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1、小学英语四年级上册第五单元测试卷听力部分(40分)一、选出你所听到的单词。(10分)()1、Aready Bread Cred()2、Asoup Bspoon Csports()3、Afor Bfork Cfood来源:学。科。K()4、Abeef Bknife Cfish()5、AchopsticksBvegetable Chamburger()6、AnoodlesBhot dog Cjuice()7、Apass Bplate Cpainting()8、AId like some meat. BId like some chicken.()9、AHelp yourself. BLet me

2、show you.()10、AI like Chinese food. BI like French fries.二、听录音,给下面的图片标号。(10分)来源:Zxxk.Com()()()()()三、听录音,判断下列句子是否与录音内容相同,用或表示。(10分)()1、Let me try.()2、I can use chopsticks now.()3、Pass me a plate, please.()4、Wait and see.()5、We had a good time.四、仔细听录音,用标出他们所喜欢的食物。(10分)Namefishbeefhamburgernoodleshot d

3、ogjuicesoupmeatvegetablesMikeSarahAmyJohn来源:学_科_网Z_X_X_K笔试部分(60分)五、选择不同类的一项。(10分)()1、Asoup Bjuice Ccake Dwater()2、Aapple Bpear CorangeDbeef()3、ApurpleBdinnerClunchDbreakfast()4、ApandaBpencil Cpen Druler()5、Apink Bblack CroomDbrown六、根据图片把下列单词补充完整, 并连线。(10分)七、排序,把下面的句子组成一个通顺的对话。(6分)()Thank you, Mom.()

4、Wait and see.()Mom, Im hungry. Whats for dinner?()Everythings ready.来源:Zxxk.Com()What would you like for dinner?()Id like some fish and vegetables, please.八、单项选择题。(12分)()1、What would you like? _AId like some beef.BLet me try.CHelp yourself.()2、Whats for dinner? _AMany books.BSome fish and vegetables

5、.CGreat.()3、Can I have some fish, please? _AThanks.BSure.CLet me try.()4、Mom, can I help? _AYes. Pass me a fork.BMe too.CId like an apple.()5、See you tomorrow. _AThank you.BGood morning.CSee you.()6、Where are the chopsticks? _AThey are friends.BI can use chopsticks.CTheyre on the table.九、认真读一读,为下面的句

6、子选择相应的答语。(12分)()1、I like Chinese food. ATheyre in the door.()2、Is this your bedroom? BSix yuan.()3、What can you see in my room? CYes, it is.()4、How much is the soup? DMe too. ()5、Where are the keys? EI can see a chair and a desk.()6、What would you like for breakfast?FId like a hamburger.十、阅读理解,根据对话内

7、容判断正误,用或表示。(10分)Look at that boy. His name is Liu Bing. Hes a Chinese boy. He is in the kitchen. He likes apples. Su Yang is at home, too. She is in the study. She likes drawing. Is Gao Shan at home? No, he is in the park. He is thirsty. He wants to drink some juice. Miss Li is in the office. She is

8、 reading.()1、Liu Bing is in the kitchen .()2、Liu Bing likes eating pears.()3、Su Yang isnt in the study .()4、Gao Shan is thirsty and he wants to drink some juice.()5、Miss Li is drawing.来源:学科网附加题(20分)选择正确的汉语意思:()1、So said, so done. A消防员在这里。()2、Do one thing at a time, and do well.B进来坐下。()3、No sweet without sweat. C相信你自己。()4、No cross, no crown. D永不气馁。()5、Give and take. E那恰是我所喜欢的。()6、Its my cup of tea. F礼尚往来。()7、Never say die. G不经历风雨,怎么见彩虹。()8、Believe in yourself. H一分耕耘,一分收获。()9、Come in and sit down. I一次只做一件事,做到最好。()10、Here are the firemen. J言出必行。



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