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1、Yeshiva University叶史瓦大学一 概况:叶史瓦大学建于1886年,位于纽约市。是一所由犹太人主持的最古老的综合学校。叶史瓦大学共分为4个校区:Wilf Campus曼哈顿Beren Campus曼哈顿Brookdale Center曼哈顿Resnick Campus布朗克斯 位于wilf校区的有犹太学院(Yeshiva College);西西姆斯商学院男生部(Syms School of Business (mens division));伯纳德瑞维尔犹太学硕士学校(Bernard Revel Graduate School of Jewish Studies);沃尔兹外勒社会

2、工作学校(Wurzweiler School of Social Work);阿兹瑞利犹太教育和管理硕士学校(Azrieli Graduate School of Jewish Education and Administration);神学院(Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary);犹太音乐学院(Philip and Sarah Belz School of Jewish Music);Yeshiva University High School for Boys/Marsha Stern Talmudical Academy。 位于Beren校

3、区的有斯特恩女子学院(Stern College for Women)和西西姆斯商学院女生部(SySyms School of Business (womens division)位于曼哈顿中城区,临近帝国大厦和其他纽约地标性建筑 位于Brookdale校区的有位于格林威村的本杰明卡多佐法学院(Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law) 位于Resnick校区的有爱因斯坦医学院(Albert Einstein College of Medicine)、费尔考夫心理学研究生院(Ferkauf Graduate School of Psychology)YUs progr

4、ams for undergraduates Stern College for Women Yeshiva College Sy Syms School of BusinessGraduate Schools Albert Einstein College of Medicine Azrieli Graduate School of Jewish Education and Administration Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law Bernard Revel Graduate School of Jewish Studies Ferkauf Gradu

5、ate School of Psychology Stern College for Women Sy Syms School of Business Wurzweiler School of Social Work Graduate Programs in Arts and SciencesNow in its second century, Yeshiva University is the countrys oldest and most comprehensive educational institution under Jewish auspices in America. It

6、is an independent university that ranks among the nations leading academic research institutions and, reflecting the time-honored tradition of Torah Umadda, provides the highest quality Jewish and secular education of any Jewish university in the world. Since its inception the University has been de

7、dicated to melding the ancient traditions of Jewish law and life with the heritage of Western civilization, and each year we celebrate as future leaders make YU their home.二 教学优势:根据美国新闻与世界报道周刊显示,2014年排名47。叶史瓦大学也获得了美国最有价值大学第41名。阿尔伯特爱因斯坦医学院在全美41名。在叶史瓦大学最受欢迎的专业是心理学、生物学/生物科学、会计、融资、希伯来语语言和文学。师生比例是1:6,69.

8、9%的班级学生人数不超过20人,52.9%的女生,47.1%的男生,68%学生住在校内,32%的学生住在校外,15%的学生拥有自己的车。学生满意度是90.5%三 申请要求对本科生申请者的要求是SAT Math 540-680,SAT Verbal 630, SAT Reading550680,SAT Writing540670,SAT总分1630-2030;ACT Composite2329,ACT English 2330,ACT Math 2027;托福最少82; GPA要求3.5,另外需要提供高中成绩单的英文翻译件,申请这所学校的学生需要参加面试秋季入学的学生在10月15号提交申请材料的


10、ndergraduateEnrollment:10257,其中国际生占InternationalStudents:982(10%);研究生录取人数GraduateEnrollment:17394,其中国际生占InternationalStudents:4227(24%)。2012-2013年学杂费大约需要$36,500,生活费用大学需要$10,750四学生生活学生生活办公室旨在培养学生的领导力、提供项目支持与指导。主要的学生组织有 The Stern College for Women Student council(SCWSC)有超过60个俱乐部,从心理到艺术,从社会正义到环境 The To

11、rah Activities Council(TAC)旨在帮助斯恩特女子学院的学生提升宗教和精神修养 SySyms School of Business Student Council组织Sym的学生参加活动。主要提供一些与未来职业相关的活动,还有一些单纯的娱乐活动。SYMSSC主办了超过15个俱乐部金融俱乐部、时尚营销俱乐部,商业领导俱乐部,营销俱乐部,会计学会和房地产俱乐部和许多更多。这个组织鼓励所有学生都加入俱乐部并且尽可能多的参加活动。 Yeshiva Student Union代表叶史瓦大学的每个学生,YSU董事会计划实施全校范围的活动。叶史瓦大学有着各式各样NCAA(Nationa

12、l CollegiateAthletic Association全国大学体育学会)水平运动队,绰号“马加比家族”,包括:男队的棒球、篮球、越野、击剑、高尔夫球、橄榄球、网球、排球、摔跤;女子篮球、越野、击剑、橄榄球、网球和排球。击剑是叶史瓦大学最成功的团队之一,是以原来的教练亚瑟陶贝尔命名的队伍。90年代的前几年和最近几年是篮球队最好的时代。纽约市,一座充满艺术、文化和历史气息的城市。这座城市以其难以胜数的艺术协会而著称,从古代手工艺品至现代艺术奇迹,各种藏品应有尽有。作为美国的金融经济中心、最大城市、港口和人口最多的城市,纽约的一举一动无时无刻不在影响着世界,甚至左右了全球的媒体、政治、教育

13、、娱乐与时尚界,因此被世人誉为“世界之都”。纽约是美国少数民族最为集中的地区,纽约市人口使用约170种语言,最为主要的是英语。纽约的气候类型是典型的海洋性气候,空气比较湿润,而且四季分明,是旅游的好地方,每个季节都有不同的景色等着你。帝国大厦、百老汇、纽约时报广场等著名的地方都可以游览五 知名校友Lucy Kaplansky美国歌手和创作家Samuel J. Danishefsky哥伦比亚大学化学系教授,纽约斯隆-凯特琳癌症中心得教授Dr. Dickstein,在阿尔伯特爱因斯坦医学院任教Aaron Klein纽约时报最畅销作者,WABC电台主持人、记者Daniel Kurtzer美国驻以色列

14、、埃及前大使RabbiDavid Nesenoff电影制片人和记者Daniel Wise数学家Local Atmosphere:It is in the heart of NYC! Theres no better placeAcademics:I came to Yeshiva University because it has a great pre-med program. Campus life is fun and engaging, theres a different event each night so if you want to fill your calendar it

15、 really isnt that difficult! The midtown location provides opportunity in itself to see the city and really see the dozen parades happening regularly! Classes are intriguing and the professors are only wanting to see you take your education far in life!Academics:Im majoring in English communications

16、, and there are tons of connections and internships available for PR/journalism. The career center and academic advising are helpful.Academics:Challenging, but Manageable. YU was ranked one of the top 50 schools in country. We have small classes, and can learn a lot from our teachers, but we have a double-curriculu



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