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1、 1. Read and tick. ( ) food ( ) menu ( ) juice ( ) ball ( ) teacher ( ) book ( ) chicken( ) fish ( ) tomato ( ) waiter( ) delicious ( ) manager ( ) waitress ( ) cloudy ( ) beef 2. Look and complete. What kind of food do you like? I like fish and tomatoes. Who are they? They are the _, _ and _ of Mei

2、wei Restaurant. managerwaiterwaitress 2. Look and complete. What can you see on the table? I can see a _ and a glass of _. menu juice 2. Look and complete. Does the boy like eating _? Yes. He likes it. Its _. chicken delicious 2. Look and complete. Dialogue 3. Look and tick. The waiter might say: (

3、) a. Hello! Nice to see you! ( ) b. Welcome to Meiwei Restaurant! 3. Look and tick. The waiter might say: ( ) a. Can I take your order? ( ) b. Whats your favorite food? Woman:_ Man:_ 4. Listen and match. a chicken burgera hotdog Woman:_ Man:_ 5. Listen and complete. a cup of coffee a glass of orange

4、 juice 6. Listen, read and underline. Waiter: Sara: Waiter: Sara: Waiter: Sara: Waiter: Sara: Waiter: Sara: Waiter: Excuse me, can I take your order? Yes. Id like some beef steak. How would you like it cooked? Well-done or medium? Which is better? Medium is better, its our specialty. Well, medium, p

5、lease. Would you like a side salad? Yes, the tomato and onion salad, please. Anything to drink? Yes, a glass of orange juice. All right, wait a minute, please. 7. Act and practice. Can I take your order? What would you like to eat / drink? Would you like .? What about you? Id like . Yes, please. / N

6、o, thanks. Id like . / Ill have the same. steak salad boiled dumplings noodles burger Foods 7. Act and practice. Can I take your order? What would you like to eat / drink? Would you like .? What about you? Id like . Yes, please. / No, thanks. Id like . / Ill have the same. tea coffee Coca-Colaorange

7、 juice milk Drinks 8. Talk and complete. Date: Table: Guest Number: Total: Thank you! DishAmountMemo Do you have a reservation? Yes. The reservation is under Mr Li. Can I take your order? What is the specialty of the house? Do you want to separate check? 您有预订吗? 是的,是以李先生的名 字预订的。 可以为您点餐吗? 餐厅特色菜是什么? 您要

8、不要分开付帐? 9. Read and circle. 10. Read and guess. Coca-Cola is cheap. Orange juice is cheaper than Coca-Cola. Sprite is the cheapest of the drinks. AB Tomato _ Restaurant is the most expensive; and _ Restaurant is the nearest to school. So I will choose _ Restaurant to have dinner with my friend. Make

9、 a survey to compare three restaurants near your school. Fish and steak, fish and steak, Which would you like? Noodles and burger, noodles and burger, Which do you prefer? I think theyre very delicious! But I want fish and juice. Listen and repeat. ( ) bill ( ) service ( ) menu ( ) provide ( ) steak

10、 ( ) speciaty ( ) cheap ( ) dish ( ) order ( ) waiter ( ) restaurant ( ) chicken ( ) expensive ( ) message ( ) waitress ( ) delicious ( ) chip ( ) meat ( ) salad ( ) eat ( ) medium ( ) read English menus. ( ) order food in English. ( ) use different degrees of adjectives. v.点餐 n.饭店 n.菜单 n.果汁 n.男服务员

11、n.女服务员 n.菜 n.汉堡包burger dish juice order restaurant menu waiter waitress n.(干) 奶酪 n.牛排 adj.中等的;(牛排)五分熟的 n.(餐厅的)特色菜 n.鸡肉 n.咖啡 n.沙拉 Adj.便宜的 adj.昂贵的 去饭店吃饭 steak salad cheese medium specialty chicken coffee cheap eat out expensive An English nobleman (贵族), the Earl (伯爵) of Sandwich (17181792), liked gamb

12、ling (赌博). When he gambled he had no time for a meal. But he was hungry for some food. So he always ordered a waiter to bring him roast-beef between two slices of bread. With the bread, he wouldnt get his fingers greasy (油腻的), and he could continue his gambling. Later, people named that fast food product sandwich after the Earl.



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