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1、Lesson 41: WWW. go! New wordsThink about it text Lets do it New words connect v. 连接 monitor n. 班长;显示器 keyboard n. 键盘 key n. 键 space bar 空格键 shift n. 转换键 enter n. 回车键; v 进入 mouse n. 老鼠;鼠标 screen n. 屏幕 Internet n. 因特网 button n. 按钮;钮扣 fail v. 失败 succeed v. 成功 suddenly adv. 突然地 fantastic adj. 极好的;奇异的 sh

2、out v. 喊 menu n. 菜单 forward adv. 向前 search n&v. 搜寻 monitor n. 班长;显示器 computer monitor screen mouse Key board mouse n. 老鼠;鼠标 keys keyboard Enter Space bar Think about it Do you have a computer? If not, where do you use the Internet? What do you usually do on the Internet? What do Li Ming and Wang Mei

3、 use to connect the computer to the internet? text Li Ming is looking at Wang Meis new computer. “This is a beautiful computer,” he says. “Now you can connect to the Internet!” “How do you connect to the Internet?” says Wang Mei. “Will you help me?” “Sure,” Li Ming says. “ Id be glad to help you. Le

4、ts turn on the computer.” Li Ming pushes the “on” button. The computer makes a noise. Wang Mei and Li Ming see a picture of the world. Under the world, they see the word “ Internet.” “Choose the world ,Wang Mei,” says Li Ming. “There!” says Wang Mei. The computer makes another noise. Then the screen

5、 says, “Connection failed. Try again.” “What does failed mean?” asks Wang Mei. “When something fails, it does not succeed,” says Li Ming. “Oh! I see whats wrong! We forget to connect the computer to the phone line.” “Here,. Connect this to the computer.” “Ready!” says Wang Mei. “Lets try again,” say

6、s Li Ming. This time the computer says, “Connecting. Please wait” Suddenly, the words change. Now the screen says, “Connected.” “Fantastic!” shouts Wang Mei. Lets do it Check off the things that you like to do on the Internet Watch movies Chat Play games Send or receive e-mail Read novels Shop Liste

7、n to music Make friends What else would you like to do on the Internet? Are these things possible? Use your imagination! What do Li Ming and Wang Mei use to connect the computer to the Internet? 李明和王梅是用什么把电脑连接到因特网上的? connect vt. & vi 1)连接,结合。如: The two cities are connected by a railway. 这两个城市有铁路连接。

8、2) 把联系起来,给通电话。如: The two men are connected by marriage.这两个男子是姻亲。 Hold on, Ill just connect you with Miss Jones. 请等一下,我这就给您接通琼斯小姐的电话。 3) connection / connexion n. 连接,衔接,联系,关系 4) adj. connected连结的,连接的,关联的。 connected events相互关联的事件 5) 短语: be connected with与有关系;与有亲戚关系 She is connected with the Blacks. 她与

9、布莱克一家有亲戚关系。 Lets turn on the computer. 让我们打开电脑吧。 Lets是let us的缩写形式,意思是“让我们”,后面必须跟动词原形 。 His mother was ill yesterday. Lets go to see her. 他母亲昨天病了。我们去看看她吧。 【拓展】 除let外,make, see, hear, watch等词后也加动词原形。 注意 以Lets和Let us构成的句子中,在构成反意疑问句时,Lets , shall we? 而Let us , will you? 有所不同,请同学们注意。 2) turn on意思是“扭开、打开、

10、接通”等意思。其反义词是 “turn off” 。 【注意】 turn on是一个由动词和副词构成的词组。它的宾语如果是名词,名 词可以放在中间,也可以放在turn on的后面;它的宾语从句如果是 代词,代词只能放在turn on中间。 It is dark. Please turn on the light. (=Please turn light on.) 天黑了,请打开灯吧。 The TV set was broken. Dont turn it on. 电视机坏了。不要打开它。 The computer makes another noise. 电脑又发出了一个响声。 another意

11、思是“另一,再一”,一般修饰单数可数名词, 前面不能用冠词。在表示时间、金钱、距离的短语前, 可以用于有数词修饰的名词前。 When we are talking, another man comes and joins in our discussion. 我们在谈话时,另一个人走了过来加入了我们的讨论。 I will wait for you for another three minutes. 我再等你三分钟。 another+数词+名词复数,可以与数词+more+名词复数 进行转换。如: I will wait for you for another three minutes.可以变

12、化为 :I will wait for you for three more minutes. Then the screen says, “Connect failed. Try again.” 接着,屏幕上出现了几个字:“连接失败。请再试一次。” 1) screen n. a. 屏幕;帘;隔板。She changed her clothes behind a screen. 她在屏风后 面换了衣服。 b.银幕;屏幕。You can see her on the TV screen quite often. 你可以经常在 电视屏幕上看见她。 c.掩蔽物。He hid behind a scr

13、een of bushes. 他躲在一排灌木丛后面。 2)fail的用法 fail“失败,不及格,倒闭,破产”,既可作及物动词,也可作不及物动词使用 。 Her plan failed. 她的计划失败了。 I passed in maths but failed in English. (=I passed maths but failed English.) 我数学及格了,但英语没及格。 The bank failed. 这家银行破产了。 拓展 fail to do sth. 忽视或未能做某事 fail in sth./doing sth.在某方面或做某事遭到失败。 I failed to

14、work out the problem. 我没能解出道题。 We failed in catching up with the person in front. 我们没能追上前面那个人。 “When something fails, it does not succeed,” says Li Ming. “是失败的意思,没有成功。”李明说。 succeed vi.成功,反义词是fail。 The experiment has succeeded. 实验成功了。 He succeeded in the examination. 他考试及格了。 Tom succeeded in winning

15、the first place. 汤姆获得了第一名。 【拓展】 succeed in doing sth. 成功地做某事 【注意】 succeed的名词形式是success, succeed的形容词形式是successful, succeed的副词形式是successfully。 We forgot to connect the computer to the phone line. 我们忘了把电脑连接到电话线上。 forget v. 忘,忘记,反义词是remember。 I forget his name. 我忘了他的名字。 He has forgotten about it. 他已经忘了此事。 Suddenly, the words change. 突然,电脑上的词变了。 suddenly adv. 突然,忽然 Suddenly a dog rushed out. 突然冲出一只狗来。 sudden adj. 突然的,不意的。 a sudden turn in the road路上的急转弯



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