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1、广告策略 ADVERTISING STRATEGY 广告策略 ADVERTISING STRATEGY 每个客户与代理商都希望广告是能令人振奋的; Every client and agency expects an advertising strategy that informs and inspires. 代理商希望广告的策略具有连结品牌与消费者的关联性。 The agency expects the advertising strategy to make a meaningful connection between the brand and the consumer. 广告策略

2、ADVERTISING STRATEGY 我们 (客户服务与创意人员一起工作)必须提供一个是观众心声的卖 点。 We(Client Service working with the Creative ) must provide a leverageable insight about that relationship. 如果我们要创作出一个能推动客户销售的广告,我们必须明确广告在 复杂的市场竞争中被运用的角色。 If we are to creative advertising that will move the clients business forward, we must pin

3、point the role of advertising that will play in the complex marketplace arena. 广告策略 ADVERTISING STRATEGY 以下是一个在我们应用的广告策略撰写格式。 The following is an Advertising Strategy Format which will be improvised here in our office. 每一品牌都必须有此品牌策略文件。 EACH BRAND SHOULD HAVE THIS BRAND STRATEGY FILE. 1、品牌市场目标BRAND M

4、ARKETING OBJECTIVES 陈述品牌的全部市场目标 State the brands overall marketing objectives (它们应该是具代表性及主要的市场目标销售、占有率等。-它们 是从广告中明确、客观地分离出来的) (These are typically broad business objectives-sales, share, etc. -That are separate from the specific objectives for the advertising.) 广告概述 WHAT IS ADVERTISING 2、品牌定位BRAND P

5、OSITIONING 如果有一已确定的品牌定位陈述,请写下。 If there is an agreed upon brand positioning* statement, state it here. 如果没有,请写下需优先的内容。 If not, this is the first priority. 广告概述 WHAT IS ADVERTISING 2、品牌定位BRAND POSITIONING(续) 此定位不可因时间及产品的不同而改变的,必须与其全球的定位保 持一致。 The positioning should not change from year to year, or pr

6、oduct to product. Must also align with Regional and Global positions if they exist. 广告概述 WHAT IS ADVERTISING 3、品牌调性BRAND ESSENCE 如果有一已确定的品牌精神,请陈述。如果有录象,应包括在本单 内。 If there is an agreed upon brand essence* statement, state it here. If there is a video, include it with the assignment. 如果没有已确定的品牌精神,确认包含

7、一个品牌“特征”,需策略性 陈述。 If no brand essence has been agreed to, make sure to include a brand “character”* statement in the strategy. 广告概述 WHAT IS ADVERTISING 3、品牌调性BRAND ESSENCE(续) (用主要驱动品牌的,与整体环境有关联的东西去建立品牌精神, 贯穿广告公司与客户,直至广告完成) (Develop brand essence on key drive brands in conjunction with regional Pubki

8、cis AD-Link staff-and client input-once advertising is complete.) 广告概述 WHAT IS ADVERTISING 3、品牌调性BRAND ESSENCE(续) *后附详细的解述 See Appendix for definition of term. 广告概述 WHAT IS ADVERTISING 4、市场写真MARKETPLACE REALITIES 提供一个最新的市场。此市场是客户所喜爱的动力或是会阻碍客户 达到其市场目标的?请思考 Provide a snapshot of the marketplace today.

9、 Are there dynamics that work in clients favor or against client to achieve their marketing objectives? Consider 市场/分割大小,趋势,份额及流通的理由。 Market/segment size, trends, shares and reasons for current status. 广告概述 WHAT IS ADVERTISING 4、市场写真MARKETPLACE REALITIES(续) 主要竞争者:可包括从消费者角度来看的任何客户品牌的竞 争品牌(如:用于控制昆虫类产品

10、中所分离出来的“家用药剂 ”市场)。他们是什么,还有其他,是否所有品牌都包括在内 ?他们有什么优势;哪里易受攻击(品质,价格,通路,广 告等)? Key competitors: Can include anything clients brand competes with from the consumers point of view (e.g., “home remedies” for insect control in emerging markets). What, if anything, does each competitive brand own? What are the

11、ir strengths; where are they vulnerable (quality, price, distribution, advertising, etc.)? 广告概述 WHAT IS ADVERTISING 4、市场写真MARKETPLACE REALITIES(续) 客户品牌是否有产品附加值?它是否有(其它)意义及/或与 竞争对手不同的卖点?(关于产品及/或概念测试的结果均可 ) Does clients brand have a product plus*? What are (other) meaningful and/or perceivable points

12、of difference vs. Competition? (Attach product and/or concept test results if available.) 广告概述 WHAT IS ADVERTISING 4、市场写真MARKETPLACE REALITIES(续) 见附后的详细说明 See Appendix for definition of term. 广告概述 WHAT IS ADVERTISING 5、目标消费者TARGET CONSUMER 谁是主要的声音来源-其中最能鉴定客户达到他们的市场目标的(如 新使用者,重度使用者,流失的使用者等) Who is th

13、e key source of volume-the one most critical to client achieving their marketing goals (e.g., new market entrants, heavy users, lapsed users, etc.) 广告概述 WHAT IS ADVERTISING 5、目标消费者TARGET CONSUMER(续) 对于此目标他们最关注的内容是什么?我们的品牌?竞争者?他们 在种类中寻找什么?品牌和产品?什么“触点”可被广告使用?(此 项必须使用消费者的语言。) What insights have been un

14、coveredabout this target? Their relationship to the category? Our brand? Competition? What do they seek from the category, brands and products? What “triggers” can advertising use? (This should be in consumer language.) 广告概述 WHAT IS ADVERTISING 5、目标消费者TARGET CONSUMER(续) 包括统计的,心理的或其他不同的特征。 Include de

15、mographics, psychographics or other distinguishing features. 广告概述 WHAT IS ADVERTISING 6、广告目的Advertising Objective 在建立品牌目标中,广告的角色是什么呢?一个清晰及必要的广告 目标必须直接凌架于所有分析之上。 What is the role of advertising in building the brand with the target? A clear and necessary advertising objective* should flow directly ou

16、t of the above analyses. 广告概述 WHAT IS ADVERTISING 6、广告目的Advertising Objective(续) 尤其是广告所表现出来的什么行为及/或反应态度是否可引导客户达 到其市场目标? Specifically, what behavioral and/or attitudinal response can advertising elicit that will help achieve clients marketing goals? 广告概述 WHAT IS ADVERTISING 6、广告目的Advertising Objective(续) 见附后的详细说明 * See Appendix for definition of term. 广告概述 WHAT IS ADVERTISING 你已思考全局去写出一个鼓舞人的及具涵盖意义的创意策略简报。 YOU NOW HAVE THOUGHT T


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