻会意到我误 解了她的意思,好像是有点抱歉地说:Its a joke 。 然后,我们就相互尴尬地笑了笑,走开了。事 后和朋友在吃晚饭的时候聊天,我趁机向一个美 国朋友请教白天的那句话,他解释说:因为她看 你两手都占着,就故意开玩笑跟你要火柴,这是 个非常普通的笑话,非但没有恶意,反而是想问 你需不需要帮忙。


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