2019PEP版三年级英语上册: 期中检测题 (有答案)

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《2019PEP版三年级英语上册: 期中检测题 (有答案)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2019PEP版三年级英语上册: 期中检测题 (有答案)(5页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、期中测试卷(一)听力部分一、听单词,排序。1. easy lovely worry ( ) ( ) ( )2. row use slow ( ) ( ) ( )3. fork make cake( ) ( ) ( )4. shop chopsticks thanks( ) ( ) ( )5. far fast fly( ) ( ) ( )二、听录音,选出你所听到的句子。( ) 1. A. Do you want noodles? B. Do you want rice? C. Do you use chopsticks in the UK?( ) 2. A. We are making a c

2、ake. B. We are making a plane. C. We are making a cake.( ) 3. A. Theyre paper flowers. B. Theyre dragon boats.C. They are green trees.( ) 4. A. Can you run fast? B. Can you jump far?C. Can you swim?( ) 5. A. Can I have some sweets, please? B. Can I come in?C. Can I read this book?三、听句子,选择单词填空。1. Do

3、you want _ (rice/noodles)?2. This bird _ (can/cant) fly.3. Can I have a _ (hamburger/drink)?4. Look at _ (those/these) ducks.5. Im _ (working/reading).笔试部分一、给图片选择正确单词。library bread cry shop boat(1) (2) (3) _ _ _(4) (5) _ _二、将图片和相应短语连线。(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) A. a knife and fork B. a dragon boat C. make

4、a cake D. run fast E. watch TV三、根据句意,选择相应的单词填空。1. Do you use chopsticks_ (in/at) the UK?2. Im watering _ (the/a) flowers.3. You cant run fast. You are _ (fast/slow).4. I like noodles. Theyre _ (English/Chinese) fast food.5. This is the library. You _ (can/cant) sing here. 四、单项选择。( ) 1. Lets _ a cake

5、 for Mum.A. makeB. listen C. play( ) 2. The noodles _ good.A. isB. be C. are( ) 3. What _ you _?A. are; eatB. are; eating C. is; eating( ) 4. I can see a duck. It can _.A. dance B. read C. swim( ) 5. People row _ this lake. A. on B. in C. at五、连词成句。1. fork, use, a, we, knife, and, (.)_2. doing, you,

6、what, are, (?)_3. to, please, go, room, your, (.)_4. coming, the, now, ducks, are, (.)_5. you, plane, eat, a, can, (?)_六、连线。(1) Do you want rice? A. Here it is.(2) What are these? B. Yes, I am.(3) Where is the bread? C. No, I cant.(4) Can you run fast? D. Yes, please.(5) Are you eating a hamburger?

7、E. They are dragon boats.七、下列各句中均有一处错误,请找出并改正。( ) 1. He is using chopstick. ( ) _ A B C( ) 2. Go or make your cake. ( ) _ A B C( ) 3. They are play hide-and-seek. ( ) _ A B C( ) 4. Can I reads books here? ( ) _ A B C( ) 5. -Can I fly a kite? -No, you can. ( ) _A B C参考答案听力部分听力材料一、1. lovely easy worry

8、 2. row slow use 3. fork make cake 4. chopsticks thanks shop 5. far fly fast二、1. Do you want rice?2. We are making a cake.3. They are green trees.4. Can you swim?5. Can I read this book?三、1. Do you want noodles? 2. This bird cant fly.3. Can I have a drink?4. Look at these ducks.5. Im reading.听力答案一、1

9、. 213 2. 132 3. 123 4. 312 5. 132二、1-5 BACCC三、1. noodles 2. cant 3. drink 4. these 5. reading笔试部分一、(1) shop (2) library (3) bread (4) boat (5) cry二、(1)-(2) DECAB三、1. in 2. the 3. slow 4. Chinese 5. cant四、1-5 ACBCA五、1. We use a knife and fork.2. What are you doing?3. Please go to your room.4. The ducks are coming now.5. Can you eat a plane?六、(1)-(5) DEACB七、1. C chopsticks 2. B and 3. B playing 4. B read 5. B Yes 5 / 5


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