高一英语人教课标必修1 Unit 2 知识点学案

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1、高一英语人教课标必修1 Unit 2 知识点学案Unit 2 English around the world重点单词:1. base vt. 根据;基于 n. 基部;基础;基地 【常考搭配】(1) base on/upon(=be based on/upon)根据;以为基础be based in 驻扎;设立;以为基础(2) the base of a building 建筑物的地基(3) basic adj. 基本的;基础的(4) basis n. 原因;准则,方式,基础,要点on the basis of 根据;在基础上;基于【温馨提示】在base on/upon 结构中,base 是vt

2、. Base 后要跟宾语,否则要用被动形式be based on/upon【牛刀小试】1. I like the film Never Forget Beidahuang, which_the stories that happened in the northeast of China.(base)我喜欢不要忘记北大荒这部电影,它是以发生在中国的西南部的故事为依据的 (黄冈中学2012秋期中考试)答案:was based on 2. The editor advised the reporter _. (base)主编要求报道要以事实为依据。(黄冈中学2012秋期中考试)答案:to base

3、 his report on facts.3. _ (以为基础) what happened to him many years ago, it reads like a real-life story. (base)(2011-2012武汉二中高一上期中) 以他多年前发生的为基础的故事,读起来像是怎么真实的生活样。答案:Based on 2. command n . 命令(order); 控制,掌握 vt. 命令,指挥;把握,掌握【常考搭配】(1) at sbs command 听某人的支配in command of 指挥;控制under ones command 由指挥take comma

4、nd of . 控制;担任的指挥have a good command of 很好的掌握,精通(2) command sb to do sth 命令某人做某事command that (should) do .命令做【温馨提示】command that 后的从句要用虚拟语气,谓语动词用“should +动词原形”should 可以省略。能用此结构的动词口诀:一坚持(insist); 二命令(command , order); 三建议(advise , suggest , propose);四要求(request, demand, desire, require)【牛刀小试】1. A growi

5、ng number of students spend so much time on internet and TV with less and less rest and study, which _ parents and educators very much.2012秋湖北省部分重点中学期中联考A. settlesB. conquersC. concernsD. commands 2. Although she was not the group leader, she insisted that _ (自己来安排) the trip properly. (organize) 虽然她

6、不是团队的领导,她检查自己来合理安排旅行。答案:she should organize 3. He commanded that the students _the classroom before he returned. (leave)他命令学生们在他回来之前不得离开。(2013-2014湖北省部分重点中学高一上期中答案: (should) not leave4. Saying that I had stolen his wallet, the old man insisted that_ the police station with him. (go)( 2013-2014荆州中学高一

7、上期中)这位老人说我偷了他的钱包并坚持让我跟他一起去警察局。答案:I (should) go to3. request n& vt. 请求;要求【常考搭配】(1) at ones request (=at the request of sb)应某人的请求be in (great) request (大量)需要,受欢迎make a request /requests 发出请求(2) request sb (not) to do sth . 要求某人做/不做某事request sth of sb. 向某人要求某物(3) request that sb (should) do .请求某人做It is

8、 requested that .(should) do 据要求【牛刀小试】1. Duty is an act or a course of action that people _ you to take by social customs, law or religion. 2011年育才中学高一十月月考英语试题A. persuade B. request C. instruct D. expert2. The boss refused our to leave work early. 沙市六中2012 年秋期中考试试卷A. base B. command C. request D. qu

9、estion3. He cant _ his idea clearly, so we cant make any conclusion from it.孝感高中2012-2013年上学期期中考试A. ignore B. express C. request D. forecast4. The teacher requested that everybody _ tomorrow. (late)老师要求明天所有人上课都不能迟到(2011-2012武汉二中高一上期中)5. I requested that he _ an hour earlier. (come)我要求他提前一个小时到(2013-2

10、014汉铁高中高一9月月考)答案:should come4. recognize / recognize vt. 辨认出;承认;公认【常考搭配】(1) recognize ones voice / handwriting / sb. 辨认出某人的声音/笔迹/某人recognize sb/sth as/to be 承认某人(某物)是be recognized as / to be . 被大家承认/ 被普遍接受是It is (generally) recognized that 人们公认(2) recognition n. 认出,承认,确认;认可beyond /out of recognition

11、 难以认出 【牛刀小试】1. The teacher_that most of his pupils would pass the examination, but the result disappointed him. 20112012保康一中上期中考试A. determined B. recognized C.prefered D.forecasted.2. He has changed so much that you may well not _ him. 湖北省武汉市部分重点中学2011-2012学年度上学期高一期中考试 A. command B. recognize C. jud

12、ge D. forecast3. He looked at the envelope and _Jennys handwriting immediately.2011-2012襄阳市田家炳中学上学期期中考试A realized B recognized C reminded D remembered4. Joe had changed so much that I could hardly _ him at first in Shanghai Expo Garden. 湖北省孝感高级中学20112012学年上学期期中考试 A. rememberB. realizeC. recognizeD.

13、ignore5. I havent seen Sara since she was a little girl, and she has changed beyond _.湖北省部分重点中学2013-2014学年度上学期高一期中考试 A. hearing B. recognition C. strength D. measure 6. I havent seen Sara since she was a little girl and she has changed beyond _.龙泉中学2013-2014学年度上学期期中考试A. measure B. strength C. attitu

14、de D. recognition7. Even when the film star wears sunglasses or beards, people _ him湖北省孝感高级中学20132014学年度高中一年级上学期期中考ArealizeBrecoverCrequestDrecognize识记单词:1. native adj . 本国的;本地的; n. 本地人;本国人a native of Beijing 土生土长的北京人native English speakers 以英语为母语的人be native to a place (动植物等)原产于某地native ability 天生的能力2. frequent adj. 频繁的;常见的【牛刀小试】1. .In order to ensure childrens health, we are det



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