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1、Ross McCowan | September 2008 麦杰文/2008年9月 Adding Value to Chinas Dairy Supply Chain 为中国乳品供应链增值 DAC Annual Conference 中国奶业协会年会 2 An Introduction 简介 Business Plan Performance Targets - Draft - for Discussion Purposes Only 3 Fonterra A Long History, New Beginning 恒天然 悠久的历史和新的开始 1800s Dairying in NZ beg

2、an 新西兰乳业 于19世纪开 始发展 1882 SS Dunedin sailed to London with first refrigerated shipment of butter in the world 1882年世界第一艘装有冷冻 黄油的货船从达尼汀驶往伦 敦 1927 Amalgamated Dairies established in London to market New Zealand butter and cheese 1927年联合乳业在伦敦 成立进行新西兰黄油和 奶酪的营销 1930 Many towns in New Zealand have dairy fa

3、ctories 1930年新西兰很多小镇 都有了乳品生产工厂 1963 New Zealand Dairy Board established 1963年成立了新 西兰乳品局 1970-1990 Dairy factories merged 1970 1990年 乳 品工厂进行了合并 2000 Milk supply controlled by two major companies New Zealand Dairy Group & Kiwi Cooperative Dairies 2000年新西兰乳品集团和Kiwi 乳品合作社两大主要公司控制了 奶源的供应 2001 Fonterra fo

4、rmed 2001年 恒天然集团 成立 2006 Total business aligned under one brand 2006年 所有业 务都整合在一个 品牌下 Business Plan Performance Targets - Draft - for Discussion Purposes Only 4 Fonterra Today 今日恒天然 We are a Co-operative owned by 11,600 supplier shareholders 我们是一家由11600个奶农股东组成的合作社性质集团 Our Operating Revenue for 2007/

5、08 was NZ$17 billion (US$12b)* 我们2007/08财年的营业收入为170亿纽币(折合美元120亿)* We export 95% of production to more than 100 markets around the world 我们95%的产品出口到全球100多个市场 Fonterra is the worlds third largest dairy company 恒天然是全世界第三大乳品公司 Represents 25% of New Zealands total exports 占新西兰总出口额的25% And we employ 17,40

6、0 people worldwide 我们在全球拥有17400名员工 * Based on an exchange rate of NZ$1 = US$0.71 基于汇率1纽币 = 0。71美元 Business Plan Performance Targets - Draft - for Discussion Purposes Only 5 Supply Chain供应链 20 billion litres of milk 200亿升原奶 280 destination ports 280个目的地港口 5,000 customers 5000家客户 1,500 voyages 1500个航程

7、 11 origin ports 11个产地港口 90 origin stores 90个产地仓库 85 origin sites 85个产地工厂 4 million cows 400万头奶牛 100+ destination stores 100多个目的地仓库 Millions of consumers 庞大的消费者群体 Business Plan Performance Targets - Draft - for Discussion Purposes Only 6 What do we mean by Supply Chain? 我们所说的供应链意味着什么? At Fonterra Su

8、pply Chain is referred to as our Cow to Customer process. 恒天然的供应链涵盖从原奶供应到客户的整个过程 Group Supply Chain 集团供应链 Milk Supply 奶源供应 Group Manufacturing 集团生产 Cust 客户 Business Plan Performance Targets - Draft - for Discussion Purposes Only 7 Supply Chain place in the Fonterra Operating Framework. 供应链在恒天然的运营结构中

9、的位置 客户 奶农股东 员工 Business Plan Performance Targets - Draft - for Discussion Purposes Only 8 What do we do? Fonterra Supply Chain 我们在做什么? 恒天然的供应链 NZ Logistics 新西兰物流 Planning & Optimisation 计划及优化 SBU (USA, Mexico, AME, etc) 战略业务单元 (美国、墨西哥、中东及非洲地区等) Customer and Network Solutions客户和网络解决方案 Transformation

10、and Projects转换和项目实施 Strategy and Best Practice战略及最佳实践 Customer Service Centre 客服中心 Business Plan Performance Targets - Draft - for Discussion Purposes Only 9 Some interesting facts about Fonterra Supply Chain 恒天然供应链的一些重要数据 Our Supply Chain in Numbers. 我们的数字 供应链 25 NZ Manuf. Sites 25个新西兰生产工厂 81 NZ St

11、ores 81个新西兰仓库 Over 4000 SKUs 4000多个商品种类 11 NZ Ports 从11个新西兰港口出发 1500 voyages a year 每年1500次运输航程 140 k TEU a year 每年装运14万个标准集装箱 280 International ports 到达280个国际港口 5000 Customers 5000个客户 Millions of Consumers 数以万计的消费者 Business Plan Performance Targets - Draft - for Discussion Purposes Only 10 Our Supp

12、ly Chain has evolved quickly 我们的供应链在不断地发展壮大 Business Plan Performance Targets - Draft - for Discussion Purposes Only 11 Mission and Strategies 目标和战略 1. Lowest cost, sustainable dairy co- operative 1Be Low Cost低成本 2Deliver Leading Customer Service 提供领 先的客户服务 3Deliver differentiated service offerings

13、to different customers 为不同的客户提供差异化的服务 4Create a Truly Global Network 建立一个名副其实的全球网 络 Supply Chain Priorities 供应链的优先考量点 Business Plan Performance Targets - Draft - for Discussion Purposes Only 12 Applying our expertise in China 在 中国应用我们的专业知识 Business Plan Performance Targets - Draft - for Discussion P

14、urposes Only 13 High-quality Milk Supply Fonterra Farm 恒天然牧场的高品质奶源供应 Business Plan Performance Targets - Draft - for Discussion Purposes Only 14 Sharing our manufacturing expertise 共享我们的专业生产知识 Business Plan Performance Targets - Draft - for Discussion Purposes Only 15 Engaging Consumers and Customer

15、s 致力于对消费者和客户的服务 Business Plan Performance Targets - Draft - for Discussion Purposes Only 16 Fonterras supply chain 恒天然的供应链 Identify and create value with our customers 和我们的客户一起发现和创造价值 Our Objectives 我们的目标 Optimise processes, operations, costs and revenue 优化工艺、运作、成本和收入 Gain end to end visibility of o

16、ur data, forecasts, demand, orders, costs 力求数据、预测、需求、 定单、成本等完全透明可视 Manage our performance to deliver results结果 导向,管理绩效 Customer alignmentCustomer alignment 客户合客户合 作作 OptimisationOptimisation 优化优化 VisibilityVisibility 可视性可视性 Aligned Performance Aligned Performance MeasuresMeasures 统一的统一的绩效管理 Our Cornerstones 我们的基础 Business Plan Performance Targets - Draft - for Discussion Purposes Only 17 Deliver Leading



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