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1、湘潭大学 硕士学位论文 晚清进士籍贯分布及分流研究 姓名:张喜桃 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:专门史 指导教师:王继平 20070501 1 摘 要 晚清时局动荡,内外交困,八股取士的科目人才不足以应时务,人们变革科 举的呼声日益高涨,科举制度不断演变。人物的地理分布既有自然环境的因素, 亦涵盖着人文社会环境各方面的影响,受自然环境、政治、经济、交通、文化状 况等的影响, 晚清进士分布呈现明显的地域不均衡性。 文化底蕴深厚、 经济繁荣、 交通便利、学术文风鼎盛的江浙地区,人文荟萃,科甲联翩。东北、西北、西南 各省,地处边陲,环境恶劣,交通不便,开发较迟,经济落后,文风不高,故进 士稀缺。 晚清仕

2、进重科举、重正途。深受传统儒家文化熏陶的中国知识分子以“学而 优则仕”为价值取向,大部分进士入仕为官,有的位列封疆大吏,在晚清的政治 舞台上大显身手。然而随着西方思潮的激烈涌入,中西文化不断冲撞、交融,传 统的人才结构及人才流向发生了根本变化。晚清进士或投身于政界、军界,或投 身于工商界、教育界,或投身于文艺界、科技界,走上了更加宽广的成才之路。 本文初步探讨了晚清科举制度的演变过程、进士的仕进及分流,并以清代行 政区划为准,着重对晚清进士的籍贯分布进行了系统的统计,对其分布规律及原 因进行了分析和总结,以便进一步了解区域的自然环境、政治、经济、交通、文 化发展的状态对人才分布的影响,研究在风

3、云激荡几十年中的晚清进士群体,探 讨晚清人才的地理分布规律。 关键词:晚清;进士;籍贯分布;分流 II ABSTRACT The current political situation turbulence of late Qing, the difficulties and knottiness at home and abroad ,the subject talents that are chosen from scholars to officials by the eight-part essay were not enough in conformity with these tr

4、ends of the times. In this situation, the voice of improving imperial examinations increasingly grew to even greater heights, imperial examination system was also developing constantly. Personages geographical distribution has not only a factor of natural environment, but also contains the influence

5、 of the humanism social environment of various fields. Influenced by natural environment, politics, economy, traffic, cultural state and so on, the distribution of successful candidate in the highest imperial examinations in late Qing showed obvious regional imbalance. With deep cultural details ins

6、ide information, prosperous economy, convenient traffic, powerful and splendid academic writing style, many renowned personalities and successful candidates were born in Jiangsu and Zhejiang area.Oppositely, with the location in the border area, the abominable the environment, inconvenient the traff

7、ic, the every province of the Northeast, the Northwest, the Southwest, was relatively late to develop, economy and writing style were both not high, so the successful candidates were rare. Late Qing government recognized serious imperial examinations and serious straight way, the successful Chinese

8、intellectuals from deep traditional edifying culture of the Confucian school took “a good scholar will make an official” as their value orientation, most successful candidates entered the government as the officials, exhibiting their skills on the political platform in late Qing.Howerver,with the po

9、uring of western ideological trend,Chinese and Western cultures were colliding and blending constantly, traditional composition of trained personnel and the flowing of talent began to take place basic change. The successful candidates of Late Qing threw themselves into political circles, military ci

10、rcles, business circles, education circles, literature and art circles, scientific and technological circles, taking a more broad road to become a useful person. This thesis tentatively probes into the development course of imperial examination system in late Qing, the official career and the difflu

11、ence of the successful candidates. According to administrative division of Qing Dynasty, the author carries on systematic statistics to the distribution of native place of successful candidates in late Qing. In order to have a further understanding about how natural environment, politics, economy, t

12、raffic, culture state of development of area III influence the distribution of talent, to study the development of the successful candidates group in the decade of agitational late Qing, to probe into late Qing talents geographical distribution law. The author also analyzes and summarizes the distri

13、bution law and reason of it. Key Words: Late Qing; Successful candidates in imperial examination system; Distribution of native place ;Diffluence IV 附 表 索 引 表 2.1 晚清(18401905 年)历朝各科进士录取人数统计表12 表 2.2 晚清(18401905 年)进士籍贯分布表13 表 2.3 晚清(18401905 年)进士人数分省统计表76 表 2.4 晚清(18401905 年)江苏进士分布统计表78 表 2.5 晚清(1840

14、1905 年)浙江进士分布统计表79 表 2.6 晚清(18401905 年)巍科人物籍贯分布表80 表 2.7 晚清(18401905 年)巍科人物省籍分布统计表81 表 2.8 晚清(18401905 年)江浙两省巍科人物具体分布统计表82 表 2.9 晚清(18401905 年)进士南北分布表83 表 2.10 清代藏书家地域分布表87 表 3.1 晚清进士曾任高层官吏人数约计91 表 3.2 晚清鼎甲累官至内外高层官吏约计92 表 3.3 晚清进士累官至内外高层官吏统计表92 表 3.4 晚清进士出身的八旗和汉人累官至内外高层官吏人数比较表106 表 4.1 晚清进士出身的驻外使臣统计

15、表111 1 引 言 “缙绅虽位极人臣,不由进士者终不为美。 ”我国自行科举以来,进士一科 就成为莘莘学子们尽力追逐的目标,而当历代王朝统治殆危时,如唐末、宋末、 元末、明末,无不更加重视科举以笼络士人,风雨飘摇中的晚清亦不例外。科举 取士,三年一度中式的进士中涌现出一大批政治、经济、教育、文学、艺术等方 面著名的人物,他们是晚清高级知识分子集中的群体,国家人才的精英,也是统 治集团的中坚力量,关系着清王朝的治乱和兴衰。鸦片战争以后直至清末,是近 代中国社会发生重大变革的历史时期,在这场“旷古未有之奇变”中,晚清科举 制度的演变以及进士的籍贯分布、仕进和分流,是一个非常令人关注的问题。这 篇论文的选题来源于导师王继平教授主持的晚清人才地理分布研究课题中的 一部分。考较晚清进士空间分布状况及其特征,对于研究晚清进士群体、科举制 度,推知各地经济、文风的高下,分析各地人才的兴衰,探讨晚清人才分布规律 及


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