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1、无溶剂法合成硅油磷酸醋盐及其性能研究 应用化学 王永刚葛启教授刘燕军助理研究员 二00二年十二月天津工业大学硕士毕业论文摘要 本论文率先在国内采用无溶剂法合成了多种不同结构的聚醚硅油磷酸酷盐 (PK),并对原料、中间体及产物性能做了细致分析。 首先,根据前人的研究,合成出多种不同结构烯丙基聚醚(AP),并对其物化性能进行分析;其次,在无溶剂条件下,利用添加剂,抑制硅氢加成的副反应、提高反应的转化率;研究不同含氢量的含氢硅油(SH)和不同分子量的烯丙基聚醚硅氢化的条件,确定最佳硅氢化工艺,进而合成出系列聚醚硅油(GM),并对硅氢化反应转化率的评价方法作了补充;最后,在无溶剂条件下,研究磷酸醋化反

2、应的条件,确定较佳磷酸酷化工艺,合成出系列聚醚硅油磷酸酷盐 (PK),并对其系列应用性能进行测试,得到其结构与性能之间的关系。 在完成课题的过程中,综合运用化学方法和现代分析测试仪器,分析了原料、中间体以及产物的分子结构信息。利用化学滴定法跟踪硅氢化反应中Si一H键和C=C双键浓度的变化,确定反应转化率;应用IR谱图、29S i NMR谱图和GPC分析结果对烯丙基聚醚(AP)、含氢硅油(SH)、聚醚硅油(GM)的分子结构和分子量进行测定。通过反应前后原料与生成物的IR谱图和29S i NMR谱图对比,明确反应进展情况;利用GPC分析结果,通过对比反应前后原料和产物的分子量变化信息,确定生成了目

3、标产物。关键词:无溶剂烯丙基聚醚硅氢化反应聚醚硅油 硅油磷酸酉旨天津工业大学硕!_毕业论义 ABSTRACT This thesis took the lead in synthesizing many different structuresilicone polyether phosphate copolymers(PK) in the absence of solvent,and studying the physical and chemical properties of material、middlingsand products particularly. Firstly, ac

4、cording to the forerunners research,we synthesised manydifferent structure allyl polyethers intermediates (AP) and analysedtheir physical and chemical properties;Secondly,in the absence ofsolvent,we prevented the said reactions and improved thehydrosilylation reaction conversion ratio by the additiv

5、e and studiedthe different hydrosilylation conditions of the different molecularweight AP and the different Si-H content polv(hvdrogenmethvl一、iloxane一co一Dimethyl一si loxane) s (HS).We attained the optimal hydrosilylationtechnics and synthesised a series of silicone polyether copolymers (GM).Further m

6、ore,we amended the evaluating measure of the hydrosilylationconversion ratio. At last,in the absence of solvent,we studied thephosphate reaction condition and attainted the better technics andsynthesised a series of PKs and tested their applied properties andstructure During the course of performing

7、 this thesis,we analysed themolecular structure of the material、middlings and product:through thechemical methods and modern analytical. and testing instruments. Wetraced七he Si-H content and C=C content in the hydrosilylation by thechemical titration and confirmed the reaction conversion ratio. Them

8、olecular structure of AP, SH and GM were measured by IR and SiNMR. Themolecular weight of AP, SH and GM were analysed by GPC. The reacti()。progess was defined by comparing LR spectrum and -SiNMRspectrum of the reactants and that of the resultant. The or)ject productwas defined through the molecular

9、weight change attainted by GPC of thed天津工业大学硕_卜毕业论文reactants and that of the resultant.Key words:solventlessallyl polvetherhvdrosilationsilicone polyether copolymerssilicone polyether phosphate copolymers111件天津工业大学硕士毕业论文目录第一章前言.11.1课题的提出.11.2硅油磷酸醋的研究现状.s1.2. 1国外研究状况.1.2. 1. 1合成方法.1.2. 1.2应用领域1.2.2国内

10、研究状况.0 .1.3本课题的意义和任务.466788n钊n CU吃.上峭.1 J.1第二章实验部分 2. 1主要试剂和仪器.10剂器试仪J.土Q自Q自Q自nU 1.10乙司.上曰.土11 :2烯丙基聚醚合成工艺.无溶剂法合成聚醚改性硅油工艺无溶剂法合成硅油磷酸酷盐工艺.q口三以孟OQ乙9目,.工月.1 115物化指标和性能测试.9曰9曰9自92.5. 1物化指标的测试.2.5. 1.1分子量邻苯二甲酸配法.1.2不饱和度.二。13Qd qU dJ A工Ald立dJ1人.土,l人J.1,1,.上,上1.3粘度,.1.4挥发分.1. 5 PH值.,.,.,1. 6含氢硅油含氢量.0 .1. 7聚

11、醚改性硅油的轻值二.1.8聚醚改性硅油的分子量1.9硅油磷酸酷盐的游离酸、.总酸度、单双酷的测试二,.二dl卜Jl从dlJL匀尸匀二JL匀 .O自O白9O乙q山O白O白O自尸01队dl人Jl卜d司l齐,.1 J.I工1 .2.5.2应用性能的测试”.”二2.5.2. 1表面张力环法.”.”.”.”二2.5.2.2乳化性。.。.。二。.。.。二。.。.。二。.。.。泡沫性”.润湿性帆布沉降法.抗静电性.。二2. 5. 2. 6平滑性和抱和性.:二二尸O八b卜bt了叮了OLI OJ11,.1,.土一.1,上门.1,.1,.工.土第三章无溶剂法合成聚醚改性硅油.3. 1烯丙基聚醚的合成工艺及物化性能测试.3.1.1烯丙基聚醚的合成工艺3.1.2烯丙基聚醚系列产品的制备及物化性能测试.



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