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1、英语词汇学 Chapter 10 English Dictionaries 英语词典 vDictionary(词典): Dictionary is a book which presents in an alphabetical order ( 字母顺序)the words of English with information as to(关于) their spelling, pronunciation, meaning, usage, rules of grammar, and in some, their etymology( 词源). 10.1 Types of Dictionari

2、es 词典的类型 v10.1.1 Monolingual and Bilingual Dictionaries单 语词典和双语词典 vMonolingual dictionaries are written in one language. That is the headword (主词条) or entries(词目) are defined and illustrated(阐 明) in the same Language. vBilingual dictionaries(双语词典): Bilingual dictionaries involve two Languages. The m

3、ain entries are generally defined or explained in the same language with translation . 10.1.2 Linguistic and Encyclopedic dictionaries语言词典和百科词典 v Linguistic dictionaries(语言词典) aim at defining words and explaining their usage in the language. They usually cover such areas as spelling, pronunciation,

4、meaning, grammatical function, usage and etymology( 词源), etc. these dictionaries can be monolingual and bilingual. v Encyclopedic dictionaries can be further divided into encyclopedia(百科全书) and encyclopedic dictionaries(百科词典). v10.1.3 Unabridged, desk and pocket dictionaries大 型(非节略)词典、案头词典和袖珍词典 vUna

5、bridged dictionaries: As the name indicates, an unabridged dictionary is an unshortened one. Theoretically, it is a complete record of all the words in use. Such a dictionary is the most complete description of words available to us. v Desk dictionaries: Desk dictionaries are medium -sized ones cont

6、aining words ranging from 50,000 to 150,000. vPocket dictionaries: These dictionaries have about 50,000 entries or fewer. Such a dictionary provides only the spelling and pronunciation of each word with a few most common meanings. v。 10.1.4 specialized dictionaries(专用词典 ) v Special dictionaries conc

7、entrate on a particular area of language or konwledge. These dictionaries may not be very large in size, yet each contains much more detailed information on the subject than you can find in a general unabridged one. v 10.2 Use of Dictionaries 词典的使用 v10.2.1 Choice of Dictionary词典的选择 v1)Monolingual or

8、 bilingual v2 )General or specializes v3 ) British or American v4 )Early or late 10.2.2 Content of the Dictionary 词典的内容 v1). Spelling. It gives the accepted spelling for all words. v 2). Pronunciation. Just like spelling, British and American Dictionaries present their respective standard pronunciat

9、ion. v 3). Definition. The main body of a dictionary is its definitions of words. v 4). Usage. Most desk dictionaries provide usage information. v 5). Grammar. Apart from the usual overage of word classes and inflections, dictionaries include various amounts of grammar information. v 6). Usage notes

10、 and language notes. v 7). Etymological information. Most American desk dictionaries and some British ones give information concerning the origins of words. v 8). Supplementary matter. 10.2.3 Use of Dictionar 词典的使用 v1.Read the contents page to find out quickly what information is included in the dic

11、tionary because this page usually provides a detailed list of content, including supplementary matter. v2.Read the guide to the use of the dictionary, where the compilers explain in detail how to use the dictionary. 10.3 Three Good General Dictionaries 三本 普通好词典 10.3.1 Longman Dictionary of Contempor

12、ary English 朗曼当代英语词典 vLongman Dictionary of Contemporary English(朗曼当代英语词典)was noted for its wide coverage of new words, new meanings and new new usages, for its simple and clear definitions. 10.3.2 Collins COBUILD English Language dictionary科林斯英语词典 v the unique features of CCELD v 1). Definition(定义)

13、, the definitions in this dictionary are all in full sentences. v 2). Extra column(额外专栏), the use of extra column to deal with grammar information. v 3). Usage examples(用法举例), in this dictionary, almost every meaning of a word has an example to show its meaning and usage, most in sentence form 10.3.

14、3 A Chinese-English Dictionary英汉词典 v1). It included catchphrases, sayings and proverbs. v 2). The new edition revised some old entries. v 3). The new edition keeps the previous alphabetical order of entries, which makes the dictionary easy to use. v 4). The dictionary boasts of the quality of the English equivalents it provides for its Chinese items. 知识回顾知识回顾 Knowledge Knowledge ReviewReview



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