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1、南京航空航天大学 硕士学位论文 生态意义的探索:权力和白骨的动物符号解读 姓名:唐晓芹 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:英语语言文学 指导教师:石云龙 2011-01 An Ecological Analysis of Power and The White Bone IV 摘摘 要要 生态批评和动物研究的兴起推动了文学中动物研究的发展,随之出现的“动物转向”引导 人们从更深层次理解和探究动物在人类社会中的意义, 并引发生态文学中动物意象研究的热潮。 生态批评伦理观在此背景下进一步思考文学作品中呈现的人与动物的错综复杂关系以及藉此表 现出的生态主题。琳达霍根的权力和芭芭拉高蒂的白骨是同时期的代表作品

2、,诸 多研究者并未以生态批评动物转向为宏观语境, 有意或无意地忽略了小说动物意象的重要意义。 在生态批评的“动物转向”研究背景下,霍根和高蒂分别在小说权力和白骨中运 用动物意象并赋予其丰富的象征意义,使其成为具有多层文化涵义的符号。本文从三个方面探 究两部小说中动物意象的含义,即尊重他者、构建和谐、关怀人类。以生态伦理和动物研究视 角而论,人类肆意无情地屠杀动物,完全摒弃了对动物的道德关怀。通过小说中动物悲惨命运 的分析,本文探讨当前生态批评下动物研究中动物权力和它们的道德地位。霍根和高蒂试图为 动物“他者”代言,解构人类话语霸权,将动物意象作为尊重他者的符号,阐释动物故事体现 出的生态智慧和

3、精神,进而将人类带回到物我共存的和谐生态系统。她们以文学话语为介质尝 试超越人与动物的界限走向和谐社会。同时,这些动物符号宣扬生态整体意识,使得重建人与 动物新型关系成为可能,进一步体现出作者通过动物符号表达的对人类的关怀。小说中的动物 符号成为人类构建生态身份,实现自我价值的一面镜子。 本文在动物研究、后殖民生态批评、以及生态美学伦理的基础上,解读权力和白骨 中动物意象,认为霍根和高蒂在“动物转向”背景下对动物问题的思考既值得赞扬又具有一定 可悲性。她们试图阐释动物在人类中心主义影响较小的社会中的作用,其终极目标还是对人类 的关怀。在一定程度上,她们在处理人与动物关系的时候仍然陷入一个两难的

4、境地,这或许正 是将来人类社会中动物研究需要进一步改进的地方。 关键词:关键词:霍根,高蒂,动物符号,生态,和谐 An Ecological Analysis of Power and The White Bone II ABSTRACT The simultaneous emergence of ecocriticism and animal study has brought on a critical need for the discussion of animals in literature. The consequential appearance of “animal turn

5、” leads people to a more profound understanding of animals in human society and triggers the study of animal images in ecological literature. An ecological ethic concerning animals has developed in this context, which takes into consideration the complicated human/animal relationship and the ecologi

6、cal embodiment of animal images in literature. Linda Hogans Power(1998) and Barbara Gowdys The White Bone (1998) are published in coincidence with the animal turn in ecocriticism, but the vital role the animal images play has been consciously or unconsciously neglected. Setting Power and The White B

7、one in the background of the “animal turn”, Hogan and Gowdy have created respectively abundant animal images which serve as symbols with multilayer of cultural meanings. This thesis explores the implication of animal symbols in the two novels from three aspects, namely, the respect for the other, th

8、e construction of harmony and the concern for humanity. It is argued that in terms of ecocritical ethic and animal study, humans have given up all moral considerations of animals by relentlessly slaughtering them at random. By exploring the fate of animals presented in the two novels, carefully the

9、thesis investigates carefully the animal rights and their moral status in the current ecological animal study. Hogan and Gowdy attempt to speak for animal “others” and make animal symbols serve as an expression of the respect for others by decentering humans hegemonic discourse. The respect for anim

10、al others brings back humans to a harmonious ecosystem where they coexist with animals, examining the ecological wisdom and spirit of the animal stories portrayed by Hogan and Gowdy. Indicated in their literary discourses is the effort to go beyond the human/animal boundary towards community of harm

11、ony. The animal symbols show the possibility of a renewed connection and relationship through a consciousness of ecological integration which demonstrates the connotation and denotation of the animals as symbols for humanistic concerns. The animals are mirrors for humans to construct an ecological i

12、dentity and fulfill the self-realization of individuals. With the theoretical underpinnings of animal study, postcolonial ecocriticsm, and the ecocritical aesthetic ethic, the thesis holds that the animals in Power and The White Bone are symbols that convey the authors own view, both laudable and la

13、mentable, of the animal issues in the context of the “animal turn”. Hogan and Gowdy attempt to interpret the roles that animals play in a less anthropocentric world with an ultimate concern for humanity. To some extent, they are also in a dilemma when dealing with the relationship between humans and

14、 animals, which perhaps needs 南京航空航天大学硕士学位论文 III further effort to develop in the future animal study. Key Words: Hogan, Gowdy, animal symbols, ecology, harmony 承诺书 本人郑重声明:所呈交的学位论文,是本人在导师指导下,独立进 行研究工作所取得的成果。尽我所知,除文中已经注明引用的内容外, 本学位论文的研究成果不包含任何他人享有著作权的内容。 对本论文所 涉及的研究工作做出贡献的其他个人和集体, 均已在文中以明确方式标 明。 本人授权

15、南京航空航天大学可以有权保留送交论文的复印件, 允许 论文被查阅和借阅,可以将学位论文的全部或部分内容编入有关数据库 进行检索,可以采用影印、缩印或其他复制手段保存论文。 (保密的学位论文在解密后适用本承诺书。) 作者签名: 日 期: 南京航空航天大学硕士学位论文 1 Introduction It is true that with the rapid development of science and technology, human society has made great strides in politics, economy, culture and other field

16、s. However, it has become an undeniable fact that, the environment has been seriously polluted as a result of ecological catastrophe, directly resulting in the imbalance of the ecosystem and causing a threat to the survival of living animals, plants and inevitably, human beings. Being aware of the deterioration of the environment and the increasing ecolo



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