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1、Yuan. Fourth section equipment management evaluation system of equipment management evaluation system the 49th article Dg20 valve is missing a wheel below 10 Yuan assessment task force people. Lack of pressure piping and pressure vessel every 10 Yuan assessment task force people. Pipe header lack of

2、 thermometers, pressure vessels and other equipment, each evaluation task force-man 10. Equipment lubrication lack an oil Cup assessment task force 10. Equipment lack of lifting rings, 10 of every assessment task force. Each lacked a grounding of electrical equipment line inspection task force peopl

3、e 10. Connecting coupling 10 yuan per one guard checking task force people. Power box for each missing one handle 10 Yuan assessment task force people. Lighting box door cover is missing 10 Yuan assessment task force people. Distribution box (Cabinet) lack of direct light bulbs each evaluation task

4、force 10. Damaged aluminum signs every 10 Yuan assessment task force people. Free signs every 10 Yuan assessment task force people, sign an unclear task force on assessment of people 10. Valves, instrument person with no signs each evaluation task force 10. Main steam, water, smoke, wind, gas pipeli

5、ne, pressure vessel, not according to the standard painting, numbering, labeling the device name and media trends, . Of the defect log book shall be kept properly, improper lost each of the evaluation responsibility for 100 Yuan. Equipment defects, operators make records in a timely manner and notif

6、y maintenance personnel, general maintenance personnel do not process the run not to register each of the runs and overhaul the squad leader checking 50, eliminate less time or refuses to check and repair a monitor 50 defects. Rotating equipment mechanical, thermal, electrical, oil leakage oil each

7、evaluation task force 10. Leakage of pump packing, retaining ring displacement, damage, drainage holes clogged bearings into the water every 10 Yuan assessment task force people. Oil mirror, oil level gauge not see oil level every 10 Yuan assessment task force people. Equipment damage due to persona

8、l negligence, compensation for the value of equipment 50%. Cracking because of bad freezing measures each valve, water pump (a) compensation for the value of equipment 30%. Due to operator error or does not enforce strict fuel system and equipment repairman maintenance, improper commissioning equipm

9、ent parts and damage, compensation for the value of 50%. Damage to equipment should be promptly reported to the production technology section, undeclared assessment workshop Director 100 Yuan/times. After overhaul, the equipment should be no grease, no corrosion, fouling and powder accumulation and

10、debris-free, not up to the standard assessment charge 20 Yuan each. The construction site should have sufficient lighting and necessary security measures, prohibiting the jumbled mess of equipment and materials, repair and maintenance work after the finished work should be done before every heads of

11、 evaluation the net area is clean contrary to 50 Yuan. Due to maintenance needs a temporary mount, cut off the stair railings, open channel cover, should be promptly removed after completion and restoration of offender assessment charge绪论一、填空题1. 、 、 称为有机化工的三大原料资源。2. 由 等气体组成的混合物称为合成气。3. 化工原料一般占生产成本的

12、%。4. 化工生产过程一般由 、 和 三个主要步骤组成,其核心是 。5. 列举三种混合气体的分离方法 、 和 ;列举两种均相混合液体的分离方法 和 。6. 空速是指 ,单位是 。7. 表达主、副反应进行程度的大小,反映原料利用是否合理。8. 高,意味着反应器生产能力大,未反应原料回收和循环减少,标志着过程即经济又合理。9. 收率 (可能、不可能)大于100%;质量收率 (可能、不可能)大于100%。10. 消耗定额是指 。11. 对于放热反应,从平衡角度考虑,应尽量 (升高、降低)温度。12. 最佳温度是指 ; 往往成为确定适宜温度的首选条件。13. 在制冷过程中,压力升高,冷却温度 (升高、

13、降低)。14. 确定原料配比时,需考虑的因素有 、 、 和 等。15. 常用的工艺操作参数有 、 、 和 。二、计算1. 空速和接触时间2. 转化率(包括单程转化率与总转化率)、选择性、收率和质量收率3. 原料消耗定额项目一 化工装置总体开车运行一、填空题1. 化工装置的试压包括 和 ;强度试验包括 和 ,首选 。2. 气压强度试验过程中的最高压力为 (设计压力、大于设计压力);气密性试验过程中的最高压力为 (设计压力、大于设计压力)。3. 吹洗使用的流体介质有 、 、 和 等。4. 吹扫时若缺乏大型压缩机,可采用 法。5. 蒸汽吹扫温度高、压力大、流速快,管道要产生 ,因而蒸汽管道上都装有 、 、 和 等。6. 蒸汽吹扫时,采用间断吹扫方式, (有利于、不利于)管线内壁附着物的剥离和吹除,吹扫效果 (好、不好)。7. 乙烯生产精馏系统的除水可用 法;有耐火衬里的反应器系统除水可用_法,以三氯化铝为催化剂的苯反应系统的除水可用 法。二、问答题1. 化工装置总体试车的标准程序包括哪些?2. 何为“倒开车”方案,其优点有哪些?3. 何为化工装置的酸洗与钝化?项目二乙烯的生产一、填空题1. 的生产能力是衡量一个国家和地区石油化工生产水平的标志。 2. 制取乙烯的同时联产 、 、 、 等产品。3. 裂解原



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