五年级上册英语教案-Unit8 At Christmas Checkout time|译林版(三起)

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1、教学内容第四课时Unit 8 At Christmas 主 备 人 教 学 目 标(一) 知识目标:1. 掌握单词first, next, then, finally, pretty things, Christmas Eve, wait for等。2. 能运用First/Next/Then/Finally来表述圣诞节人们通常做什么。3. 能理解并运用First/Next/Then/Finally表示先后顺序的副词结构。(二) 能力目标:1. 学生能够运用First/Next/Then/Finally展开话题讨论,并进行语言描述,达到提高简单交际的目的。2. 培养学生用英语说话的逻辑性。(三)

2、 情感目标:1. 学生对西方的圣诞节进一步了解;并培养学生乐于参与、积极表达的情感。2. 培养学生做事情的条理性。教学重、难点教学重点:1. 能运用first, next, then, finally来描述放学后的生活。2. 能掌握字母j在单词中的发音。3. 能谈论圣诞节以及圣诞活动。教学难点:1. 能运用first, next, then, finally来描述放学后的生活。2. 能掌握字母j在单词中的发音。3. 能谈论圣诞节以及圣诞活动。教学准备教学准备:1. 教师准备: PPT, 板书2. 学生准备:复习圣诞活动。教 学 过 程二 次 备 课Step 1: Warming up Sing

3、 the song We wish you a Merry Christmas together.Step 2 RevisionWhats your name?Do you know something about Christmas?Do you like Christmas?T: Wow, you like Christmas very much. What do we need at C hristmas? Lets play a game: Look and say.Step 3 Presentation 1. GameThese things are for the Christma

4、s party. Now lets go and join a Christmas party. But you should reach the three aims and then you can go.(show the three aims of this lesson)2. Sound TimeT:Who has the party? Look at the picture and say.出示Li Lei(Sound time中的人物)图片。If you want to go to the party, you should know the host of the party.

5、 Try to know Li Lei through the questions.(show the questions on PPT)show the keys “jeans, jump, juice” and jacket on the ppt, then teach the pronunciation of the letter “j”.learn the new words and rhyme concluding letter “j”Show the aim I can know the sound of“j” ,ask Ss to tick by themselves.Step

6、4 PracticeT: We also have many other guests at the party. Look, here she comes.(show the picture of Yang Ling)Do you know Yang Ling?Ss: yes.T: But do you know what Yang Ling usually do after school? Now, please complete the exercise on your books and find out the answer.Step 5 Consolidation1.Read it

7、 together.2. Talk about your school life after school.Everyone has much spare time. Now, tell me what do you usually do after school. Show the aim I can use“first, next, then, then, finally”, ask Ss to tick by themselves.3.T:You did a very good job! Look! We have another friend Helen. Helen lives in

8、 western countries , she likes Christmas very much. What dose Helen do at Christmas?Fill in the blanks .Show the aim I can use“I can talk about Christmas”, ask Ss to tick by themselves.Step 7 Homework1、Collect more information about Christmas.2、Talk about the Christmas with your parents.板 书 设 计Unit8 At Christmasj/j/ jacket juice jump subjectfirst next then finally教 学 后 记


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