四年级上册英语课课练Unit 1This is my new friendLesson 3人教精通含答案

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Lesson3 课课练一、读句子,选择正确图的序号(1) Im from Singapore.(2) Im from Beijing, China(3) We are good friends.(4) This is my new friend.(5) Whos this boy? Hes my brother.来源:学,科,网A. 来源:学科网B. C. D. E. 来源:学*科*网二、重新排列下列句子的顺序,使其成为一组完整的对话(1) Hi! Uncle Wang. Nice to meet you, to.(2) Dad, this is my new friend, Lily.(3) Hello, Lily! Nice to meet you.(4) Where are you from?(5) Im from Canada.正确的顺序是:_来源:学#科#网来源:Zxxk.Com参考答案一、(1)-(5) BDCAE二、(2)(3)(1)(4)(5)


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