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1、construction enterprises to take the full responsibility for security within the enterprise functions and scope of work. 57th: construction projects construction project safety Committee should be set up. Corporate units shall be convened by the project was founded and acted as Director, by construc

2、tion enterprises elected representatives, the Deputy Director. Other Committee members consists of the first contractor (construction companies) authorized by the legal representative or the legal representative of participants. Change a member of the Committee, to members of the Committee are to be

3、 adjusted according to changes within 7 days. Article 58th: the basic task of building safety Committee: (a) adopting and publishing enterprise of construction site and safety requirements; (B) decide to major in engineering construction solutions to security problems; (C) coordinating the relations

4、hip between construction enterprises in relation to security issues; (D) appointing authority personnel. Safety committees does not replace the internal safety management of construction enterprises. 59th: Security Committee must build the project before construction was established and held its fir

5、st meeting and thereafter at least every quarter meeting. Conference resolutions and all content should be in writing to the company notice of construction enterprises. 60th: resolutions of the Security Council to take significant vote. Resolution is not adopted, without amendment of the relevant pr

6、ovisions do not vote again. Resolution shall not violate the relevant provisions of the national, industry and firm. 61st: safety committees safety supervision and Management Office, responsible for the day-to-day management of the Security Committee, Office staff supervised by the project company f

7、ull-time security personnel and project management company safety engineers. The 62nd article: safety supervision and Management Office is accountable to the Security Council and authorized by the Security Council. Its main tasks: (a) supervision of construction companies to implement Security Counc

8、il resolutions; (Ii) the major security problems in engineering . Of personal injury accident during construction and in accordance with the relevant provisions of step by step by project legal person units reporting to the Group and, if necessary, must be promptly reported to the relevant Governmen

9、t Department. 65th: construction enterprises in engineering, serious injuries and deaths be reported to the Engineering Safety Committee; Committee on the safety assessment of construction enterprises in implementation of Commission resolution. 66th company project legal situation monitoring, assess

10、ment of the implementation of the provisions of this chapter. 67th: units of the company as a legal, signed contract with the construction company, the relevant provisions of this chapter shall be as clear contract. Tenth section, Contracting and temporary engineering 68th: carbon companies contract

11、ing and temporary project management system, standard contract and labor contract form, content, and approval procedures to be performed and the parties concerned should bear the responsibility. 69th: carbon companies outsourcing and contract projects shall sign the contract. Shall specify in the co

12、ntract the employer and the2012年初级会计职称考试经济法基础考前冲刺试卷(一)一、单项选择题(本类题共24小题,每小题1分,共24分。每小题备选答案中只有一个符合题意的正确答案。请将选定的答案按答题卡要求用2B铅笔填涂答题卡中题号124信息点,多选、错选、不选均不得分)1下列法的形式中,由国务院制定颁布的是()。A宪法B法律C行政法规D行政规章2王某与兴隆房地产开发公司因商品房买卖合同发生纠纷,王某向法庭提出诉讼。开庭审理时,兴隆公司提出双方签有仲裁协议,应通过仲裁方式解决。对该案件的下列处理方式中,符合法律规定的是()。A仲裁协议有效,法院驳回王某的起诉B仲裁协






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