Database Management 数据库管理

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《Database Management 数据库管理》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Database Management 数据库管理(3页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Method 培训方式Training Steps培训步骤Time时间The ST. REGIS SHANGHAI上海瑞吉红塔大酒店TRAINING ACTIVITY OUTLINE培训活动纲要Task 任务:Database Management 数据库管理Code 序号: OH-SM-MC-A201Objectives目的:At the end of this session, each trainee will be able to fully understand contact management by using ACCESSS. 在此培训结束后,每一个学员都要学会使用ACCES

2、S管理联系人数据库。 Standard标准: See Attached S&P. 参见后附标准与程序。Resources培训器材: Whiteboard, Mark Pen and Projector. 白板, 马克笔、电脑和投影仪。Method培训方式Training Steps培训步骤Time时间Lecture 讲座式1. A brief introduction of database简要介绍数据库Ask trainee awareness of database.询问学员对数据库的了解。a. When we handle a great number of items, we need

3、 a system to categorize them for easy reference, like we use Cardex for business cards, paper file for documents, albums for photos. 处理大批数据时需要一个系统分类以方便使用,就好象我们使用名片盒来装名片,用文件夹来存储文件,用相册来装相片。b. The database is something that can help us with the library. 数据库就可以在处理大批数据时发挥作用。 It is like Excel, with rows a

4、nd columns. But it has different format, which is called FORM. 它就象是EXCEL,也有行列;但是可以做成 不同的格式,称为表单。我们可以在单元 格里输入数据。c. Another type of form is called subform. It is attached to each record in the form regarding information of this record. For example, a subform may contain all interaction report of one c

5、ontact (record) in a form. 另一类表单称为子表单。它依附于表单中的每一个条目,记录该条目的内容。例如,一个子表单记录着另一个表单中一个联系人(条目)所有的交往的报告。d. Query is a type of form that may combine data from different forms and tables. By using query, we can build up relations among forms. 数据表单是一种能从不同表单中吸收数据的表格。使用数据表单可以在多个表单中建立起相互关联。Demonstrate the databas

6、e to trainee the structure of the database.向学员展示数据库的结构组成。It contains two forms, two queries, one table and one report: a. CONTACTS: This form is about details of the contact person and his company.b. CALLS Sub-Form: This form is about detail contents of interactions between the contacts and hotel MC

7、 department.c. Trace Query: This query is used to for future follow up. d. CONTACTS-CHN query: This query is used to generate Contact Report in Word. e. CONTACT-CHN table is used to generate letters in Word. f. CONTACT-BRIEF: This report contains the every means of communicating the contact person.-

8、1. 它包含两个表单,两个数据表, 一个表格, 一个报表:a. CONTACTS: 这个表单是有关媒体和联系人的详细信息b. CALLS 表单:这个表格是关于公关部经理与媒体联系人之间的交往接确的记录c. TRACE 数据表:用于将来的跟催d. CONTACTS-CHN 数据表: 用于在WORD中生成会面报告e. CONTACT-CHN表格:是用于在WORD中生成信件f. CONTACT-BRIEF报表:包括每个联系人的基本联系信息Required components for the CONTACTS form are:a. Chinese Nameb. Titlec. Department

9、d. Company Namee. Telephone Numberf. Fax Number必须要填 写的字段名为:a. 中文名b. 头衔c. 部门d. 公司名e. 电话号码 f .传真号码3. The database will be zipped and backed up twice a week and protected against data loss due to any accidental computer problems. 数据库一周压缩备份两次,以防电脑故障造成数据丢失。4. Changes made on the structures of the databas

10、e are subject to MarCom Managers approval. 修改数据库的结构必须得到公关部经理的许可。5. The database will be password secured. Access to the database is subject to approval of Director of Sales & marketing and MarCom Manager. 数据库要使用密码保护。使用数据库要得到 营业总监和公关部经理的许可。-Procedures 程序部分:1. Update 更新数据库 - Refer to procedure 1 参看程序1

11、2. Merging with Word - Refer to procedure 2参看程序23. Trace 跟进 - Refer to procedure 3参看程序3Trainee Practice 学员练习:1. Merging to generate Contact Report合并WORD生成会面报告2. Generate Label 生成标签3. Critique 评估Summary with emphasis on the database structure and merging. 回顾总结时重点放在数据库结构和合并文件上。 5 min 5 分钟20 min 20 分钟35 min 35 分钟30 min 30 分钟20 min 20 分钟10 min 10 分钟Last Updated: 12/17/19 Page 3 of 3


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