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1、8B Unit7 International charities Reading 2 Flying Eye Hospital eye problems eye operations doctors and nurses see again new skills e f c b a d afford patients board training proud medicine cured support About 285 million people around the world are blind or have other eye problems, mostly in poor ar

2、eas. blind adj 失明的 blindness n 失明 拓展:以ness 结尾的名词 Sadness illness uselessness coldness Happiness kindness carelessness Mostly 一般放在be 动词后,介词短语前 mostly adv. “主要地,大部分地” a. 我们们星期日大多不在家。 We are _ out on Sunday. b. 她的假日大多在家中度过过。 She spends her holiday C.Last weekend many people went to the concert,_young p

3、eople. A.Most of B.almost C.mostly mostly mostly at home Most / mostly most (adv.) “最大程度地,极度地” 是much的最高级.the most beautiful girl 非常,极 a most interesting book mostly (adv.) 主要地,大部分地 1. The work is _ done by myself. A. most B. mostly C. the most D. hardly 2. Neil worked _ slowly of the three. A. most

4、B. mostly C. almost D. at most A B The boys in our class mostly like singing . 我们班上的男孩子大部分喜欢唱歌。 Most of the boys in our class like playing football. 我们班上大多数男孩子喜欢踢足球。 And about 80 per cent of these cases can be prevented or cured. 大约80%的这些病例是能预防或治疗 的。 80 per cent of these cases 80 per cent of 80%的 a.

5、 我们学校里百分之90%的教师是女教师。 _ in our school are women teachers. b. 地球的百分之六十被水覆盖。 _ is covered with water. 90 per cent of the teachers 60 per cent of the earth 被动语态 结构 一般现在时 am/is/are+动词的 过去分词 一般过去时was/were+动词的 过去分词 主动语态和被动语态的转换: 主: 被: IlearnEnglish Englishis learnedme + + + by 被动语态 否定 句结 构 一般现在时 am/is/are

6、+not 动词的过去分词 一般过去时 was/were+ not 动词的过去分词 一般疑问句将be动词提到句首. 1.He cleaned the blackboard. 2. I often help Jim. 3.He planted many trees last year. The blackboard was cleaned by him. Jim is helped by me. Exercises: Many trees were planted by him last year. 1. The cake was eaten by Daniel. 2. The book was

7、taken by Nancy. 3. The little dog is looked after very well by Simon. 4. His house was sold by his son. 5. The computer is bought by my uncle . 6. I am woken up by my father every morning. Underline the passive voice in the following sentences: 含有情态动词的被动语态: Sth/sb+can/may/must+be+played We should gi

8、ve out leaflets to ask people to donate money Translation: 1.作业必须按时上交。 2. 应该有礼貌地跟老年人说话。 Your homework must be handed in on time. The old people should be spoken to politely. Cure v治愈 cure n 治疗 , cure 与treat 的区别:都表示“治疗” Cure 强调结果,指治愈某种疾病或某人的疾 病 Treat 则通常强调过程,指对病人进行诊断和 治疗,但不含治好的意思。 搭配不同: The doctors c

9、ured her of her cancer.治愈某 人的某种疾病 Which doctor is treating you for your illness. 为某人治疗某病 prevent: vt. 阻止, 预防 vt. prevent sb. from doing sth.阻止某人做某事 keep 结构中的from 不可以省略, 其余结构中的 from 可以省略. prevent 的名词 prevention 预防总比治愈强. Prevention is better than cure. stop from doing sth. keepfrom doing sth. 3. 他可能被邀

10、请来参加我们的新年聚会。 4. 格林先生能听懂汉语。 Chinese can be understood by Mr Green. He may be invited to take part in our New Year party. 一般将来时的被动语态构成: Sth/sb+will/be going to+be +过去分词 Eg:They will organize a charity show for the people in Yu Shu operation (n.) 手术 volunteer doctors 志愿者医生 On the plane, volunteer docto

11、rs do operations. operate (v.) on sb. 给某人做手术 =do an operation on sb Translation 1.医生正在给他妈妈做手术. The doctor _ _ _ his mother. Or:The doctor _ _ _ _ _ his mother. 2.医生们正在给那个孩子的眼做手术. The doctors are_ _the childs eyes. is operating on is doing an operation on operating on cant afford to do Many of our pa

12、tients are so poor that they cant afford to travel to hospital. 我们的很多病人很穷,连去医院的钱也没有。 afford的意思是“买得起,负担得起”,通常与 can,could, be able to连用,多用于否定句或疑问句 。 Can we afford the new house? You cannot afford to buy a new car. afford “买得起,负担得起” afford sth. afford to do sth. 贫困学生买不起文具。 a.The poor students _ _. (aff

13、ord sth.) b.The poor students _ _. (afford to do sth.) cant afford stationery cant afford to buy stationery by doing something By training them, we hope to help more people. 通过培训他们,我们希望能帮助更多的人。 by这里的意思是“通过(某种途径)”,后接动 词-ing形式。 (1)通过互相帮助,学生们提高了学习成绩。 _ _each other, the students have improved their grad

14、es. By helping a. 我们可以通过筹钱来帮助贫穷的女孩。 We can help _ by _. b. 通过努力学习,他通过了所有的考试。 By _, he _ _. poor girls raising money working hard passed all the exams proud be proud to do sth. 因-而骄傲 be proud of sth. 为-而感到骄傲 proud后既可跟that引导的宾语从句又可跟不 定式或介词of引起的短语。如: 他以自已是一名科学家而自豪. He is proud of a scientist. He is proud to be a scientist. He is proud of being a scientist. He is proud that he is a scientist. Develop v Developing“发展中的”China is one of the developing countries in the world. Developed “发达的” More money is needed to carry on with our work. carry on with sth. / carry on doing sth.



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