四年级上册英语教案Unit 8The Spring Festival闽教版

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1、闽教版小学英语第三册Unit 8 The Spring FestivalPartA 一、教学目标:1.语言知识目标:(1)学习词汇;the Spring Festival, Chinese, spend, we, make, dumpling, family并懂得运用。(2)学习句子:Whats the Spring Festival?How do you spend the Spring Festival?We make rice cakes.Do you have a family dinner?(3)学习字母组合th在单词中读音。(4)功能:描述春节的风俗习惯。2. 语言技能目标(1)能

2、认读和正确书写the Spring Festival, Chinese, spend, we, make, dumpling, family。(2)通过学习能够用英语描述春节的风俗习惯。来源:学。科。网3.情感态度:让学生感受中国的传统节日-春节的风俗习惯,激发学生热爱中国传统文化的情感。4.文化意识:春节是农历正月初一,俗称“过年”。这是我国民间最隆重、最热闹的一个传统节日。春节到了,意味着春天将要来临,草木更新,新一轮播种和收获的季节又要开始了。学习重难点能认读和正确书写the Spring Festival, Chinese, spend, we, make, dumpling, fam

3、ily。三、教学准备:多媒体课件,教学光盘,单词图片四、教学步骤:Step 1: Warm up. Sing a songStep 2: ReviewFree talk.Step 3: Lead in. Tell the students to look at the screen then answer the questions.T: Whats that? Ss:a Christmas tree.由圣诞节引出中国最重要的节日。the Spring Festival,揭示课题和评价法。Step 4: Teaching the new words.1.通过春节视频导入教学Whats the

4、Spring Festival?Its Chinese New Year.2.通过Sally创设情境引出课文教学。教学spend, How do you spend the Spring Festival?来源:学科网ZXXK3.通过图片导入教学family We have a family dinner.dumpling, We make dumplings4,通过cake 引出make的教学。5.通过中国过春节南北方的差异导入We make rice cakes.来源:学&科&网Step 4: Drill游戏小孔成像。Step 5:Say a chant.Step 6:Learn the text.Step 7:语音教学 Step 8: Practise教师播放有关春节活动的有关视频,边播放边解说。学生分组说一说自己的家人是如何欢度春节的。Step 9: Homework 1、听磁带跟读课文五遍,家长签字2、做课堂活动用书。 板书设计Unit 8 The Spring FestivalPartA来源:学.科.网How do you spend the Spring Festival?We have a family dinner.来源:学,科,网Z,X,X,KWe make dumplings.We make rice cakes.


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