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1、LOGO Teaching Plan of Business Letter Part1-Part3 of Unit 1 Fundamentals of Business Letter Writing Business Letter Teaching Plan Content Teaching Methods Learning Methods Teaching Procedures Teaching Material Analysis of Teaching Material Teaching Aims and Demands Teaching Key Points and Difficulti

2、es Status and Function Status and Function(1) THIS COURSE IS MAINLY TALKING ABOUT u Basic knowledge of international foreign trade. u the format of English business letter. u commonly used words and expressions THIS COURSE IS HELPFUL u to enhance the students ability to read and write business Engli

3、sh letter u to train the students capacity for dealing with foreign trade affairs. Status and Function(2) UNIT1 Fundamentals of Modern Business Letter Writing CONTENT u Part1 The Basic Requirements of Business Letter Writing u Part2 The Basic Parts of Business Letters u Part3 The Basic Format of Bus

4、iness Letters THESE PARTS SERVE AS u a guide for their future learning u a criteria for their future English business writing Teaching Aims and Demands KNOWLEDGE OBJECTS u to get to know the requirements of business letter u to get to know the forms of business letter u to get to know the structure

5、of business letter ABILITY OBJECTS u to write letters in one of the 4 forms u to arrange letter parts in proper structure CULTURE OBJECTS u to aware of the differences of BE and AE u to aware of formal expressions and informal expressions Teaching Key Points and difficulties TEACHING KEY POINTS u th

6、e format of business letter u the main parts of business letter and the content of each part TEACHING DIFFICULTIES u the requirements for business letter writing u the consistence of the style Teaching Methods uMultimedia Computer Assisted Instruction uElicitation Method uCLT (Communicative Language

7、 Teaching) Learning Methods uto read the text and find the answer on the students own uto analyze the given letter on the students own uto get information by listening to the teacher uto master the knowledge by doing practice Teaching Procedures Lead-in 1 Fast Reading 2 Analysis of the given letter

8、3 Practice 5 Multimedia instruction 4 Assignment 6 Lead-in u A brief introduction to this course objects content teaching key points teaching difficulties general teaching procedures u General requirements for the students pre-read review assignment Fast Reading 1. Please find functions of business

9、letters u to ask for or to convey business information u to make or to accept an offer u to deal with matters concerning various businesses. 2.Please list Seven Cs u Completeness u Concreteness u Clearness/Clarity u Conciseness u Courtesy u Consideration u Correctness Fast Reading all the matters ar

10、e discussed, and all the questions are answered. 1. Completeness (完整) specific, definite and vivid. avoid being too general. 2. Concreteness (具体) 3. Clearness/Clarity (清楚) keep in mind the purpose of your letter use plain, simple words. use Short, familiar, conversational and straight-forward Englis

11、h 4. Conciseness (简洁,简明) use short sentences; one paragraph for one point Fast Reading sincere, tactful, thoughtful and appreciative; promptness; punctuality 5. Courtesy (礼貌) 6. Consideration (体谅) see their problems and difficulties and express your ideas 7. Correctness (正确) words, grammar, informat

12、ion Analysis of the given letter Multimedia Instruction 1. Letterhead(信头) - 2. Reference Number(参考号/发文编号) 3. Date(日期): full 4. Inside Name and Address(信内地址) - - 5. The Salutation(称呼) 6. The Subject Line(事由标题): what the letter is about 7. The Body of the Letter(正文) - - - - Full-block style Name, addr

13、ess, zip-code, tel. number, email address, telegram/telex/fax number, A file number, A contract number An L/C number Initials Messrs, Mmes, Ms, Attn Dear Sirs, Dear Madam or Sir, Dear Mr./Ms., Opening: reason Actual message: purpose, requirements, wishes Closing: thanks, anticipation Multimedia Inst

14、ruction 8. The Complimentary Close(结尾敬语/套语) 9. The Signature(落款) - - 10. The Reference Notation(经办人代号): initials of the typist and dictator 11. Enclosure Notation(附件) : encl, as stated 12. Carbon Copy Notation(抄送): cc to: 13. Postscript(附言/注) : P.Semphasize a point Yours faithfully (BE,F) Yours Sincerely (AE F) Sincerely (AE F) , Best Regards (informal) Institute Handwriting/initials Name, title Practice 1. Arrange the Following in Proper Form as They Should Be Set Out in a Letter. Answer (1) Senders Name: Guangzhou International Trading Corp. (2) Senders Address: 198 Yuek



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