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1、sound and fast economic and social development in China, the partys 17 generals, the scientific Outlook on development into the party Constitution. 5 years, the scientific Outlook on development has been a practice, learn, practice and understanding of processes, theory evolves, emerging practice ef

2、fectiveness. Put the scientific Outlook on development in the partys guiding ideology, are 18 of the partys major decision to proclaim to the world the Communist Party peoples firm determination to take the road of scientific development is bound to the scientific development thought and action into

3、 the whole party up, follow-up to the scientific Outlook on development of Chinas socialist modernization process and reflect all aspects of party building have a major and far-reaching impact. New Constitution master part seventh natural paragraph full has party of 16 big yilai party of theory inno

4、vation especially science development views of positioning of content, expressed for: 16 big yilai, to Hu Jintao comrade for main representative of CPC people, insisted to Deng Xiao-pings theory and three a representative important thought for guide, according to new of development requirements, dee

5、p awareness and answered has new situation Xia achieved what of development, and how development, major problem, formed has people, and full coordination sustainable development of science development views. The scientific Outlook on development, is with Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong thought, Deng Xi

6、aoping theory, the important thought of the three represents not only one continuous line and keeping pace with scientific theories, is the Marxist development Outlook and Law reflects the latest achievement of Marxism in China, and is a crystallization of collective wisdom of the Communist Party of

7、 China, is the guiding ideology of socialism with Chinese characteristics and must follow. This profoundly expounded the scientific development view background and scientific connotation, spiritual essence and the basic requirements for implementing the scientific concept of development. According t

8、o the new requirements of the development of, and clarify the background of scientific concept of development, the new requirements of the development stages of Chinas development in the new century new demands on development. The people-oriented, comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable developme

9、nt is the basic connotation of scientific development. Emancipating the mind, seeking truth from facts, advance with the times, pragmatic, is the most distinctive essence of scientific Outlook on development. The whole party must more consciously to promote economic and social development as the fir

10、st meaning of thoroughly implement the scientific Outlook on development, thoroughly implement the scientific Outlook on development-oriented as the core, comprehensive, balanced and sustainable as a basic requirement of thoroughly implement the scientific Outlook on development, integrated as the f

11、undamental way to thoroughly implement the scientific Outlook on development装订线此处不能书写此处不能书写此处不能书写此处不能书写此处不能书写此处不能书写此处不能书写北京理工大学珠海学院2009 2010学年第二学期模拟电子技术期末试卷(A)诚信声明考场是严肃的,作弊是可耻的,对作弊人的处分是严厉的。我承诺遵守考场纪律,不存在抄袭及其它违纪行为。考生(承诺人)签字: 专业:班级:学号:适用年级专业:2008级交通工程、2008级机械电子工程专业 试卷说明:闭卷,考试时间120分钟 题号一二三四总分得分一、选择题(每小题

12、3分,共30分)【得分: 】1. 1本征半导体中的自由电子浓度_空穴浓度 a大于 b 小于 c 等于 答案:C2. 稳压管通常工作于_,来稳定直流输出电压 a 截止区 b 正向导通区 c 反向击穿区 答案:c1.晶体管能够放大的外部条件是_a 发射结正偏,集电结正偏 b 发射结反偏,集电结反偏 c 发射结正偏,集电结反偏 答案:c5. 测得晶体管三个电极的静态电流分别为 0.06mA,3.66mA 和 3.6mA 。则该管的为_ a 40 b 50 c 60 答案:c17.测得晶体管三个电极对地的电压分别为 -2V 、 -8V 、 -2.2V ,则该管为 _a NPN 型锗管 b PNP 型锗

13、管 c PNP 型硅管 答案:b18.测得晶体管三个电极对地的电压分别为 2V 、 6V 、 -2.2V ,则该管 _a 处于饱和状态 b 放大状态 c 截止状态 d 已损坏 答案:c26.引起放大电路静态工作不稳定的主要因素是 _ a 晶体管的电流放大系数太大 b 电源电压太高 c 晶体管参数随环境温度的变化而变化 答案:c40.由于放大电路对非正弦输入信号中不同频率分量有不同的放大能力和相移,因此会引起放大电路的输出信号产生失真。这种失真称为 _ 失真。 a 饱和 b 截止 c 频率 10. 按电路_B_的不同,滤波器可分为低通、高通、带通和带阻滤波器。 (a) 截止频率 (b) 工作频率

14、 (c) 通带增益13.无源滤波器存在的主要问题之一是_A_。 (a) 带负载能力差 (b) 输出电压小 (c) 输出电阻大1. 自激振荡是电路在_的情况下,产生了有规则的、持续存在的输出波形的现象。 (a) 外加输入激励 (b) 没有输入信号 (c) 没有反馈信号6. 直接耦合放大电路 ( )信号。A. 只能放大交流信号B. 只能放大直流信号C. 既能放大交流信号,也能放大直流信号D. 既不能放大交流信号,也不能放大直流信号1. 在本征半导体中加入元素可形成N型半导体。A五价 B.四价 C.三价 D.无法确定2. 当晶体管工作在放大区时,发射结电压和集电结电压应为。A. 前者反偏、后者也反偏

15、 B.前者正偏、后者反偏C.前者正偏、后者也正偏 D.前者反偏、后者正偏3. 稳压管的稳压区是其工作在。A.正向导通 B.反向截止 C.反向击穿二、是非题(每小题2分,共10分)【得分: 】1. 在N型半导体中如果掺入足够量的三价元素,可将其改型为P型半导体。( )答案: 58.放大电路必须加上合适的直流电源才能正常工作;( ) 答案: 型半导体的多数载流子是空穴,因此型半导体带正电。( )错误16对于放大电路,所谓开环是指 。 A无信号源 B无反馈通路 C无电源 D无负载 图1-4为某多级放大电路,其中各级放大器的增益、输入阻抗、输出阻抗如图中所示,则多级放大器的总增益 = ,输入阻抗= ,输出阻抗= 。多


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