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1、博 士 学 位 论 文控告权的正义之理研究On the Justice Reasons of the Citizens Right to Accuse the State Organs and Functionaries作 者 姓 名:贾永健 指 导 教 师:宋玉波教授 西南政法大学Southwest University of Political Science and Law内容摘要我国现行宪法第 41 条,把“控告违法失职的国家机关及其工作人员”规定为 公民的一项基本宪法权利控告权。长期以来,法学界特别是宪法学界,把“控告权” 理解为体现我国宪法社会主义性质的民主性权利,着重强调其民主意

2、义。这种理解主要 产生于建国伊始极力主张政权合法性、张扬人民主权原则的时代需求。进入国家建设时 期,随着社会主义市场经济体制的逐步确立和发展,当前公平正义问题已经日益凸显为 影响社会发展的根本问题之一;其中,“官民关系”是否正义更是直接影响政治正义乃 至社会正义。基于“如何推进社会正义”的问题意识,本文选择了直接关涉“官民关系” 正义性的“控告权”,并将“正义”作为观察、认识和探究其学理和法理的新视角。由 此初步观察可知,控告权具有推进正义的价值:推动“官民”关系的正义从而增进政治 正义,进而间接地以政治正义引领、带动并促进社会正义。因此,就有必要进一步深入 追问,控告权何以具有正义价值,即控

3、告权的正义理据何在?(第一、二、三章);控 告权包含哪些正义价值内容?如何充分发挥其正义价值?(第四章)。这些就构成了作 为控告权之基本法理的“正义之理”。“引论”部分,从现实需求(选题缘由)和理论需求(研究现状)两个方面,论述 了探究控告权正义之理的重大意义;并在对控告权基本问题(研究对象)进行专门研究 的基础上,交待了本文主要依赖的理论工具和研究路径(研究思路)。“正文”部分依照“控告”(公民控告国家机关及其工作人员)的“行为发生-应然 人权-公民权利-实有权利”之演进理路,分四章研究了“控告权正义之理”的详细内容。第一章是对“控告”行为得以发生的正义根源的探究。基于人性中的正义需求,受

4、侵害者必然努力追求“对侵害进行矫正、惩罚以及赔偿损害”的正义矫正的正义。 为实现更为普遍的正义,满足受害者正义需求的方式经历了一个从“私人复仇”到向第 三方权威“控告”的演化过程;为更有效实现正义,负责受理“控告”并承担矫正正义 职责的权威也逐渐从“社会”演化为“国家”。但国家诞生后带来的公权力侵权问题, 却凸现了这样一个关于“正义、国家与法”的悖论:为矫正不义、实现正义,人们最终 选择了国家和法,而后又陷入了新的甚至更大的不义?正是为矫正这种不义,在人性正 义需求驱使下,才有公民对国家机关及其工作人员的“控告”。所以,对矫正正义的需求是控告行为发生的正义根源。 但“控告”并非自始正当。第二章

5、就是对“控告何时并何以正当的”的解答,也是对“控告”得以正当化为应然人权之正义理据的探讨。“民对官”的“控告”行为在古 代中西方虽都有存在,但缺乏充分的正当性根据,总体上还备受古代正义论束缚和压制。 直到近代的启蒙时期,古典自然法学借助古代西方自然正义论中的有益资源,以自然状 态论和自然权利论催生了现代“人权”概念,为“控告”的正当化提供了有力理论工具; 以“个人创造国家”的社会契约论,赋予公民优于国家的目的论地位,完成了对“控告” 行为正义性的充分证成。二者结合,“控告”最终在古典自然法学这里获得了现代正义 理据,被正当化为一项“应然人权”。第三章沿着控告行为正当化的路径,考察了已经作为应然

6、人权的“控告”,又何以 被法定化为公民权利?抑或“控告”被社会主义宪法法定化为公民权利有何正义追求? 一是为追求和体现以权利为价值本位的现代法律正义;二是追求和弘扬“人民民主”的 马克思主义政治正义。可以说,宪法上规定公民控告权,是社会主义的人民民主原则在 法律上的突出体现。第四章主要关注“作为法律权利的控告权,在现实化为公民实有权利过程中有何正 义价值?”问题。概括来说,控告权主要有“满足正义需求、增强正义属性和形塑正义 秩序”等正义价值。但我国当前控告权的落实,正面临保障不充分、权利有滥用等现实 困境。为发挥其正义价值,需要深入推动国家治理体系和治理能力的现代化,充分保障 控告权的落实;还

7、需要努力推动公民与国家的良性互动,依法规制控告权滥用。最后“结论”部分进一步抽象升华文章主旨,揭示了正义才是控告权的根本价值追 求,而且这种“正义”乃是作为“中道”的正义,其最终得以实现的根本路径唯有“法 治”。充分保障控告权并发挥其正义价值,必须努力建设“法治中国”。关键词:控告权;人权;正义;法治;中道AbstractThe right to accuse the state organs and functionaries that were in violation of law or dereliction of duty is provided for one of the fun

8、damental rights of citizens in the Article 41 of the constitution of PRC. For a long time, this right has been discussed as a democratic right which embodied the socialist nature of the constitution of PRC in jurisprudential circle and especially in constitutional community, with the democratic mean

9、ing being emphasized. Its the interpretation that derived from the need of seeking the legitimacy of regime and strengthening the principle of popular sovereignty at the beginning of the founding of new China.However, this is a nation-building time. Along with the gradual establishment and developme

10、nt of the socialist market economic system, the issues of fairness and justice has become one of the crucial social problems which may affect the development of society. Among them, whether the relationship between citizens and government being just or not directly impacts the political and social j

11、ustice. Based on the issue of how to promote social justice, this paper chooses the right to accuse which is directly related to the officials and the public relations and regards justice as a new view to observe, explore and recognize the academic and legal principle. From this perspective, the rig

12、ht to accuse is valuable to prompt the political justice and drive the social justice. Consequently, it is necessary to further inquiry that why the citizens right to accuse can prompt justice? In other words, whats the theoretical basis behind the right to accuse? (Chapter 1, Chapter 2 and Chapter3

13、), what justice value included in the right to accuse and how to give full play to its justice value? (Chapter4). All is the justice of the citizens right to accuse that would be explored by this paper.The Introduction discusses the necessity and significance of this research from the perspectives o

14、f the realistic demands and theoretical demands, the fundamental problems of the right to accuse and awareness and the theory tools and road in this paper.The Text that includes four chapters studies the details of the Justice of the Citizens Right to Accuse the State Organs and Functionaries, which

15、 follows the developing road of that right that the accuse acts took place, then became one of human rights, citizen rights and real rights.The first chapter is to explore the justice origin of the act that the citizens accuse the state organs and functionaries. Inevitably, the infringed person woul

16、d try to ask for rectification of infringement, punishment on the tort and the compensation for loss from theneed to justice in human nature, which is called corrective justice. To achieve the more general justice, private revenge was replaced by accusation whose object was the authority from a third party. In order to attain jus



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