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1、. . . . .湖南大学研究生考试试题纸课程名称:_ 综合英语 _开课学院: 外国语 上课专业: 所有专业 年级: 2013 学生人数: 命题教师: 审核人: 考试形式: 闭 卷 考试时间: 2013 至 2014 学年第 一 学期 考试时量: 120 分钟 PART BEST CHOICE ( 1%* 20=20%)Section ADirection: choose the word or phrase that is closest in meaning to the italicized part of each sentence. 1. Coming from a theatric

2、al family, I was destined for a career on the stage I was expected to be an actor.A. up to be B. doomed to be C. made up for D. derived from2. A lot of people gathered at the airport waiting for the famous movie star, and when he arrived a flurry of excitement went round the crowd.A. burst B. flow C

3、. ruffle D. flood3. In order to finish the task in time, he was out in the rain all day and this brought on a bad cold. A. resulted from B. resulted in C. brought up D. gave up 4. The play shows that Americans have an embarrassment of riches and a paucity of spirituality and morality, focusing on th

4、e disillusionment of the American Dream. A. deficiency B. scarcity C. inadequacy D. deficit 5. Investment is a hazardous business in the highly volatile market; even those who are in the swim sometimes come a cropper.A. risky B. questioning C. partial D. wondrous6. He said things that would have bee

5、n better unsaid, he had read too many books, and he frequently showed up at the Chestnut Tree Caf, a haunt of painters and musicians.A. frequently visited place B. ghosted C. visit D. party 7. The puritans, a sizable percentage of earliest settlers in Massachusetts, were pious, self-disciplined.A. o

6、bedient B. humorous C. adventurous D. religious8. Bitterly I cursed my folly in having become a party to such a mad undertaking which could, I saw, only end in our deaths in this ghastly land.A. starve B. stability C. stupidity D. stimulation9. She is worrying about too many things these days, she r

7、eally needs to commune with her friends to relieve her fear and worry.A. talk with B. argue with C. cooperate with D. cope with10. She cried so bitterly and looked so forlorn and heartbroken and ashamed as she told her sad story.A. cheerful B. uncomfortable C. unhappy D. ignorant11. Moves to change

8、the way key resources should be allocated have sparkled a rise in turf battle, which could hinder the Internets growth as a global information infrastructure. A. control B. retard C. obstruct D. decrease12. We should transcend ourselves before overcoming the difficulties, which is my motto throughou

9、t my life.A. tackle B. conquer C. surpass D. squeeze13. According to the latest polls, the Republicans trail the Democrats by 10%, but it doesnt mean the final victory.A. drag down B. fall behind C. pass for D. run after14. I enjoyed the camaraderie among the team, which brought mutual trust among t

10、he team members. To a certain extent, this was the key to our success.A. amusement B. friendship C. confidence D. trust15. Digital cell phones offer more security, but the downside is that they have less power compared with the traditional telephone.A. disengagement B. misadventure C. disadvantage D

11、. misfortune16. As a manager, its advised to bear in mind that if your divisions profit outlook is bleak, so may be your future with the company.A. bare B. chilly C. pleasant D. dismalSection BDirection: choose the best word to complete the sentence. 17. The Court assumed that some of the elderly pa

12、tients could suffer physical or psychological _ from being forced to relocate.A. painful B. trauma C. dilemma D. issues18. Being obsessed with the desire of gain, he began to engage in theft last year, but now he is unable to _ himself.A. extricate B. freedom C. outset D. intricate19. Although mocki

13、ngbirds superbly _ the songs and calls of many birds, they can nonetheless be quickly identified as mockingbirds by certain aural clues.A. sing B. mimic C. show D. repeat20. Most intriguing is underwater walking, in which, wearing an oxygen helmet, you _ along the ocean bed among coral and shoals of striped fish.A. walk B. strool C. swim D. meanderPART READING COMPREHENSION (2%* 10=20%)Directions: Read the following two passages. Answer the questions below each passage by choosing A, B, C or D. Passage 1Half the worlds population will



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