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1、省略should的虚拟语气,虚拟语气用在宾语从句中。,在suggest, advise, propose, insist, demand, desire, request, require, decide, order, command等动词后的宾语从句中,要用虚拟语气,表示建议、要求、决定或命令等,其谓语动词形式为should+动词原形,其中should可以省略,主句中的时态不限。,1. We proposed that _ (把那台机器再清洗一次)again. 2. The captain ordered that _(叫我们在天亮前离开村庄). 3. The students reque

2、sted that_(老师们在聚会上唱一支歌).,the machine (should) be cleaned,we (should) leave the village before daybreak,the teachers sing a song at the party,4. The workers demanded that_(增加工资). 5. He insisted that_(约翰干这项工作). 6. She suggested that _(会议应该推迟)till next week.,their pay (should) be raised,John (should) d

3、o the job,the meeting (should) be put off,虚拟语气,4、记住:insist / suggest 各有两种意思,要用不同的语气 Insist 表示“坚决要求”时,用虚拟形式,即 should + do; Insist 表示“坚称,坚持说”时,用陈述语气,表示事实。 Suggest 表示“建议”时,用虚拟形式。 Suggest 表示“表明、暗示”时,用陈述语气。 例句 The teacher suggested that we (should) clean the blackboard after class. 老师建议我们课后把黑板擦了。 He insi

4、sted that all of us should be there on time by any means. 他坚持要我们大家想尽办法按时去那儿。 He insisted that he was right.,虚拟语气在:在宾语从句中,在句型“It is suggested (requested, proposed, desired, ordered) that “中,that 后面的从句中的谓语动词用: should + 动词原形。,1. It was suggested that _(把运动会推迟) until next Saturday. 2. It is desired that

5、_(我们到今晚将一切准备就绪) by tonight. 3. It was ordered that_(用飞机把药送往那里).,the sports meeting be put off,we (should) get everything ready,the medicine be sent there by plane,4) 虚拟语气用于表语从句中。 由suggestion, order, advice, desire, idea, request, proposal等名词做主语的句子里,其表语录从句用虚拟语气表示建议、命令或要求等。从句中的谓语动词形式为should+动词原形,其中sho

6、uld可以省略。,1. My advice is that_(在村庄周围多种些树). 2. Their proposal is that_(要我们为他们成立一所业余学校) for them. 3. His idea is that_(我们应讨论一下这个报告).,more trees (should) be planted around the village,we should set up a spare time school,we (should) discuss the report,虚拟语气,同位语从句的先行词常是表示说话人愿望、建议、要求、命令等的名词。 The suggestio

7、n that students (should) learn something practical is worth considering. Do you know the order that you (should) keep watch.,虚拟语气在 在同位语从句中,A,16.He suggested that they _ use a trick instead of fighting. A. should B. would C. do D. had,C,17.My father did not go to New York; the doctor suggested that h

8、e _ there. A. not went B. wont go C. not go D. not to go,A,19.Would you rather I _ buying a new bike? A. decided against B. will decide against C. have decided D. shall decide against,C,24.His doctor suggested that he _ a short trip abroad. A. will take B. would take C. take D. took,C,28.The law req

9、uires that everyone _ his car checked at least once a year. A. has B. had C. have D. will have,C,34.The librarian insists that John _ no more books from the library before he returns all the books he has borrowed. A. will take B. took C. take D. takes,A,38.He insisted that we all _ in his office at

10、one oclock. A. be B. to be C. would be D. shall be,A,40.I must go there earlier. John has suggested that I _ an hour before the discussion begins. A. go B. shall go C. will go D. would go,1It is strange that she _ marry such an ugly man. Awould Bshould Cshall Dmust 2Its not right that the meeting _

11、off till tomorrow. Amust be put Bmust put Cwill be put Dbe put 3It was impossible that he _ the train, for he had started out very early. Acould have missed Bmust have missed Cshould have missed Dshould miss 4Its a pity that he _ such a good chance. Ashould miss Bshould have missed Chas missed Dall

12、the above 5He tried to find some excuse for the debt, but I insisted that he _ it off at once. Amust pay Bought to pay Cpaid Dpay,6Mr. Ford insisted that he _ right, though the others didnt think so. Ashould do Bshould have done Chad done Ddid,答案与解析,(二),1选B。分析见本章语法说明。 2选D。本句带有要求之意,故从句谓语用should型虚拟语气。

13、D项中的should被省略。 3选C。本句也带有惊讶之意,故从句须用should型虚拟语气。但由于是过去的事情所产生的惊讶,所以用should+不定式完成式。 4选D。如选A,这表达了说话人对将来的事所发出的感叹,选B则是对已经过去的事情的感叹。选C则是一个直陈语气,即说话人对此并不一定感到十分惋惜,而是对此事的陈述。 5选D。insist在作“坚持要求别人做某事”时,需要用should型虚拟语气,should也可以省略。 6选C。insist在作“坚持自己的观点、看法等”解时,不需要用虚拟语气,所以A、B两项用在此处不当。D项时态不准确,故也应排除。,7His pale face sugge

14、sted that he _ the sad news. Ashould be told Bshould have been told Cwas told Dhad been told 8He suggested that we _ here at once. Ashould leave Bmust leave Cleft Dought to leave 9My order is that everyone _ their own work in time. Amust complete Bcompleted Ccompletes Dcomplete 10Weve made the decision that we _ at the school gate at 7 tomorrow morning. Awill gather Bare about to gather Cwould gather Dshould gather 11-Ill be waiting for you at h



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