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1、 对症下药, 注重表达 严智慧 瓯海中学 -本次学考读后续写题型分析及复习建议 本次学考题型特点 o故事通俗易懂,人物简单明了; o贴近现实生活,让人言之有物; o设定发展方向,预留想象空间。 难点1:时间不够 对策:列出提纲或要点。 难点2:情节设计 o分析段首语,确定续写方向; o分析人物特点; o分析人物关系。 难点3:自我检测 John Langan College Writing Skills with Reading pHave I included at least 5 of the given words and underlined them? pDoes the writi

2、ng follow the given sentences naturally? pDoes the second paragraph follow the first logically? pDoes the extended part convey a message or relate to a central idea already expressed or implied? pAre the details relevant and helpful in conveying my message? pHave I described people and things in a s

3、imilar tone and style to the writers? pHave I employed specific words to make details vivid? pHave I used appropriate transitional words (like time indicators) to make the paragraph coherent? pHave I used the simple past tense to narrate patterns? pHave I avoided wordiness? pAre there any grammatica

4、l errors in tenses, plurals and verb forms? pHave I included at least 5 of the given words and underlined them? pDoes the writing follow the given sentences naturally? pDoes the second paragraph follow the first logically? pDoes the extended part convey a message or relate to a central idea already

5、expressed or implied? pAre the details relevant and helpful in conveying my message? pHave I described people and things in a similar tone and style to the writers? pHave I employed specific words to make details vivid? pHave I used appropriate transitional words (like time indicators) to make the p

6、aragraph coherent? pHave I used the simple past tense to narrate patterns? pHave I avoided wordiness? pAre there any grammatical errors in tenses, plurals and verb forms? 关键词的运用 过渡 主旨思想 语言风格 衔接 语言简练 语法 用词 难点4:如何表达 o输入 难点4:如何表达 o输入 o范文 o面批 o重写 Fighting for what is right is worth it. 附录:学生问卷调查(节选) Q1:

7、在读后续写中 碰到的问题? 时间不够,来不及写; 设计故事情节; 知道要写什么但不知如何 下笔; 语言表述贫乏,基本平铺 直叙; 如何过渡自然; 感觉词汇量不够; 写好后怎么检查; 平时学的用不起来; Q2:你希望在老师能给 你提供什么帮助? 教会我们自如地运用词、词 组等; 教会我们写出多样的句式, 避免流水账; 多给我们看一些英文故事, 并练习写小故事; 多让我们接触一些地道的表 达; 提供一些新颖的故事,不要 老生常谈的情节; 1ChaudronC1984The effects of feedback on students composition revisions JRELC Journal, (15) :l-14. 2Langan. J. 2014. College Writing Skills with Reading T. 北京:外语教育与研究出版社. 3丁往道. 1997. 英语写作手册M. 北京:外语教育与研 究出版社. 4教育部考试中心. 2015. 普通高等学校招生全国统一考试 英语科考试说明(高考综合改革实验省份试用)(第一版 )M. 北京:高等教育出版社. Acknowledgements



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